Browsing by Author "Abagissa, Jemal (PhD)"
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Item The Assessment of Status in Public Procurement Planning and Implementation: the Case of Public Procurement and Property Disposal Service, Ethiopia(Addis Ababa University, 2016-11) Gelgelu, Abera; Abagissa, Jemal (PhD)The purpose of the study was to assess the practice of public procurement planning and Implementation (PPI) in Ethiopia, in the case of Public Procurement and property disposal Service (PPDS). The methodology used was both qualitative and quantitative methods, using descriptive techniques to discuss and interpret data. The study population was 120 staffs of PPDS of which the target population was 24 staffs working on procurement core process and five federal PB’s as end users. The sample size of 20 staffs were selected from target using purposive sampling techniques from procuring entity and 5 staffs from end users were selected from sector ministries. The Questionnaires, in-depth interview and document review were used to collect data. The techniques used to analyze data were, frequency and percentage using Microsoft excel. The finding reveals that limited capacity in conducting needs assessment, description of needs, and late submission of requirements, insufficient staffing of procurement unit in terms of number and skill required, limited quality training in planning activities and preparation of procurement document at each stage, inadequate review procedure of requirement submitted by PB’s, lack of practice in announcement of annual procurement plan, limited capacity: in conducting market survey, in costing and scheduling procurement activities, contract management, and monitoring; shortage and turnover of qualified professional, lack of using PP as management and monitoring tools, limited practice in periodic review of effectiveness in planning and implementation of public procurement, limited experience of using some procurement methods, submission of substandard requirement in terms of specification/TOR/SOW, limited interest to participate in open bidding by most suppliers/contractors and limited capacity of supplier to deliver as per contract and inadequate availability of foreign currency are among others. Based on the findings, following are major recommendations: procurement unit need to be staffed with qualified and trained personals, collaborate with knowledge center to improve skills and competencies of workforce, avail resource and facility to professionals, adopt comprehensive procurement planning documents, regularly provide quality training in all aspect, implement practice of conducting market survey and update market information and supplier list and apply oversight and control mechanism to support accountability throughout procurement cycle and create awareness and collaborate with key stakeholders at different level, enforce submission of requirement as per timeline of directive, and establish a mechanism to conduct periodic assessment and consistently the result of procurement planning, process and systemItem The Challenges of Implementing Performance Based Pay System: the Case of Ethio-Telecom(Addis Ababa University, 2015-03) Muluneh, Yoseph; Abagissa, Jemal (PhD)The study sought to assess the Challenges of Implementing Performance-Based Pay System in the case of Ethio-Telecom. In this research, a case study approach was employed. To realize the objectives of this research, both qualitative and quantitative data were collected from the target study population. To this effect, 39 raters from the management and supervisors as well as 390 employees of the organization working in Addis Ababa in different divisions were selected using a non-probability sampling technique. Two sets of Close-ended questionnaires were employed for data collection instrument from both group and five managers who work in the HR Division were interviewed. Then the response was analyzed using a simple statistical tool. The findings of the research show that target and goals of the organization is not communicated to all level in the same manner and the claimed current performance management system as well as the performance measurement tools are not appropriately used to measure performance of employees. Consequently, the performance-based pay system that was introduced in the previous year was merely based on subjective assessment of employees by their raters rather than evaluation based on set objectives that could measure actual performance. The research indicates that there is lack of link between employees’ performance and the pay system in the organizationItem The Contributions of Strategic Planning to Organizational Performance: the Case of Sululta Town Administration(Addis Ababa University, 2015-06) Ketema, Bekele; Abagissa, Jemal (PhD)The study sought to investigate the contributions of strategic planning to organizational performances in the selected sectors of Sululta Town. The study has also sorted out the context of strategic planning prior to its design. In addition, the research investigated the practices and challenges in the course of designing, implementing and over sighting the plan in the ex-post implementation. In order to systematically approach the problem. This approach was selected on the ground that it helps the selection of Case Study approach. To this effect, a case study is chosen as an overall approach for its ability to incorporate to qualitative and quantitative methods in the collection and analysis of data that focuses on the various issues of the study. Besides, in order to meet the objectives of the research, both primary and secondary sources of data were accessed using questionnaire, interviews and observations. Moreover, from 22 public sector organizations that have implemented strategic planning, 5 sectors were randomly selected from where 37 respondents were selected using simple random sampling and 13 were selected as key informants who were purposely considered. The results show that though there has been a gap to improve, to a better degree there has been awareness creation prior to the design of Strategic Planning. However, results show that there was a gap in participating wider level of management and stakeholders in the course of designing the plan. This study also shows that the Strategic Planning has resulted in positive changes with regard to revenue collection, efficient service delivery and increased desire for qualified manpower. Finally, the researcher recommends that, in the planning processes to come in the future, the Town Administration should create adequate awareness for both employees and the stakeholders. It is also recommended that good performing units and employees should be rewarded so as to motivate the poorly performing ones. Moreover, further research is recommended as strategic planning multiple dimensionsItem Corruption Prevention Strategy of the Federal Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission: it’s Efficacy in Curbing Corruption in Public Procurement(Addis Ababa University, 2016-06) Kifetew, Berhanu; Abagissa, Jemal (PhD)The objective of the study is to evaluate the Efficacy of the Corruption Prevention Strategy of the Federal Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission of Ethiopia in curbing corruption in public procurement so as to protect public resource from being looted. To this end, the study evaluates and presents the efficacy of procurement business process evaluation, which is one major activity in the corruption prevention strategy of the FEACC, focusing at public procurement, in curbing corruption in public procurement through the analysis of primary and secondary data. Primary data were collected from respondents and key informants drawn from different public and private institutions; and secondary data from pertinent government offices. The study employs explanations, deductions, percentage, triangulation of data in its analysis and interpretation of the data in its quest for answers for the research questions. The finding of the study shows that the corruption prevention strategy of the FEACC has efficacy in curbing corruption in public procurement despite the fact that the strategy has not yet garnered sufficient state sanction, the most significant instrument, behind its implementation for its furthermost contribution in tackling corruption in the public procurement domain. Also the strategy needs to be owned and mainstreamed in each and every public institution so as to fend of corruption using their in-house capacity in a sustained manner, rules that give lee way to bypass the procurement legal regime need to be reconsidered as they are abused more often than note. Key words: FEACC, corruption, corruption prevention strategy, efficacy, curbing corruption, public procurement, business process evaluationItem Managing Urban Institutions for Development (Employment and Housing) in Addis Ababa City(Addis Ababa University, 2015-02) Shiferaw, Biruk; Abagissa, Jemal (PhD)Addis Ababa city is experiencing rapid expansion and population growth. Following the population growth the demand for employment opportunities is getting much higher than the supply of jobs. In addition to this the expansion of the city could not significantly respond to the demand for shelter. These key problems of employment opportunity and housing shortage are becoming a challenge to urban citizens in Addis Ababa. Unless these evils are tackled, the desired fruits of development i.e. improved quality of urban citizen’s life will not be realized. None of urban institutions could resolve these problems individually but individual actions need to be coordinated, road blocks cleared and challenges tackled by different institutions having different in some cases overlapping roles. This thesis aims at exploring the government institutions’ role of enabling the private sector and NGO’s & Private Company’s contribution in tackling unemployment and housing shortages. The role of one NGO, WISE, and one private company, Sunshine construction PLC, were taken in this thesis to see their individual and coordinated action in tackling unemployment and housing shortage in Addis Ababa. This resulted in-depth understanding of the problem and recommending possible solutions. The thesis has revealed that the level of unemployment in Addis Ababa is significantly high, the absence of employment policy and coordinated action caste its shadow on the efforts of government in tackling unemployment. Similarly, there has been no coordinating organ of the housing sector that synergizes individual efforts and clear obstacles. Moreover the supply of land is a bit of a challenge that negatively affecting the supply of housing. Strong collaboration and partnership among the NGOs, private firms and the government organs responsible for housing and employment believed to bring about a positive change in the labour market and housing developmentItem Migration and Reintegration Endeavor of Women Domestic Workers Returnees from Saudi Arabia: the Experience of Saudi Returnees in North Wollo, Woldia Town(Addis Ababa University, 2016-06) Seid, Lezebet; Abagissa, Jemal (PhD)The objective of this study is to address Migration and reintegration supports provided to female returnees from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in Woldia town administration. The study provides an understanding on the challenges of female returnees. Moreover, it brings a discussion on how these experiences have affected the life of returnees. Descriptive research design was employed with the objective of revealing the experiences of forced returnees, paid attention to explore the return, reunification and reintegration of forced return migrants from the family network perspectives. The study participants of this research are 124 forced returnees from the Saudi Arabia. Data were collected through simple random sampling techniques. The data collection techniques used included structured interview, key informant interview, un structured interview and observation. The data was analyzed thematically through detailed narration and discussion to get in- depth insight of the subject matter. The finding reveals the main causes for their migration were poverty, lack of education, influence and pressure from friends and families, slight change in the life of neighbors or friends whose relatives are living abroad. The finding of the study demonstrate that since they were deported empty-handed, housing problems and unavailability of jobs were hindering them from reintegrating with their family and community. The result showed that there was a gap in providing comprehensive reintegration programs in effective and coordinated manner, due to these returnees desire of re- migrating again. The study revealed that there is a need for migration policy and national policy on rehabilitation and reintegration of returnees by involving key actors like MOLSA, Minister of foreign affairs, Immigration and Citizenship Authority, NGOs, private stake holders and academiciansItem Peculiar Health Problems Due to Industrial Wastes in Addis Ababa City: the Case of Akaki Kality Industrial Zone(Addis Ababa University, 2014-04) Aregawi, Tesfay; Abagissa, Jemal (PhD)Despite various environmental problems in our country, this study focused on the industrial waste/ pollution of Akaki Kality industrial zone. The AIZ is characterised by its large number of manufacturing industries. The community in the area are living side by side with these industries. This lack of demarcation, therefore, is causing various health problems on the inhabitants as they are highly exposed to wastes. This paper analyzes the peculiar health problems of such wastes on the residents of AIZ. In light of this objective, the perceived and actual health problems, the vulnerable section of the community, waste management practice of some selected industries and the intervention mechanisms are analyzed. The study employed case study design and used both qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection. In order to achieve the objective of the study, literatures were reviewed, and questionnaire, key informant interview and focus group discussions were used as main research instruments. The result has indicated that the local factories are not properly managing their wastes and dispose them to nearby environment without any precaution. As a result the different types of wastes from the industries in the area are affecting the health of the inhabitants. Cough, diarrhea, typhoid, typhus, skin problem, gastro intestinal disorder, asthma and eye problems are the commonly experienced problems by the inhabitants. Most of the inhabitants perceived that these health problems are attributed to industrial wastes. Children, elderly people and vegetable farmers are the most vulnerable groups of the society by the diseases. The result has also indicated that, the relevant environmental regulatory bodies have not been taken any measures to solve the problem due to internal and external problems. Thus, giving awareness to residents, encouraging the enterprises to treat wastes and use best available technologies, regular monitoring and inspection of industries, improving the institutional capacity of environmental protection organs and strengthening the coordination between relevant institutions are recommended to solve the problemItem Practices and Challenges of Private Wing in Addis Ababa Hospitals(Addis Ababa University, 2016-06) Alemu, Wossen; Abagissa, Jemal (PhD)Private wings have been implemented on a small scale within Ethiopian public hospitals. These ‘differentiated amenities’ involve the provision of better services to patients who, under a fee-for-service reimbursement mechanisms, pay out-of-pocket or through medical insurance. The public sector objectives for these wings include retention of highly qualified health personnel, additional revenue generation as well as wider benefits to the public health system, leading to better access for middle income class population groups and development of new models of service delivery which will help to finance the health system. According to the status report of health care financing synthesis report in 2005 EC, Ethiopia has about 45 hospitals which have established private wings and out of these seven hospitals are in Addis; among these hospitals in Addis, four are administered by Addis Ababa city Administration. The study was conducted with the objective of investigating Private wing Practices and Challenges of Hospitals in Addis Ababa and to identify the main challenging factors. In order to achieve this objective, primary data were collected from four selected hospitals administered in Addis Ababa City Administration. Sixty patients, sixty health professionals, four Chief Executive Officers (CEO's) through questionnaires, key informant interview (KII) with concerned bodies and Patient Exit Interviews were used to gather relevant information directly from service users. Secondary data were collected from HSFR (Health Sector Financing Reform) guidelines, TAG (Technical Advisory Group) reports, and PW (Private Wing) performance reports. Results of the study indicate that conflict of interest, Existence of Contextual differences in the operation of private wing, Unfair revenue sharing and unequal service provision, Gaps in legal frame work, Demand for specialized and selective services, Unregulated fee levels for private wing services, Absence of systematized regulatory mechanisms are important and challenging factors that influence the private wing system. Finally, to enhance the existing functioning system of private wings, this study made recommendations Federal Ministry of Health and Hospital's management to deliberate considering the resources available for the sustainability and success of private wings. Key words: Private wing, challenge, practice, prospect, health professionals and patientsItem The Role of Civil Service reform in Improving Public Service Delivery: the Case of Woreda 4(Alem Bank) Health Center, Kolfe Keranyo Sub- City, Addis Ababa City Administration-Ethiopia(Addis Ababa University, 2017-01) Assefa, Gezae; Abagissa, Jemal (PhD)The main purpose of this study was to assess the role of service delivery reform in improving health service delivery focusing on Woreda 4 Health Center in KolfeKeranyo Sub-City. To deal with the problems on service delivery, three fundamental research questions were formulated to evaluate the responsiveness, quality and timeliness of services that provided by the health center as a result of reform implementation in the public health sector as well as challenges encountered in the implementation of reform program in service delivery in woreda 4 health center. To conduct the study, mixed method study design was employed, and simple random and purposive sampling methods were used to select 272 service users and 10 health workers and officials of the health center and sub-city health office respectively. The main instruments of data collection were questionnaire, in-depth interview and document analysis. The data were analyzed using frequency tables and percentage. The finding of the study reveals that the majority of service user participants of the study have confirmed that they were satisfied by the health services provided by the woreda health center. This justifies that currently the contribution of the implementation of service delivery reform in health service institutions has had significant positive role in improving health service delivery. From the findings of the study it was possible to conclude that health service delivery is improving through the implementation of service delivery reform despite some challenges that needed to be addressed in order to achieve all the intended objectives of the reform program for the benefit of end users in public health service delivery. The need to develop and implement comprehensive grievance and complaints handling mechanisms including a need for sensitization of customers about their rights and privileges, and the need to adopt and implement reward systems are some of the recommendations forward in order to consistently improve better service delivery in all public institutions in general and in woreda 4 health center in particularItem The Role of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Environmental Protection: the Case of MELCA Ethiopia and World Vision Ethiopia(Addis Ababa University, 2016-06) Shibabaw, Alelign; Abagissa, Jemal (PhD)The role of civil society organizations (CSOs) in environmental protection endeavor is considered in this study by taking into account one from each category of CSOs that are legally operating in Ethiopia i.e. Ethiopian Residence (MELCA Ethiopia), and Foreign Charity (World Vision Ethiopia). The objectives of the study is aimed at uncovering the specific roles and activities of SEGNI environmental education program, MELCA Ethiopia, and Humbo CDM project that works on forest regeneration under World Vision Ethiopia. It also attempts to figure out the benefits and challenges experienced by the projects. The study follows a descriptive research method to effectively address the foregoing objectives. The target population considered for SEGNI is the one that runs in Holeta town among those in Sebeta town, Welmera and Sebeta Hawas woreda due to mainly the existence of active and vibrant environmental protection activities. For Humbo CDM project, the target population taken in to account is the Humbo community that is organized under seven forest cooperatives. Abella Longena forest cooperative was targeted among the seven due to a relatively vast area it covered, high membership size, and sale and revenue sharing of carbon trading. The study employed both probability (i.e. simple random) and non-probability (purposive) sampling techniques appropriately. About 10 % of representative samples were selected using lottery method that yield 113 samples among the total 1125 SEGNI club members in Holeta and 90 samples from the 903 members at the cooperative. As a result of an active participation of members in environmental education, SEGNI members are able to acquire various ecological, cultural and indigenous knowledge, and it helped them develop attitudinal change, social responsibility, communication skill, and become proactive and action-oriented. The findings regarding the forest regeneration activities at Humbo woreda show that members are able to get full access to social, economic and legal benefits, not to mention the restoration of rich forest coverage that significantly decreased the environmental problems the community used to face. The environmental protection endeavors undertaken by both projects which are the first in its kind in Ethiopia have been well- recognized both nationally and internationally. And the success of the projects could be replicated elsewhere so as to reach out to a wider community whose overall impact will greatly contribute to a better living environment for all living things. The Charities and Societies proclamation (no. 621/2009) and the 70/30 directive have been found to be restrictive as it significantly affects local CSOS like MELCA Ethiopia. CSOs working towards environmental protection are therefore recommended to forge one umbrella so as to lobby against national and international laws affecting their operations and to create regional and international integration and networking for experience sharing and technical support.. Key Words: Environmental Protection, Civil Society Organizations, SEGNI program, Humbo CDM project, MELCA Ethiopia, World Vision EthiopiaItem The Role of Commercial Bank of Ethiopia in the Mobilization of Foreign Currency to Support Fertilizer Imports(Addis Ababa University, 2016-01) Girma, Anteneh; Abagissa, Jemal (PhD)Foreign currency deposit mobilization strategy of CBE is part of the corporate strategy formulated on June 2015 to be in effect for the coming consecutive five years. The strategy aims to maximize the foreign currency earning of the bank to meet the import needs of the country especially fertilizer. Several sources are identified by the bank’s corporate strategy as major sources of foreign currency. Some of them are remittances, export and cash purchase (service receipt). This paper assesses and examines the overall efforts of the CBE in mobilizing foreign currency to finance major import items like fertilizer. The study was conducted in a descriptive way of qualitative research approach. The unit of analysis for this study is the CBE’s foreign currency deposit mobilization strategy to support fertilizer import in which the bank implemented as part of corporate plan. Data were collected through questionnaire exporters of the bank and interview of key informants located on CBE, NBE and AISE and critically reviewing documents as well as reports. The sample for the interviews is purposive sampling as most of the information can be found from few individuals that are nearer to this activity. Based on the analysis of the study, the findings are that fertilizer is among the critical items of import by the bank on each budge year. Despite the challenges of mal-practices by some private banks on the collection of foreign currency, CBE manages to identify and collect foreign currency to support the import of inorganic fertilizer. Credit, Fund management and Trade Service departments of the bank are involved on the fertilizer import process in coordination with section of the Ministry of agriculture AISE. The country wide low performance of the export sector is also the other challenge the bank faces during mobilization of foreign currency. Furthermore, the study also identified that the bank has priority sectors while allocating the collected foreign currency similar to the GoE growth and developmental direction. Hence, the bank’s strategy to mobilize foreign currency has positive country wide implication in alleviating the scarcity of foreign currency especially supporting critical import items like chemical fertilizer. And the bank has to make sure that across department process integration is mandatory for the efficient and smooth mobilization of foreign currency. In addition for the successful execution the strategic plan, critical assessment of progress at the end of each quarter is also necessary by the top managementItem Satellite City and its Importance for Urban Socio Economic Development, the Case of Addis Ababa and its Surrounding Towns(Addis Ababa University, 2014-12) Wodajo, Yonatan dc. type Thesis; Abagissa, Jemal (PhD)The unprecedented pace of urbanisation in Addis Ababa has created a sense of urgency to address the agglomeration effect of urban facilities, particularly in social and physical infrastructure of the city. This thesis examines the socio economic trends in Addis Ababa, and considers alternative responses through the lens of satellite city development in surrounding towns of Addis Ababa. It illustrate the positive prospect of satellite city to increasing the socio- economic and physical infrastructure of urban land use, transport and buildings; access to improving water, waste management and other facilities. Therefore, in order to address those issues, the researcher used primary data collected through structured questionnaire, Key informant interview and referred to secondary source of data. As result, the collected data and information were compiled, analyzed and finally, puts in the form of manageable to presentation. Hence, the outcomes of this thesis provides specific attention to urban area to introduce the satellite city concept for major towns in the surrounding towns of Addis Ababa and the study highlight the general profile of surrounding towns and also incorporate the brief study of Gelan, Dukem, Suluta, Burayu, Holeta, Sebeta on the loop around Addis one which serves a significant regional function for northern, southern, eastern and western part of Addis Ababa. These towns have important land holdings and resources in the areas and can achieve the required outcome with an appropriately developed Master Plan . These towns has planned future role of the town related functions could be allowed to develop urban infrastructure facilities such as transport, housing, health facilities, water, sewerage, drainage and solid waste management to channelize their future growth and to enhance the sustainability of urban infrastructure. Accordingly, if these town well-articulated as satellite city form at which all facilities will be contained; ranging from economic activity (industry and commerce) and social services (education, health, house and leisure) It provides citizens more residential area, and thereby, improves the living quality of the people and also reflect the image, culture and wellbeing of the communities they serve, at the same time they play a dual role by serving both as satellite towns of Addis Ababa and capitals of the rural countries and thereby reduce the burdens of Addis Ababa in many ways. Key words: Satellite City, Urban Development, Surrounding Towns, Addis Ababa