Students’ Assessment practice in private Technical and Vocational Education and Training colleges at Majang Zone, Gambella Regional sate of Ethiopia

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Addis Ababa University


The main purpose of this study was to assess Students assessment practice in Private TVET colleges in Majang Zone, Gambella regional state, the extent to which the assessment practice aligned with the requirement of competence-based assessment. Mixed approach was used to conduct this study. The study employed descriptive research design. Data were collected from 31 teachers, (20) administrators, 74 students, two college deans and two Zone Education Experts. The instruments for data collection were questionnaire, interview and observation checklist. The data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean and weight mean. The findings of the study showed that the implementation of student assessment practice in light of the requirements of competence-based assessment was low. Among the major factors encountered during the implementation of student assessment were: Lack of technical support from Zone education officials in line with assessment requirements, Lack of experience and understanding about competence-based Assessment practice, Lack of students’ awareness about competence-based assessment and Lack of teachers’ motivation and commitment towards competence-based assessment. Finally, the recommendations were forwarded, Technical supports from Zone education officials in line with assessment requirements was one of the major factors which hinder the student assessment practice. The way of the Technical support and the number of frequency giving technical support for college teachers and administrators do not match in the study area and this affects the implementation of students’ assessment practice. The implementers of technical support should see alternative solutions such as, the colleges deans have invite ZEOE to give their teachers, providing teachers’ short term training about assessment practice and generating internal income to requite experienced teachers. In addition to this, government bodies and stake holders have be contributed to solve the lack of Technical support from Zone Educational Office in line with assessment requirements.



assess Students assessment practice
