Evaluating the impact of new overpass bridge of a roundabout Compared to Previous Roundabout: The Case of Imperial-Gerji

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Addis Ababa University


Roundabout is a form of crossroads that provides traffic control indirectly without the use of traffic signals. When compared to stop-controlled and signal-controlled intersections, roundabouts can improve both safety and traffic flow. Congestion is the biggest issue with roundabouts, and levels fluctuate throughout time, with a visible surge during the commute to work. Because the majority of pedestrians are wounded in automotive accidents, efforts to improve their safety have focused on reducing pedestrian traffic. Poor road design and a lack of physical roundabout elements have a substantial impact on roundabout capacity and traffic congestion. The objective of this research is to address the critical aspect and effect of a new overpass bridge operational performance, level of service, and capacity analysis of the Imperial-Gerji roundabout. This study used quantitative research methodology, which makes use of numerical data. Geometric data and a traffic volume survey A field survey was conducted to assess the general geometric condition of roundabouts for this study. Traffic volume studies were also carried out to determine the number, movement, and classifications of vehicles at the chosen roundabout approaches. For this study, skilled people manually collected traffic data using a vehicle statistic. According to the findings of SIDRA intersection 9.1 software programs, the degree of congestion at the roundabout is 1.721, which is significantly beyond the recommended criteria for providing a sufficient level of service. As a result, the delay resulted in an overall fuel consumption of 1095.3L/H, a CO2 emission of 2573.9Kg/h, a hydro carbonate emission of 0.288Kg/h, and nitrogen oxides (NOX) emission of 0.589, indicating that the congestion had an effect on the environment According to the analysis, the level of service provided by the Imperial-Gerji intersection prior to the construction of the overpass bridge was F it mean that more traffic is coming and indicating inadequate comfort and increased accident risk, whereas the level of service provided by the intersection after the construction of the overpass bridge was LOS B it mean that continuous traffic flow, and. also indicating continuous traffic flow with substantial control over operational conditions. The following recommendations have been forwarded to important stakeholders for consideration. Imperial-gerji roundabout geometric components should be updated and built in accordance with modern roundabout design rules since they are quite valuable in terms of capability and traffic safety. Proposed building an additional overpass bridge from Hayahulete to Gerji, comparable to the one built from Megenagna to Bole, to improve the capability of a crossroads during peak hours. Keywords: Roundabout, Overpass Bridge, Capacity Analysis, Sidra intersection 9.1, Congestion



