Logistics and Supply Chain Management
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Item Inventory Management Practices, Performances And Challenges Of Program Medicines in Primary Healthcare Facilities Of Hadiya Zone, Southern Ethiopia(Addis Ababa University, 2024-06) Mengistu Girma; Shiferaw Mitiku (PhD)Background: Effective inventory management which is heart of supply chain management is vital for ensuring availability of tracer healthcare products. However, inventory managementpractice and performance in public health facilities is often overwhelmed by various challenges that hinder the efficient healthcare services delivery. Hence, this study was aimed at assessingthe current inventory management practices, operational performance, and identifying the challenges faced in public health facilities in Hadiya Zone Primary Healthcare FacilitiesSouthern Ethiopia. Facility-based cross-sectional descriptive research design was used involving both quantitative and qualitative research methods. Quantitative data were collected throughsemi-structured questionnaires and observational checklists and analyzed using the SPSS version 26. The qualitative data were gathered through key informant interviews. The interview was transcribed, summarized manually, and analyzed using thematic analysis. The study revealed that 74.3% of facilities have tracer program medicines on the day of thesurvey. Stock out of tracer program medicines encountered in 47.1% of facilities with average stock out days of 33.38 days. Inventory accuracy was 17.14% and average order fill lead time ofthe past six months in those facilities was 35.57 days. Data quality of the RRF report assessed indicated that 74 (88.1%) of the RRF reports were timely, 47(60.)% of RRF reports wascomplete and 25 (54.7%) reports were accurate. About 64.3 percent of health facilities metsuitable storage conditions. The respondents agreed with financial, Behavioural, Humanresource, demand-supply, and logistic challenges with a grand mean of 3.67, 3.66, 3.92, 3.68, 4.19, and 4.25 respectively. KIs responses also indicated by default similar responses onchallenges of inventory management. The study revealed that there is poor inventorymanagement performance and control system of tracer program medicines in primary healthcarefacilities of the Hadiya zone. It is recommended that sufficient amount budget allocation,technological support, resupply lead time be shortening, and appropriate staff members trainingshould be considered. Keywords: Inventory management performances, public primary healthcare facilities, tracerprogram Medicines, challengesItem The Effect of Inventory Management Practice on Organizational Performance: The Case of Inventory Management Department of Commercial Bank of Ethiopia(Addis Ababa University, 2024-06) Sirgut Belachew; Zelalem Bayisa (PhD)The purpose of this study is to analyze how inventory management practices affect anorganization's performance within a bank. One of the biggest and most established banks in Ethiopia, Commercial Bank of Ethiopia, is the study's location. The organization responded tothe questionnaire using a systematic five-point Likert scale questionnaire, performance was evaluated quantitatively. Descriptive and explanatory research designs were used. Regarding theresearch approach, the researcher used a mixed technique employing a questionnaire to meet the study's specific and overall objectives. The target population was conducted at the Inventorydepartment of CBE, Addis Ababa. Concerning the sampling technique, a purposive sampling technique was used. About methods of data analysis descriptive and regression data analysiswas used. The data was analyzed using SPSS ver 16.00. There was a finding that both the independent and the independent variables have a mean score below 3.40 which is consideredhigh. The second finding is that among the four independent variables which are, Information Technology, Inventory Control Techniques, and Inventory Cycle counting had a p-value greaterthan 0.005 which shows an insignificant value. Lastly, the warehouse management was found to be significant and positive with a sig value of 0.00 and a beta value of 0.77. It is concluded thatthe dimensions that measure the independent variables and the dependent variable have a mean score of below 3.40, which signifies a “high level” of inventory management practice and a“high level” of organizational performance respectively. The regression analysis reveals a significant, positive effect of warehouse management on organizational performance. Thisimplies that increasing warehouse management could positively affect performance, this data supports the hypotheses (H4). It is recommended that the organization takes more action on thewarehouse to upgrade the performance of the organization. Further research should be carried out in other banks to find out if the same results can be obtained. KEY WORDS- Performance, information technology, inventory control technique, inventory cycle counting, warehouse 2Item The Effect of Humanitarian Supply Chain Management Practices on Emergency Responses: Ethiopian Public Health Institute(Addis Ababa University, 2024-06) Tinsae Eshetu; Shiferaw Mitiku (PhD)The main purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of humanitarian supply chain management (SCM) practices on emergency response, focusing on the case of the Ethiopian Public Health Institute (EPHI). As we know humanitarian supply chain is very complex and challenging process that requires care full preparedness by logistics capacity and capability. However, there are limited evidences on the factors that affect public health emergency response in developing countries especially in Ethiopia. The researcher adapted explanatory research approach, by examining eight independent variables. The research methodology was quantitative research and a questionnaire was used for data collection. The study conducted at Ethiopian public health institute. Data was coded and entered in to Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25 and Descriptive statistics like mean, standard deviation, frequency, graphs and inferential statistical like multiple linear regression techniques were employed. The reliability is checked by Cronbach’s alpha coefficients of all dependent and independent variables are greater than 0.70 confirming acceptable. The study was used a conceptual framework which identifies eight key dimensions of humanitarian SCM practices: capacity building, Need assessment, procurement management, warehousing management, Inventory management, distribution management, fleet management, and reverse logistics management and their effect on emergency of EPHI. The study used census method approach of sample size determination with study’s sample size of 154. With doing so, the researcher, used closed ended 5point likert scale questioner for data collection. The result of the research revealed that the humanitarian supply chain management practices were moderately practiced in EPHI and from the eight independent variables three of them (distribution management, inventory management and capacity building) were statistically significant and positive effect on its emergency response. The researcher further recommended, focusing on the perspectives of coordination and collaboration with donors, strategic supplier partnership practices, and information sharing practices. Key Words: Humanitarian, supply chain management. Needs assessment, capacity building, procurement, warehouse, inventory, and distribution, fleet and reverse logisticsItem Determinants Of Supply Chain Integration in Humanitarian Organization: In the Case of Goal Ethiopia(Addis Ababa University, 2024-09) Yared Mekonen; Shiferaw Mitiku (PhD)Supply Chain integration is one of the ways through which humanitarian organizations can be more competitive to attain their objectives and thus better perform. This research targeted at “Determinants of supply chain integration in humanitarian organization: the case of Goal Ethiopia”. Now a day humanitarian supply chains, challenges are progressively increasing in number of complexities in the environment which they function, tend to be unstable, uncertain, less responsive, incompetent, and ineffective. Despite the purpose of the study descriptive and explanatory research design is used to investigate the Couse-and-effect relationship; to realize variation in the variable that expected reason to the change in the other variable and then measure the changes in the other variable using statistical methods. However, sample population were drawn from Oromia, Amhara, Gambela, Afar and Addis Ababa regional office staffs of Goal Ethiopia Program which accounts a total of 104 respondents. Both primary and secondary data sources of data were samples drawn using stratified sampling design as staff were classified based on their. Both qualitative and quantitative research approach is used and data were collected using questionnaires and analyzed with the help of SPSS Version 24. Results further concluded that both customer and supplier integration partially mediate the relationship between internal integration and Supply chain performance. This reiterates the fact that there is not only the need to ensure the optimum level of internal integration to exploit the output of the organization but such efforts also need to be linked with integration practices with customers and suppliers as well for enhancing the output i.e. performance of the supply chain. Key words: Supply Chain Integration, Humanitarian Organization and Goal Ethiopia CollegeItem Drivers of Green Supply Chain Management Practice: The Case of Shola, Mama and Zagol Milk Processors(Addis Ababa University, 2024-06) Endegena Abera; Kirubel Biruck (PhD)This study focuses to assess the drivers of green supply chain management practices in the dairy sector, top three processors in Ethiopia. The primary focus of the study is to evaluate the four key factors influencing green supply chain management (GSCM) practices: government incentives, supplier collaboration, performance assessment with rewards, and sustainable SCM strategy. Both qualitative and quantitative techniques were utilized to address this issue. Data collection mechanism involved were the use of a structured standard questionnaire, Interviews. Given the small population size, the entire top management, middle management, and technical experts of the companies were included in the study to ensure accuracy. The collected data was analyzed by SPSS 23. The preliminary data is tested for its reliability by using Cronbach alpha value which is 0.83. After proceeding to detail analysis, dairy industries habited a moderate practice to green supply chain management. Among the drivers to practice GSCM are Collaboration with suppliers and government incentive dominated the responses. On the other hand significantly performance and evaluation with reward as well as sustainable supply chain management strategy are boosted to green supply chain management practice. From these drivers collaborating with suppliers and government incentives are primarily dominated. Descriptive statics, explanatory study, regression and correlation are tested for dependent and independent variables. Key Words: Green Supply Chain Management, DriversItem The Effect of Warehouse Facilty Equipmet and Machineries on Logistics Operational Performance: A Case of Ethiopian Airlines Group(Addis Ababa University, 2024-06) Ephrem Kassaye; Busha Temesgen (PhD)This research explores ‘The Effect of warehouse facility Equipment & Machineries on logistics operational performance ‘’ within the context of Ethiopian Airlines Group specific to Cargo Terminal & Logistics services division. The researcher explores the relationship between warehouse equipment and logistics operations to enhance the required performance and the study employed a mixed research approach, combined qualitative & quantitative methods to gather the required insights from Ethiopian Cargo & Logistics services division on warehouse operation assigned employees and management personnel & to achieve the objectives of this study, an explanatory and descriptive research design was used, and this study also applies a mixed research approach. Stratified simple random sampling was used to select the respondents for the study and, accordingly, ninety (90) sample sizes were taken for the study. The descriptive and inferential statistical tools such as; mean, standard deviation, percentage, correlation and multiple regressions were used to analyze collected data with the aid of IBM SPSS statistics version 23. The research has sample findings of strong correlation between the utilization of the warehouse facility equipment and machineries and the overhaul operational performance of Ethiopian Airlines Group , employees who are working under cargo operational departments highlighted the importance of efficient equipment utilization in meeting day to day operational demand with conclusion of as the findings underscore the critical role of warehouse facility equipment and machineries in enhancing logistics operational performance & as effective utilization and maintenance of equipment are major key factors in achieving operational efficiency and meeting customer demand . Furthermore, recommendations were given as Ethiopian Airlines Group should invest in modernizing and upgrading warehouse facility Equipment to improve operational efficiency, implementing a structures maintenance schedule for equipment can help prevent unplanned breakdowns and minimize operational disruptions. Overall, this study sheds light on the significance of warehouse facility equipment and machineries in driving logistics operational performance and provides valuable recommendations for enhancing efficiency within Ethiopian Airlines Group’s operation and proper warehouse management. Keywords: Warehouse Equipment, logistics operational performance, warehouse managementItem The Effect of Demand Forecasting Models on Supply Chain Planning, Inventory Planning & Performance: The Case of Unilever Ethiopia(Addis Ababa University, 2024-06) Esrom Aschalew; Zelalem Bayisa (PhD)This study aimed to understand and evaluate the effect of demand forecasting models on supply chain planning – inventory planning & performance: The Case of Unilever Ethiopia. The researcher employed a mixed-methods research approach integrating quantitative analyses of historical data from Unilever Ethiopia and qualitative insights from research questionnaires and interviews, the researcher used an explanatory and descriptive research design. Major four products from case company's product portfolio and 14 employees who are directly involved in demand forecasting were the target data and population. The study's findings showed that there is a positive correlation between the independent variable and dependent variables except inventory turnover which was not statistically significant. The organization's inventory planning and performance is impacted by the accuracy of the forecast which heavily depends on the forecast model selected. The inventory performance matrices inventory level, inventory cost and safety stock were found to be impacted by the accuracy of demand forecasting. The most common observation from secondary data and from what the respondents mentioned are inadequate and inaccurate demand forecasting led to higher inventory levels and costs significantly affecting the performance of the business. Being a global corporate company operating in different countries with various available resources and technologies, Unilever Ethiopia needs to check and adapt the forecasting model with less error to effectively manage inventory and improve the whole operational performance. Keywords: Fast moving consumer goods (FMCG), Demand forecasting, Supply Chain Planning, Inventory Planning, Inventory PerformanceItem Effects of Logistics Services on Company Non-Financial Performance: The Case of Soap and Detergent Industries in Addis Ababa(Addis Ababa University, 2024-06) Fasika Worku; Zelalem Bayisa (PhD)This study examines the influence of logistics services on the organizational performance of soap and detergent manufacturing companies in Addis Ababa, focusing on internal logistics, inbound logistics, and outbound logistics. Employing an explanatory survey design, primary data was gathered using a questionnaire distributed using census approach to managers of 62 companies in the area. Descriptive and inferential statistical analyses were conducted to explore the relationships between logistics services and organizational performance. Results indicate a positive and significant correlation between all logistics services and organizational performance, with regression analysis revealing their statistically significant contribution. The adjusted R² of 0.581 suggests that 58.1% of the variance in organizational performance can be predicted by logistics services. Improved logistics services significantly affect organizational performance, emphasizing the importance of managing internal, inbound, and outbound logistics services for enhancing company performance. This research contributes to understanding the pivotal role of logistics in organizational success and offers practical insights for the industry. Keywords: Internal Logistics, Inbound Logistics, Logistics Services, Outbound Logistics, Organizational PerformanceItem Determinants of Logistics Performance of Selected Logistics and Freight Forwarding Companies in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia(Addis Ababa University, 2024-06) Fitsum Desalegn; Shiferaw Mitiku (PhD)The study aimed to assess determinants of logistics performance of selected logistics and freightforwarding companies in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. To achieve this, the study investigated the influence of inventory management practices, transport management practices, information flow practices, and warehouse management practices. The validity of the questionnaire was tested by asking questions to subject matter experts to determine if the questions were relevant and accurate. The reliability of the questionnaire was tested by using Cronbach's alpha test to measure thconsistency of the responses. The data was then analysed using both quantitative and qualitative methods using SPSS software. The study further found that these logistic management practicesare cost-effective, as they help to reduce operational costs and improve customer satisfaction, to improved profitability for the business. Additionally, the implementation of thesepractices helps to increase efficiency and productivity as well as reduce delays and improve customer service. To have a positive effect on the overall logistics industry performance, this canresult in improved customer satisfaction as orders are delivered on time and in the right quantity. Additionally, the study found that efficient warehousing practices can reduce costs, improveresource utilization, and increase customer satisfaction. Key words: Determinants of Logistics Performance, freight forwarding companiesItem Determinants Of Logistics Performance of Selected Logistics and Freight Forwarding Companies in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia(Addis Ababa University, 2024-06) Fitsum Desalegn; Shiferaw Mitiku (PhD)The study aimed to assess determinants of logistics performance of selected logistics and freightforwarding companies in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. To achieve this, the study investigated the influence of inventory management practices, transport management practices, information flowpractices, and warehouse management practices. The validity of the questionnaire was tested by asking questions to subject matter experts to determine if the questions were relevant and accurate.The reliability of the questionnaire was tested by using Cronbach's alpha test to measure the consistency of the responses. The data was then analysed using both quantitative and qualitativemethods using SPSS software. The study further found that these logistic management practicesare cost-effective, as they help to reduce operational costs and improve customer satisfaction, leading to improved profitability for the business. Additionally, the implementation of thesepractices helps to increase efficiency and productivity as well as reduce delays and improve customer service. To have a positive effect on the overall logistics industry performance, this canresult in improved customer satisfaction as orders are delivered on time and in the right quantity. Additionally, the study found that efficient warehousing practices can reduce costs, improveresource utilization, and increase customer satisfaction. Key words: Determinants of Logistics Performance, freight forwarding companiesItem The Supply Chain Management Capabilities of The Ethiopian Shipping and Logistics Service Enterprise(Addis Ababa University, 2024-06) Fraol Girma; Shiferaw Mitiku (PhD)This study assesses the supply chain capabilities of the Ethiopian Shipping andLogistics Service Enterprise (ESLSE) to enhance operational efficiency and competitiveness. The main objective is to evaluate ESLSE's ability to recognize,utilize, and integrate its resources within its supply chain processes. Specific objectives include analyzing ESLSE's capabilities in resource recognition, utilization,and integration, impacting SC processes. A mixed-methods approach, combining explanatory and descriptive research designs, was used. Data were collected through across-sectional survey, capturing both quantitative and qualitative data. This methodology provided a comprehensive analysis of ESLSE's supply chain capabilities.Findings indicate significant challenges related to outdated equipment, lack of modern technology, and insufficient maintenance of logistics infrastructure. Additionally,limited integration and coordination across supply chain activities result in fragmented operations, affecting ESLSE's efficiency and responsiveness to marketdemands.The conclusion emphasizes the importance of a robust and efficient supply chain for Ethiopia's economic growth. Recommendations include investing in modern logisticstechnology, enhancing communication, and fostering better coordination among supply chain activities. These steps are essential for ESLSE to improve its capabilitiesand contribute to a more competitive logistics sector in Ethiopia. Key words: SCM capabilites, Ethiopian shipping an logistics, SC strategy, resource utilization and integrationItem The Effect of Information Technology Capabilities on Supply Chain Integration : In the Case of Import-Exporter of General Items Located in Addis Ababa(Addis Ababa University, 2024-06) Genet Eyassu; Matiwos Ensermu (PhD)The study has been conducted with the aim of investigating the effect of informationtechnology capabilities (data consistency, cross functional application and supply chain applications) on supply chain integration (internal, customer and supplier integrations).The study employed an explanatory research design and both quantitative and qualitative research approaches were utilized. Accordingly, by selecting supply chain manager/officer using purposive sampling form 150 companies that has been selected from 240 companies using simple random sampling, a questionnaire was distributed for those 150managers/officers of import exporter of general items companies 132 were collected with a response rate of 88%. The data was analyzed using SPSS version 26. Pearson'scorrelation matrix was used to show the relationship between the dependent and the independent variables. It was proven that there was a positive and significant correlationbetween the independent and dependent variables. The researcher also employed multiple regression analysis method to analyze the effect of information technologycapability variables on supply chain integration variables. The Empirical findings of the study showed that all information technology capability indicators (data consistency,cross functional application and supply chain applications) have a positive and significant effect on supply chain integration (internal, customer and supplierintegrations) based on the above findings it is better to improve the Integrative inventory management, data integration, ERP, Real-time searching of logistics-related operatingdata and Real-time integration and connection among internal functions of the supply chain, Supply chain planning applications, transaction applications, real- time supplychain and customer relationship management applications with internal applications of the organization. Key words: Information technology capability, data consistency, cross functional application,supply chain application, supply chain integration, internal integration, customer integration, supplier integrationItem Electronic procurement management practices, challenges, and its Effect on the operational performance of Ethiopian Agricultural Transformation Institute(Addis Ababa University, 2024-06) Gezahegn Atnafu; Shiferaw Mitiku (PhD)Electronic procurement (e-procurement) is a process of managing procurement activities through electronic means aimed at optimizing operational performance. This research aimed to assess the current e-procurement practices, identify major challenges, and evaluate the role of e-procurement on the operational performance of the Ethiopian Agricultural Transformation Institute (EATI). Using a mixed-methods approach, data were collected through surveys and interviews with EATI headquarters staffs. The study employed both descriptive and explanatory research designs. Descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (such as regression coefficient analysis) were used to analyze the data with the help of SPSS software version 23. Questionnaires were distributed for a total of 144 respondents using Google Forms, and 134 were returned. In Addition, Six (6) director positions were interviewed. Achieving a 93% response rate. Data were collected using structured questionnaires for survey and an open-ended questionnaire for interviews, ensuring reliability through Cronbach's Alpha. The relationship between e-procurement practices and challenges (independent variables) and operational performance (dependent variable) was examined using a multiple linear regression models. The findings indicated that e-procurement practices in EATI significantly enhance operational performance, with Electronic Supplier Evaluation, electronic requisition, and electronic contract management showing the most substantial positive impact on the operational performance of the Ethiopian agricultural transformation institute. Conversely, challenges such as lack of training and high employee turnover negatively affect operational performance. Finally, the study recommended that EATI integrate all aspects of e-procurement optimally through enhanced training, robust support systems, and continuous evaluation to achieve effective operational performance. Keywords: E-procurement, Operational performance, Ethiopian Agricultural Transformation Institute (EATI)Item The effect of supply chain resilience on organizational performance :The moderating role of E-commerce in the case of garment exporters in Bole-Lemi Industrial Park(Addis Ababa University, 2024-06) Habtamu Hizkiyas; Tariku Jebena (PhD)All organizational factors combined with supply chain resilience should ultimately lead to improved organizational performance. Firms that are resilient should make proactive efforts as an essential or vital point of administrative consideration. This study tried to assess the moderation role of e-commerce between the supply chain resilience and organizational performance. A structured questionnaire was used to collect the responses to conduct an exploratory research design on selected manufacturing firms in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The target population for this study was 19,814, and self-administered questionnaires were distributed to the sample size calculated 392 respondents. The study employed multiple linear regression to examine the assumptions made in the hypothesis and specifically to assess the relationship between the variables and moderation role of e-commerce. The analysis found a statistically significant positive link between Supply Chain Resilience (SRC) and Organizational Performance (OP), with SRC having a moderate to strong effect (β = 0.529) and E-commerce also having a significant effect (β = 0.149). Additionally, it was discovered that E-commerce plays a moderation role in the relationship between SRC and OP, although this effect was found to be relatively weak (β = 0.016, ρ=0.595). Overall, the study revealed that supply chain resilience has a significant positive influence on organizational performance, with E-commerce serving as a complementary rather than critical factor. To ensure effective operations during supply chain disruptions, organizations are recommended to prioritize fundamental resilience measures. Key Words:- Supply chain resilience: E-commerce: Organizational performance: supply chain management: supply chain agility: DigitalizationItem Effects of Outsourcing Practices on : The Operational Performance the Case of Ethiopian Airlines(Addis Ababa University, 2024-06) Nahom Seifu; Zelalem Bayisa (PhD)The concept and practice of outsourcing is growing rapidly all over the world. As organizations see it as an opportunity to achieve strategic goals, improve customer satisfaction, and bring efficiency and effectiveness to operations. This study was based on the following general objectives: to investigate the practice of strategic outsourcing and its impact on the operational performance of ET-MRO. This study used both descriptive and explanatory research designs. The target group for the study was the employees of the Ethiopian MRO business unit working under the CFO of Ethiopian Airlines Group and the purchasing and supply chain management team. For data collection, questionnaire was distributed to 75 employees, management and external individuals were randomly selected for tailored interviews. Data collected from surveys and interviews were analysed using SPSS. In order to verify the validity of the research instruments, the researcher asked for an expert opinion from two senior management employees who were not included in the final study, and a reliability test was also conducted using SPSS. The results of the study were presented in detail using both descriptive and inferential statistics. The finding revealed that there is a gap between the best practices of outsourcing and the current practice of Ethiopian Airlines, especially in relation to company selection and total cost ownership and contract management. Based on the answer to the respondents question and the summary result of the three outsourcings, the study concludes that current outsourcing practices affect the efficiency of ET-MRO operations. The study showed opportunities for improvement in strengthening strategic acidification practices. Based on this, recommendations are made both for practice and for future research aimed at improving performance. Keywords: Outsourcing Practice, Operational Performance, Company Selection, Contract Management and Total Cost of OwnershipItem “Modelling of Production and Inventory Control for Supply Chain Optimization, the case of Unilever manufacturing PLC”(Addis Ababa University, 2024-06) Netsebrak Mitiku; Mathewos Ensermu (PhD)The production process as complicated as it looks on its own with the technology advantages,efficiencies, performance measures, overheads, losses, … etc.etc., there are mu ltiple external factors (some external to the production facility but may be internal to the business unit) that hugelyimpact the competitiveness and sustainability of the overall business. In this paper, the overall discussion , interpretations, findings , conclusions as well as recommendations revolve aroundhow a business can serve and grow its market by optimizing forecasted demand with proper management of inventory targets as well as managing production wastes and cash losses withinthe production pro cess. In other words, “Service”, “Cash” and “Cost” shall be the essential measures of the whole process . Because these three if properly managed and optimized candictate how much of the demand shall be served with the capacity a company has, what level of inventory shall be held to give healthy cash flow as well as what level of wastes is manageable inorder to get a competitive and acceptable production cost, which combined dictate the profitability, competitiveness as well as existence of the company.Item The Effect of Information Technology on Supply Chain Management Performance of Huawei Technologies Ethiopia Plc(Addis Ababa University, 2024-06) Samrawit Gebreselassie; Shiferaw Mitiku(PhD)The goal of this study was to evaluate how IT affects supply chain management performance. Inorder to explore and provide answers to the subject matter and goals, the study used the commonly utilized facets of supply chain practices: Planning, Sourcing, Making, Delivery, andReturn as an independent variable and Cost Efficiency, Delivery Speed and Customer Satisfaction as a dependent variable. The research also explored the Challenges of supply chain managementpractices. The research was based on 77 questionnaires distributed to Huawei Technologies Ethiopia in which 72 responses were collected which resulted in 93.5% response rate. Theresearch shows that Huawei has a high overall adoption of IT on the supply chain practices i.e., Planning, Sourcing, Making and Delivery had high ranking means and Return with mean slightlyabove the midpoint. The organization also has a high overall logistics performance. The supply chain performance measurements i.e., Cost Efficiency, Delivery Speed and Customer Satisfactionhas almost similar mean. The regression analysis reveals a robust positive correlation between supply chain practices and performance. These statistical results affirm the model's strength andreliability in predicting performance based on the specified supply chain practices. Key Words: Supply Chain Management Performance, Information Technology, Supply Chain management, supply chain practice, supply chain challengeItem Assessment of Practice and Challenge of Freight Forwarding; In the Case of Some Selected Freight Forwarding Companies in Ethiopia(Addis Ababa University, 2024-06) Samrawit Tsegaye; Busha Temesgen (PhD)This paper examines freight forwarding practices and challenges within the context of selectedcompanies in Ethiopia, namely MACCFA Freight Logistics, Freighters International Logistics, and Green Road International Logistics PLC. The study adopts a descriptive research design,utilizing primary data collected through a questionnaire comprising both open-ended and closed-ended questions. From a target population of 74 staff members engaged in freightforwarding practices, a sample of 60 responses was analyzed using percentage, frequency, and SPSS (Version 27) The result also indicated that the selected freight forwarding companieshighly practice the efficient and timely delivery of goods while it was found out accurate classification of goods is poorly practiced related with the trade compliance practice .Thefindings reveal that lack of human resource is highly faced of the challenge faced in the freight forwarding practice while lack of information technology is modertly faced . Based on thestudy's findings, recommendations are proposed for freight forwarding companies in Ethiopia. The paper advocates for the implementation of training and capacity-building programs aimedat one of the enhancing employees' IT skills. Empowering staff with proficient IT capabilities is expected to optimize the utilization of IT tools and systems, thereby facilitating smootherfreight forwarding practice. Key words freight forwarding practices, challenges, MACCFA Freight Logistics, Green RoadInternational Logistics PLC, Freighthers International Logistics ,Human resource, Information TechnologyItem Assessing the Practice, Challenge and Prospect of Multimodal Transport Operation: In the Case of Ethiopian Shipping and Logistics Service Enterprise(Addis Ababa University, 2024-06) Samuel Amerga; Matiwos Ensermu (PhD)The study objective is to assess the practices, challenges, and future prospects of multimodal transport systems in Ethiopia, specifically focusing on the Ethiopian Shipping and Logistics Service Enterprise. The study utilized a descriptive research design. To ensure accuracy and reliability, we collected primary data through questionnaires, such as open interviews and surveys, and then triangulated secondary data using the ESLSE annual report and relevant websites. We used a non-probability sampling technique, specifically convenience sampling, to select respondents from the Modjo dry port multimodal operation unit and the ESL head office multimodal department. This respondent exclusively focuses on their primary duties within the multimodal transport system. In order to achieve this objective, The ESLSE, which has its head office in Addis Ababa (68 employees) and a branch office under ESLSE Multimodal Service in Modjo dry port (197) is the study's target population. Based on Yamane’s formula sample size we were selected from 265 regular employees the researcher chose 160 participants to take part in the study. However, only 144 of these participants were able to successfully gather and submit the required data from 160 calculated sample size of the participant. According to the assessment with Google form survey questioner and SPSS software conclusions, and recommendations, there is prospect for the Ethiopian Shipping and Logistics Service Enterprise to increase the efficiency and profitability of the multimodal transportation system. The enterprise plans to achieve this objective by implementing a comprehensive digitalization and branding strategy, negotiating a bilateral port agreement with Kenya's Lamu and Somali land ports, expanding infrastructure development for ports, roads, and trains, and implementing a restructuring plan for enterprise services. On the other hand, the studies demonstrate that there is a significant challenge to effectiveness in the current practice of the multimodal transportation system. These include emerging privatization operators, a shortage of cargo trucks, poor infrastructure along Djibouti, frequent cargo theft and pilferage, customs clearance delays, and cargo transit security. Based on the research findings, the researcher recommends that the enterprise prioritize addressing the identified challenge and exploring the prospects. The enterprise should utilize the knowledge gained from this research to inform its decision-making and strategic planning. Keywords: ESLSE, Dry Ports, and Multimodal Transport System.Item Assessment of Warehouse Operations Based on Essential Performance Optimizing Components Among Private Pharmaceuticals Importers in Addis Ababa(Addis Ababa University, 2024-06) Samuel Tadesse; Matiwos Ensermu (PhD)This study evaluates warehouse performance optimization among private pharmaceuticalimporters in Addis Ababa. Utilizing a descriptive study design with a mixed research approach, data were collected from 52 private pharmaceutical importing companies through structuredquestionnaires and personal evaluations. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Kendall’s W Test, with results presented in tables.The analysis revealed that essential components for optimal warehouse performance include infrastructure and planning. Key factors such as the condition of the ceiling, walls, floor,cleanliness, ventilation, lighting, protection from rodents and insects, and maintained temperatures were identified as crucial. Additionally, the layout and operational efficiency,including separate receiving and dispatch areas, secured receipt areas, designated spaces for expired and damaged products, and sufficient aisle space, were highlighted as vital.Warehouse equipment, such as the presence of pallets, pallet jacks, and operable fork trucks, also contributed to optimized operations. Special storage requirements, including a cold chainsystem, properly operating refrigerators, solar-powered refrigerators, and designated areas for hazardous and flammable materials, were noted as important for performance optimization.Inventory management emerged as a crucial component for performance optimization. Key practices include maintaining electronic and paper inventory records, ledgers, periodic physicalinventory counts, FEFO (First Expired, First Out) distribution systems, and the proper disposal of expired and damaged products. Security and safety, along with effective human resourcemanagement—responsible management, staff training, job description postings, SOP postings, orientation for new hires, and sufficient capacity—were also identified as essential foroptimizing warehouse performance. Key terms: Pharmaceuticals, Warehouse, Performance, Optimization