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Item A Study on the Status of Public Primary School Physical Plants in Addis Ababa(Addis Ababa University, 1999-05) Bekele, Tamirat; Shibeshi, Ayalew (PhD)r be purpose of the study was to make a survey on the current status of public primary .cbools in the city of Addis Ababa. Ute needed data was obtained by means of questionnaires distributed to 30 school \U1cipa!s, 28 members of school administrative committees, and 210 teachers working in Upublic primary schools randomly selected from five study "Zones" of the city. it data was analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. Accordingly the !leiI.fch revea led the following results. fit of public school physical plants were found to be inadequate to implement various ~cl programmes because they were not primarily designed for educational purposes, ~~yen those which were designed for educational purposes were built without overall gS,S/S\Ilents and appropriate design. lnaddition, more than half of the public schools did t; ~~e legally acceptable school map and plan. 0 0 Ir1 -t::bcs\udy, school principals and teachers showed much .similar perception with regard 'VlIating the adequacy and comfortability of school plants than members of school to e jJT;.trative committees. a~ 1 -c thool physical plants were not located according to their functional relationships pub "J o \tes comfortable for teaching-learning processes. Hence, the school compounds, and 0 cl&stoOms, staff-rooms and offices were not convenient for teaching-Ieaming tb e seland administrative activities. Almost all public school physical plants were by (oceS P 1 ~the standard set by the MOE. fi:l(be 0 . scl\)ols lack the necessary repair and maintenance, for the reason that the public onsibiliy was left to school administrative committeeS-Almost all of the respondents resP. d Jltither the ed ucatI.O na I 0 ffiI ces nor t he surroun dm' g commuru.t y m. vo Iv ed m. . dlcate Ill . d llIlintenance of public schools. repaIr an Most of these schools did not have educational facilities like libraries, laboratories, space and facilities for subjects that require practical activities. The mam financial sources for public schools were found to be school fees. The participation of school committees, parents, the surrounding community in the affairs of public school physical plants was insignificant. There are no clear-cut policy statements and general guidelines about the organization and administration of public schools. If these problems are to be met forth rightly and directly, then careful planning and study are necessary. If successful solutions with successful answers are to be arrived at, cooperative action is desired between professional educational staff, the board of education, other community agencies and all citizens of the community.Item The practice of youth male handball project and its impact on today's club participation in the case of Addis Ababa city administration(Addis Ababa University, 2011-06) Zewdu, Solomon; Belay, Mebratu (Assistant Professor)The purpose of the study was to asses the practice of Ethiopian 1998 male handball project on the selected 6 six high school of Addis Ababa and its impact on today's Ethiopian club participation. There by investigate how the current practice and implication of the project using A descriptive survey method employed to reveal the present situation of practicing in Addis Ababa and the impact of its challenges on today's club participation sources on the bases of availability sampling for this an extended review of the literature was taken to discuss the different principles and theories of practice and application of projects on the whole world wide and specifically youth handball and other sport projects practiced on the world and Ethiopian context. The subjects of the study were 75 from those 18 of them are federal and regional sport education bureau officers 30 of them are male trainees of the previous six school projects. And 21 of them are to day's player of the three Ethiopian national clubs with their instructor and assistant coaches and six of them are selected from the previous amateur technical committee and current supervisor's .to this effect the respondent sampling varied out through probability sampling techniques to test the basic questions. Finally ,the study has summarized what has already been said and conclusion were drawn from the fmdings. Based on the fmdings commendable recommendations were forwarded which the researcher has assumed valuable and up to the capacity of Ethiopian sport authority and policy makerItem Students’ Performance in Physical Education: The Case of Football Techniques at Western Wollega Nejo Secondary School(Addis Ababa University, 2016-08) Asefa, LokoThe main purpose of the study was to identify the root cause factors for the students’ low technique performance in football at Nejo secondary school and tried to propose effective way of minimizing the problem. Accordingly; it was designed in quasi-experimental research design. In order to assess the overall condition of school for teaching-learning process of football techniques as well as PE, data was gathered through observation, open-ended questions and technique test. The data from observation by the researcher and the response toward the questionnaires suggests that there was no suitable teaching learning environment for football as well as for PE in the school. In addition, data collected from fifty experimental groups of students via technique test in passing, dribbling and receiving as pre-test performance result. Then, practicing program was designed for the students in the manner of participatory and initiative way. The students engaged in the program for three months. After accomplishment, students’ technique performance measured as post-test performance result. The comparison of pre and post-test results shows that, the students’ technique performance was improved during post-test result as their pre-test mean value is 4.4, 3.56 and 5.44 for passing, dribbling and receiving respectively. Whereas,6.9,6.28 and 7.24 during post-test. Finally, based on findings from data interrelation, data analysis and conclusion was drawn. The recommendations given by the researcher were- Time allocation and class size should be suited for PE, effective methods and strategies should be applied by PE teachers, all concerning bodies should participate in creating appropriate teaching-learning environment for PE, foundation of students’ football club and competition program in the school. Key words : Football, Practice, Passing, Dribbling, Receiving, TechniqueItem Students’ Performance In Physical Education: The Case Of Football Techniques At Western Wollega Nejo Secondary School(Addis Ababa University, 2016-08) Asefa, LokoThe main purpose of the study was to identify the root cause factors for the students’ low technique performance in football at Nejo secondary school and tried to propose effective way of minimizing the problem. Accordingly; it was designed in quasi-experimental research design. In order to assess the overall condition of school for teaching-learning process of football techniques as well as PE, data was gathered through observation, open-ended questions and technique test. The data from observation by the researcher and the response toward the questionnaires suggests that there was no suitable teaching learning environment for football as well as for PE in the school. In addition, data collected from fifty experimental groups of students via technique test in passing, dribbling and receiving as pre-test performance result. Then, practicing program was designed for the students in the manner of participatory and initiative way. The students engaged in the program for three months. After accomplishment, students’ technique performance measured as post-test performance result. The comparison of pre and post-test results shows that, the students’ technique performance was improved during post-test result as their pre-test mean value is 4.4, 3.56 and 5.44 for passing, dribbling and receiving respectively. Whereas,6.9,6.28 and 7.24 during post-test. Finally, based on findings from data interrelation, data analysis and conclusion was drawn. The recommendations given by the researcher were- Time allocation and class size should be suited for PE, effective methods and strategies should be applied by PE teachers, all concerning bodies should participate in creating appropriate teaching-learning environment for PE, foundation of students’ football club and competition program in the school. Key words : Football, Practice, Passing, Dribbling, Receiving, TechniqueItem Effects of Circuit Training Program on Physical Fitness Among Female Students: Alibo High School Horo Guduru Wollega Zone (Oromia Region)(Addis Ababa University, 2016-11) Aga, Kassahun; Alemu, Mekbib (PhD)This study attempted to explore effects of circuit training program on selected physical fitness variables of female students. Purposive sampling technique was used to select 24 novice female students on intervention and comparison group aged15 to 16 years from grade 9 students. The main objective of the study was to investigate the effect of circuit training program on selected physical fitness variables of Alibo high School female students Horo Guduru Wollega Zone in Oromia Regional state. Those subjects under this study took part in experimental design pre and post test on both group from October 1/02/2015 to December 30/04/ 2016, 2 days per week for 3 months and 40 minutes prerecession. The physical fitness variables selected for the study were: cardio respiratory endurance (1.6 km run in minutes), muscular endurance (sit-ups reps/60 seconds), muscular strength (modified push-ups reps/30 seconds), power (standing long jump in meter) and agility (4x10 m shuttle run in seconds).Data were analyzed by using SPSS paired samples t- test with pair wise comparison of means at 95% confidence interval. The results indicated that there were significantly improvements in performance on selected physical fitness variables due to the effects of circuit training with active rest (p < 0.05).This study confirmed that circuit training with active rest was significant to improve the physical fitness variables. The main finding of the study was novice female students have discovered positive outcomes towards physical fitness variables. The study also illustrates that health and fitness level of participants can be improved as a result of circuit training program. Key words: circuit training on: cardio respiratory endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, power and agilityItem Assessment of Cervical Cancer Patients of Psycho-Social Support: A case study of Black Lion Specialized Teaching Hospital(Addis Ababa University, 2019-06) Gebeyehu, Yenewid; Ayele, Moges (PhD)This research is about the Assessment of Cervical Cancer Patients Psycho-Social Support in the cases of Black Lion Specialized Teaching Hospital. Specifically, this research is done in order to identify the psychological challenges of cervical cancer patients, to assess psy, and to identify how patients treat themselves for cervical cancer. In order to achieve the above objectives this study used primary data which was collected through questionnaires and interview. The data collected from the sample were analyzed and interpreted by descriptive data analysis technique. The results of this study indicated that psycho-social support given to that cervical cancer patient was poor and there is a lack of psycho-social support for cervical cancer patients .. In addition to that the result indicated that, the existence of poor utilization of services was due to poor practice and lack of knowledge and information. Finally, the researcher recommended that there should be broad promotion to cervical cancer screening among women by informing them on their susceptibility and encouraging regular screening in order to detect cervical cancer at the pre-cancerous stage. Key words: Cervical Cancer, Counseling Psycho-Social support services, Palliative care: