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Item Academic, Psychosocial and Career Problems and Coping Mechansims of Students at Some Selected Technical and Vocational Training Centers in Addis Ababa(Addis Ababa University, 2009-06) Asfaw, Mekonnen; Tadesse, Sentayehu (PhD)The purpose of this research was three-types. First. to explore the major academic, psycho- social and CareeriVocational problems of Technical and Vocational Educational Training (TVET) students at Addis Ababa (AA).Second, to iden tify students' preferences for helping agents (who they choose to turn for help) .Third, to determine their preferences for coping sources and coping practices. In pursuiLof this objective, data were collected from different sources by using a Varity of tools (Questionnaire, Interview and Footls· Group Discussion). In this study, a total of 515 participants were randomly selected from four TVET collages (Entoto TVET Collage, Higher 12 TVET Collage Misrak TVET Collage and Higher 7 TVET College). 397 students and 96 teachers responded to the questionnaires. Focus Group Discussion (FGD) was conducted with 10 student participdnts and structured interview to 4 teachers, 4 deans and 4 counselors. The research result revealed that 71%, 60% and 69% of TVET students encountered various problems (academic, psycho-social and CareeriVocational). 53.4% of the studen ts preferred their friends to get help for problems they . () I I· · .. encountered from various sources. The study made practical recommendations aimed at preventing and alleviating the major problems of students in all the three areas.Item An Assessment of the Major Psychological and Social Problems of Female Child Commercial Sex Workers in Some Selected Tourist Sites: the Case of Addis Ababa, Bahir Dar and Gondar(Addis Ababa University, 2010-06) Kassahun, Ashenafi; Tadesse, Sentayehu (PhD)The study focused on the assessment of the major psychological and social problems oj child commercial sex workers in some selected tourist sites in Ethiopia. It was conducted on 103 purposively selected child commercial sex workers and 1 broker in Addis Ababa, Bahir Dar and Gondar. InJormation was gathered through questionnaire, the Center Jor Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale Jor Children (CES-DC), the Children Hope Scale (CHC), and interview. The collected data were analyzed through percentage, t-test and one way ANOVA. A lthough the clients oj the majority oj the participants were predominantly the local people (69%), 31% oj the respondents reported that they had contact with Joreigner clients. In the interview, in addition to public places, it was explored that there were hidden places organized to connect foreigners with children for commercial sexual exploitation. On the Center Jor Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale Jor Children (CES-DC), most oj the participants 63% of them reported total scores above the cut off point 15, which is suggestive oj existence oj significant depression symptom. On the children hope scale, the majority (61%) scored below the cut point 21 which is an indication of low level oj hope. The participants score on CES-DC and CHS were compared across different background variables and significant differences were observed. In addition to these psychological variables, the social problems oj the child commercial sex workers were explored. Most oj the participants reported that they spent the day time by chewing chat (62.9%) and sleeping (47.1%). One oJthejustificationsJor spending their time these ways was a feeling oj a sense oj embarrassment to go out side in the day time and these helped them to hide themselves Fom the society. Frequent quarrel (51%) with other persons was the other major inter personal problem investigated in this study. Finally, all stake holders are recommended to organize activities that help child commercial sex workers to cope with the psychological and social problems identified in one way or anotherItem A Comparative Study of Burnout and Coping Strategies between Hiv Counselors: Face To Face and Onilne Counseling Services in Addis Ababa(Addis Ababa University, 2010-06) Get achew, Desalegn; Tadesse, Sentayehu (PhD)The purpose of this study was to compare burnout and coping strategies between HIV counselors inface 10 face and online counseling settings in Addis Ababa. The sludy was design quanlilative and qualilative. For the quantitative data the participant were selected in a proportional stratified sampling technique included 64 face 10 face and 47 online HlV counselors in bOlh counseling sellings. In addition, 23 participants were selected a random purposive sampling technique to offer qualitative data from both counseling settings. For Ihe purpose of galhering the quanlitative data, the instruments namely: demographic questionnaire, Maslach Burnout InventOlY and the COPE questionnaire were used to gathered quantitative data. Qualitative data was also gathered in the FGD Guide and Interview Guide. Thus, this study revealed that HIV counselors in online counseling settings scored high on emotional exhaustion (30.3), depersonalization (J 3.53) and low in personal accomplishment (28. 72) dimensions of burnout as compared to HIV counselors in face to face setting emotional exhaustion (26.21), depersonalization (J 1.71) and personal accomplishment (32.78) of burnout dimensions. And the difference was statistically significant in emotional exhaustion (t=-2.55, p<.05) and personal accomplishment. (t= -2.5, p<05) dimension. But there was no a significant difference on depersonalization dimension of burnout between the two groups. In addition, a statistically significant difference was found on problem focused coping strategy (t=2. 15, p<. 0 I) between the two groups. No statically significant was found in emotion focused coping strategy in both groups. Statistically negative correlation was observed between some demographic variables such as age with emotional exhaustion (1'=-.249, p< .01), age with depersonalization (1'= -.289, p< .01) dimensions of burnout and years of experiences and pe.'·sonal accomplishment (1'=-.253, p<. OI) dimension of burnout. A statistically positive correlation was also observed between average number of clients served per day and emotional exhaustion (1'=.233 p<05) in both groups. A statistically positive correlation was found between sex and emotional focused coping strategy at (1'=.202, p<.05) and problem focused coping strategy at (1'=.247, p<.OI) respectively. Lastly, a significant positive correlation was also observed in the emotional exhaustion dimension of the burnout and the emotional focused coping strategy at (1'=.263, P. <. 01) in both groups. Generally, this study has shown that HIV counselors sufJerfi'ommoderate to high level of burnout and online HIV counselors reported that they usedji'equently emotional focused coping strategy while face to face HIV counselors used problem focused coping strategy. Based on the findings, conclusions were made and recommendations were forwarded.Item A Comparative Study of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice About HIVjAIDS and VCT among Defense University College Students(Addis Ababa University, 2006-06) Yimer, Ibrahim; Tadesse, Sentayehu (PhD)The major objectives of this study were to compare knowledge, attitude and practice about HIVIAIDS and voluntary counseling and testing (VCT) among Defense University College Students who identified their HIV negative status and those who do not. Tile sample of the study consists of students who identified their HIV negative status and those who do not. A total of 236 purposefully selected subjects were participated in the study. Data collectors administered a questionnaire prepared by the investigator for subjects in the three campuses of the Defense University College namely: Defense Health Sciences College, Human Resource Management College and Nlulugeta Buli Technical Training Institute. The statistical analysis in this study consisted of percentage and Chi- Square. The study shows that 94.3% of over all, 95.5% of the tested and 93.3% of the non tested respondents had good knowledge and 72.54% of over all, 75% of the tested and 66% of the non tested respondents had favorable attitude towards HIV/ AIDS. Wyfhen compared between the tested and the non tested on knowledge and attitude about HIV / AIDS there is no statistically significant difference between the tested and the non tested on their knowledge and attitude about HIV/ AIDS(Chi-square = 0.015, P<0.05). Regarding practice on HIV, 1 7.4% of over all students, 12. 7% of the tested and 25. 6%of the non- tested respondents had STDs during the last two years . . Moreover, 17.4% of over all, 16.7% of the tested and 19.6% of the non-tested had unsafe injection during the last two years. Concerning their knowledge about VCT, 76.3% of over all, 81.6% of the tested and 67.05% of the non tested had good knowledge, and also 77% of over all, 84.74% of the tested and 70.9% of the non tested had favorable attitude about VCT. When the tested and the non tested are compared there is statistically significant difference on knowledge about VCT (Chi-square = 23.99, df= 1 P<0.05). Bbut there is no statistically significant difference on attitude about VCT (Chi-square = 3.49, P<0.05) ... Concerning their practice, 83.3% of the tested 54.7% of the non- tested are willing to be retested and tested if the service is available. There is statistically significant differences between the tested and the non tested to be tested if the service is available, that is more of the tested are willing to be tested than the non tested if the service is available(Chi-square = 19.09, df=l P<0.05). The study made practical recommendations amide at preventing the spread of HIV/AIDSItem A Comprehensive Study at Some Selected Organizations Providing Professional Counseling Services in Addis Ababa(Addis Ababa University, 2009-07) Tarekegn, Abraham; Tadesse, Sentayehu (PhD)This study represents an investigation of practitioner counselors' competence of multicultural counseling. To achieve the purpose of the study, 90 counselors were purposely selected from an indentified 20 organizations that provided professional counseling to diverse clients in Addis Ababa city. Questionnaires, one to measure the multicultural counseling competence of counselors and the other to measure the extent of social desirable responses in the data, were administrated to the counselors. Results revealed that most of the counselors did not further their education in counseling specialty, had never taken a multicultural counseling course, had never attended workshops on multicultural counseling, had not received multicultural supervision, and did not participate in researches with multicultural issues. The general result from the MCI indicates that most of the counselors have an average score in both the total and sub scale items while detail description of counselors' scores in each sub scale is provided by percentage analysis. With regard to the social desirable nature of the responses, the results indicate that there is no significance relationship between the MCI and MCSDS-S.Item The Effectiveness of Solution-Focused Brief Group Counseling For Psychological Problems of Sexually Abused Children: the Case Of Godanaw Rehabilitation Integrated Project(Addis Ababa University, 2010-06) Kanko, Markos; Tadesse, Sentayehu (PhD)This study examined whether Solution-Focused Brief Group Counseling (SFBGC) is effective in addressing psychological problems of sexually abused children in Godanaw Rehabilitation Integrated Project. Fifty participants aged 12-18 year old selected purposefully based on inclusion criteria who randomly assigned into the control and treatment group, each with 25 participants. The research design was a non-equivalent control group pretest and posttest of a quasi-experimental design. Three standardized scales, namely, the Children Depression Inventory, the Child Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms Scale and Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale were used to measure the dependent variables at two occasions: pretest and posttest. Participants in the treatment group received SFBGC for three weeks, three days per week, 1:00-1:20 hours per session for a total of 8 sessions. Results of dependent t-test indicated that, after treatment, participants engaged in treatment group showed statistically significant reduction in the level of depression (4ffl24 , t$2.186, p'$0.05) and significant improvement in self-esteem (d.ftf24, t!5-2.623, P50.05) compared to the control group. Independent t-test indicated that there was no statistically significant difference between the treatment and control group in posttraumatic stress symptoms during the pre-test (dJ548 , tFO.183, pj§O.05) and during the post-test (d.r~48, tFO.199, P50.05) respectively. From these results it was suggested that the application of SFBGC has to be expanded to address psychological problems of sexually abused children in more other organizations or settingsItem Prevalence and Correlates of Mental Disorders Among Prisoners at Debremarkos(Addis Ababa University, 2007-07) Terefe, Menwagaw; Tadesse, Sentayehu (PhD)No studies so far have been conducted ill Elhiopia 10 eslimale the prevalence of menIal disorders in a prison populalion. !n order 10 explore Ihe magnilude of menial disorders and Iheir associaliollS wilh socio-demographic faclors and some criminal hislories of inll1ales, a sludy IVas conducled in Debre Markos lown using Ihe Amharic version oflhe Composile !nlernalional Diagnoslic lnlerview (CID!). A lolal of 1 04 inmales aged 19-59 years (allihe 48 female prisoners purposely laken as a sample and 56 males selected by 5ystemolic random samplil1g) were interviewed by nOll-clinician il1lerviewers. The aggregale life-lime prevalence eSlimale of lIIenlal disorders was 46.6 ,.Jercenl and .f 1.9 perceJ1/ whell subslance Ivas 1101 included. The 1I10Si frequenl specific diagnoses IVere: anxiely disorders (9.3 percenl), major depression (7.4 percelll), dissocialive amnesia (7.4 percenl), and dyslhYlllic disorderlrecllrrenl depressive episode (5.6 percCII I). Associaliolls of specific menial disorders wilh demographic .fac/ors and criminal histories of inmates were assessed lIsing one \\lay al7a~)lsis of variance. A4oreover, comparisons for significant group meall differences were tested by POI /-lac lest (Scheffe's) and I-Iesl. Felllale sex 'I'as shown 10 have sla/islically sigllificanl associcllion lI'ilh dyslhymic disorder (1=2. 10, P<0.05), lIIanic depression/bipolar disorder (1=2.94, P<0.05), and dissociative amnesia (1=2.71, P< O.05) where as the male sex was significantly associated wilh lobacco dependence (1 =2.63, P<0.05). Anxiely disorders lI'ere Slran)!,!y ass-ocialed willi Ille younger age group (J 9-24 years) and less associoled IVilh Ihe middle age group (25-44 years) (iv/am difference =20. 51, P<0.05). Anxiely disorders I!'ere also ossocialed wilh inmales who are in Iheir beginning phase of illlprisonllleni and Ihe leasl associalion found among Ihose slayed longer periods in prison (Mean difference=14.28, P<0.05). Major depression was slrongly associaled wilh Ihe younger age group and Ihe single/unlllarried marilal SlOlus. Alcohol dependence was fOl/nd 10 have sialislically significonl associalion wilh Ihe divorced and was less clSsocialed wilh Ihe married (Mean difference = 12. 50, P<0.05). Fell' services (primm)' school. handicrafl and lIIedicalion) Irere availohle in Ihe prison. fI was concluded Ihallhe aggregclle prevalence rale oflllenial disorders is Sllb.HUlllial and Ihere is a need 10 make inlervenlions. Hence, eSlablishing a holislic and inlegraled !IIedical, psychotherapeutic, and \1ocalional interventions were recommended 10 improve fhe menIal well-beillg of prisoners.Item The Psychosocial Problems of Employees Experienced Work Rela Teo Accidents: The Case of Some Selected Organiza Tions in Addis Ababa(Addis Ababa University, 2009-06) Bekele, Moges; Tadesse, Sentayehu (PhD)The study investigated the psychosocial problems of employees who had experienced work related accidents in the last twelve months in two selected organizations in Addis Ababa. In this regard, the manifestatians of psychosocial problems such as stress, family related problems, the possible causes for work related accidents and the intervention strategies of organizations in focus to mitigate the psychosocial problems of employees who had experienced work related accidents were studied. In this study, 103 participants were participated (89 respondents for self reported questionnaire, 2 supervisors as key informants and 12 FGD participants). The descriptive survey research method was employed for this study and two sets of questionnaire, which contained the socio-demographic information and the stress symptom scale, were utilizedfor data coliection. The finding of the study revealed that employees who had experienced work related accidents manifested a moderate level of stress. Although, it was not statistically significant, the finding of the study revealed that participants with different backgrounds such as sex, age, education, marital status and employment were manifested a moderate level of stress. It was also found out in the findings of the study that causes Jor work related accidents include factors such as high work pace, absence of support ji-om supervisors and long working hours. Regarding family problems in connection with work related accidents, the study revealed that conflict of responsibilities, domestic violence, difficulties in daily life logistics and decline of interest for family hobbies were among the factors manifested by the discussants. Concerning the intervention strategies employed by the organizations infocus to mitigate the psychosocial problems of employees with work related accidents, the study revealed that redistribution of work among colleagues, prioritization of tasks, provision of appropriate training and building team work were the most discussed issues by the FGD participants. The finding of the study implies that work related accidents has associations with stress though it is in a moderate level and is not statisticaliy significant based on a one-way ANOVA analysis. Considering the findings obtained, it was recommended that the organizations should employ different approaches such as integration of the counseling service with the existing health service programs by giving due allention for the psychosocial well-being of employees with work related accidents.