Browsing by Author "Chalchisa, Desalegne (PhD)"
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Item Academic Adjustment Problems of First Year Madawalabu University Students(Addis Ababa University, 2011) Sirak, Teshome; Chalchisa, Desalegne (PhD)The purpose of this study was to investigate academ ic adjustment problems of first year Madawalabu University students. The study was conducted on 217 (49 female and 168 male) first year undergraduate students and six informants (four faculty deans, registrar officer, and health/clinic officer) v,ho were 'purposely se le~ted. Student Adaptation to Col lege Questionnaire (SACQ) and interview gu ide were used to collect data from pm1icipants. The data were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. The resu lts of the study revealed that psychosocial adjustment and institutional/goal commitment jointly accounted for 40% of the variance in students' academic adjustment. However, the sole contribution of social influence was higher (27%) than other variables. Results from interviews and open ended question showed institutional related factors like problems of fac ilities/services, educational resources, and students' lack of readiness, discrepancy between their expectations, etc. 1lre adversely affecting students' academic adjustment. On the other hand, majorities of the students were with moderate level of academic adjustment and male students were better adjusted than female students. One-way ANOYA revealed that statisti ca lly significant mean difference in students' academic adjustment between faculties/schools was not found. In conclusion, first year students' academic adjustment problems were resulted from psychosocial problems, students' lack of institutional/goal commitment, problems related to university facilities, limited educational resources and some students' related problems.Item Bullying Behavior among High School Students as a Function of Family Relationships and Peer Group Influence: In Some Selected West Arsi High Schools(Addis Ababa University, 2010-06) Gishe, Gemechu; Chalchisa, Desalegne (PhD)This study generally eXaiililled whether bullying is related to family and peer gruup influence:> ur not. The study conducted in four purposely selected high schools in West Arsi. Thus, 203 adolescents ' were participated in this research. Of which J J 2 were males and the remaining 9 J were females . Questionnaire and interview guide were used to collect data Fom the participants. The analysis involving correlation indicated that age was significantly correlated to all forms of bullying behavior. Similarly, Intimacy was Significantly correlated to all forms bullying. Neither conflict nor communication subscale significantly related to bullying. On the other hand, Peer group influence was significantly correlated to all forms of bullying. The analysis of independent t-test reveled that statistically signiJicance diJjerence between male and jemale adolescents was found in physical bullying. However, with verbal and indirect form of bullying, statistically significant difference was not observed. The results of one -way ANOVA shows that statistically considerable difference was found among schools in bullying behavior. In conclusion, the analysis of multiple regressions revealed that intimacy, conflict, communication and peel' group influence together contributed J 7% of the variation for adolescents bullying behavior.Item Determinants of Student Dropout in Government Primary Schools in Addis Ababa city Administration in Akaki-Kality Subcity(Addis Ababa University, 2012-06) Teshome, Daniel; Chalchisa, Desalegne (PhD)This study examined determinants of dropout in six government primary second cycle schools situated in Akaki Kality subcity of Addis Ababa City Administration. It employed descriptive survey research method. Data were collected from teachers, dropout returnees, principals and parent-teacher association leaders from schools using questionnaire and interview. The school principals and parent teacher association leaders were the subjects of interview questions. One hundred thirty dropout returnees, one hundred fifty four teachers and five school principals and five parent teacher association leaders participated in this study. Dropout returnees, school principals and parent teacher association leaders were selected using available sampling technique whereas teachers are selected using stratified and systematic random sampling. Quantitative data were analyzed using percentage, mean and t-test whereas qualitative data were analyzed with themes and categories. The study indicated the eight major outof- school related factors for student dropout. These were: low level of parents’ monthly income, low level of parental education, divorced parents, involvement in domestic work, unable to afford expenses to school supplies, involvement in generating income for the family, parents negative attitudes in formal education, and deceased parents are among major factors that contribute to high rate of dropout in the study area in respective order. Where as students’ negative interest towards education found to be a high contributing factor to dropout from the school. Independent samples t-test revealed statistically significant differences across students and teachers on determinant factors of dropout. The mean in the t-test indicated teachers’ ratings reasons for dropout was significantly higher than those of students. The qualitative analysis indicated that economic condition of the family, students’ high involvement in domestic activities and involvement in income generating activities were the major factors that determine dropout in these schools. Based on the findings, recommendations were forwardedItem Factors Affecting Job Stress and Satisfaction of TVET Teachers in Tigray Region, Ethiopia(Addis Ababa University, 2007-03) Melles, Yitbarek; Chalchisa, Desalegne (PhD)The purpose of the present study was to investigate the factors of job stress and job satisfaction among TVET teachers in Tigray and discuss its relevance to TVET. The research was conducted with the assumption that if such factors are identified, efforts can be made to eliminate or reduce the effects of those variables which lead to stress or and enhance those which lead to s atisfaction. A sample of 180 teachers was randomly drawn from 308 teachers. Participants completed a questionnaire on demographic variables and 20 subscales of teachers' stress and job satisfaction measures. Quantitative statistics such as mean, standard deviation, Product Moment Correlation, ANOVA and linear regression techniques were employed between measures. The result of the study has shown that female respondent teachers had a lower level of satisfaction and highly stressed as compared to the males. Diploma graduate teachers showed relatively lower job satisfaction and higher stress compared to BA/ BSC graduates. Teachers of Industrial area were with high stress (as compared to the business teachers) in leadership style and less satisfied in achievement need. However, age and expenence on job stress and satisfaction did not show a significant contribution in the study. The results of regression showed that working environment, salary and benefits and responsibility were very important factors to job satisfaction. The regression analysis also indicated extrinsic variables to be the most explaining variables as compared to intrinsic variables on the overall effect of job satisfaction. Moreover, most teachers felt stressed on factors such as role over/oad, working condition, peer support, and leadership styles. The relationship between overall job Stress and job satisfaction was found to be negative and significant. Finally the results appear to have managerial and research implications. It is envisaged that the identification of the specific sources of stress will shade light in to the problems of TVET teachers that make their job particularly difficult.Item Factors That Influence Female Teachers Involvement in Action Research: The Case of Lafto Government Primary School in Addis Ababa(Addis Ababa University, 2014-06) Alaro, Meskerem; Chalchisa, Desalegne (PhD)The main objective of this study was to examine ―Factors that influence Female Teachers‘ Participation in Action Research at Lafto Government Primary School.‖ In order to understand the participation of female teachers in research activities, qualitative data was generated through purposively selected. Two professional experts at Education Bureau, ten female teachers‘, two school administrators and two unit leaders who are more responsible for the issues using semi – structured interviews, informal conversation, and observations of action research analysis. Use of these methods served to triangulate the data. The data obtained through interview, informal conversation and focus group discussion were analyzed qualitatively using conceptualization, codining, catagorizining and themes. The major finding indicated that lack of training, lack of motivation, work load, family responsibility, negative attitude of female teachers‘ and others are factors that influence the involvement of Lafto Government Primary School female teachers‘ to do action research. Due to these factors, female teachers‘ involvement in action research at Lafto Government Primary School was low. To overcome such factors various applicable motivational strategies were investigated like trainings, facilities, and incentives. It is hoped that these will assist female teachers‘ participation in action research activities at largeItem Factors That Influence Female Teachers' Involvement in Action Research: The Case of Lafto Primary School, Addis Ababa(Addis Ababa University, 2014-06) Alaro, Meskerem; Chalchisa, Desalegne (PhD)The mam objective of this study was to examine "Factors that influence Female Teachers' Participation in Action Research at Lafto Government Primary School." In order to understand the participation of female teachers in research activities, qualitative data was generated through purposively selected. Two professional experts at Education Bureau, ten female teachers', two • school administrators and two unit leaders who are more responsible for the issues using semi - structured interviews informal conversation, and observations of action research analysis. Use of these methods served to triangulate the data. The data obtained through interview, informal conversation and focus group discussion were analyzed qualitatively using conceptualization, codining catagorizining and themes. The major finding indicated that lack of training, lack of moti ation \ ork load family responsibility, negative attitude of female teachers' and others are factors that influence the involvement of Lafto Government Primary School female teachers' to do action research. Due to these factors, female teachers' involvement in action research at Lafto Government Primary School was low. To overcome such factors various applicable motivational strategies were investigated like trainings, facilities, and incentives. It is hoped that these will assist female teachers' participation in action research activities at largeItem Oromo Indigenous Education: The Case of Gindaberate District, Oromia(Addis Ababa University, 2007-07) Fufa, Lemessa; Chalchisa, Desalegne (PhD)Now day, human beings need practical activities and linkages in the world . At worst, hindrance of transfer learning brings a developmental lag of an individual and a society. Its overcoming begins in learning indigenous education inclusive of the others through nostrification. Accordingly, the purpose of this study is to describe Oromo indigenous education for an individual from birth to sixteen years of age using a case study design in an Oromo cultural setting. The study follows a qua litative research paradigm in general and an indigenous research methodology in its principles in particular. Moverover, it is viewed from African and Oromo world-views. To this end, the d a ta were collected from six informants selected by purposive and theoretical sampling methods. During in-depth interview, the documentary data were triangulated with data from informants. These data were a nalyzed and presented based on the basic research questions going through a life-cycle and life-space of an individual on the stress of major society's life-style. Subsequently, the finding showed that Oromo indigenous education is rich enough in its goals, contents, methods, agents and assessments. Oromo indigenous education is eclectic, inclusive and role-orientated education. It fits the needs, culture and environment of the Oromo society.Item The Relationship between Test Anxieties, Study Habit, Parental Involvement and Academic Achievement of Grade Ten Government Secondary School Students in Addis Ababa.(Addis Ababa University, 2010-06) Tadele, Getu; Chalchisa, Desalegne (PhD)Thi s stu dy attempted to examll1 e the relations hip amo ng test a nxiety, s tu dy hab it a nd pa r enta l invo lvement in re lati on to acade mic ac hi evem e nt s . To in vesti ga te these re la ti ons hips 333 second ary schoo l st ud ents ( 167 m a le a nd 166 fe m a le) we re taken as pa r tic ipa nt s of the stud y u s in g st ratified sampling methods. Ave rage academi c ac hi evem e nt score of three consec uti ve se m este rs an d stud ent se lf repot q uest ionnair es was used to gath er pelti ne nt infor mat ion. The d ata a na lyzed by us ing stat isti cal techn iq ues of mea n , sta nda rd d ev iation , Pe arso n and biseri a l corre la ti o n coe ffi c ie nt, a nd multipl e regressio ns. Results o f the st udy showed tes t a n x iety had negative re lati o n w ith st ud ent s' academic achi evem e nt s, a nd study hab it a nd pare nt a l invo lve me nt posi ti ve re lat ion w ith stud ent s' acade mi c ac hi evement. The multip le regress io n ana lysis d ispl ayed th at test anx iety, study ha bit a nd parenta l in vo lve me nt h ad s tat ist ica ll y s ign ifi cant con tributi on to s tud ents ' academi c ac hi evement , ex pl a ining 29 .2% of the differe nce in academ ic ac hi evement. Of t he var ia bl es treated in th e s tud y, st udy habit was t he best pred icto r variable to the st udents academ ic ach ievemen t. T he researc he r reco mmends that i n ter vent io n need to reduce test a nx ie ty and im prov ing study hab it, increas ing pare n ta l in vo l ve me nt a nd studen ts ' academ ic pe rfo rma nce. Moreover, a fu rt her re search IS recom mended a verifying whe th e r t he observed di ffe re n ce between m a le a nd fe ma le IS th e result of va ri at io n in th e ir acade mic perfo rm ance.Item Self Objectification, Habitual Body Monitoring and Body• Dissatisfaction among Adolescent and Young Adulthood Women(Addis Ababa University, 2010-06) Zebrea, Tadele; Chalchisa, Desalegne (PhD)This study investigated age related difference in self-objectification, habitual body monitoring and body dissatisfaction among adolescent and young adulthood women. In addition it was aimed at identifying the relationships among self-objectification, habitual body monitoring and body dissatisfaction. Furthermore it was designed to assess body perception and identifying whether girls/women are dissatisfied/feel anxious about their appearance or not. The study involved 300 randomly selected female students (150 from two high school and 150 from university) from Addis Ababa town. Questionnaire that was designed to measure tendency of self-objectification, habitual body monitoring, body dissatisfaction and body figure perception were used to gather information from the participants. The gathered data was recorded and analyzed using appropriate statistical packages. The finding revealed that women perceive their appearance fatter than they think they deserve • and rate slim or thin body figure as appropriate for social approval, to attract opposite sex and to appear physically attractive. In addition, the finding showed that girls/women feel anxious about their appearance. Furthermore the finding disclosed that there was strong positive relationship between self-objectification, habitual body monitoring and body dissatisfaction. Finally, it was observed that, while there was age related change in body dissatisfaction among adolescent and young adults, the tendency of self-objectification and habitual body monitoring remain the same for the two groups.Item Students Disciplinary Problems and Its Impact on Their Achievement in Bole Subcity High Schools(Addis Ababa University, 2013-06) Tekeste, Daniel; Chalchisa, Desalegne (PhD)This study examined impacts of students' disciplinary problems on their achievement in Bole High schools. It employed descriptive survey research method. Data were collected from students and teachers using questionnaire and intervi':!w. One hundred forty students and also thirty teachers were participated in this study. Students were selected using available sampling technique whereas teachers are selected using stratified and systematic random sampling. Quantitative data were analyzed using percentage, mean and t-test whereas qualitative data were analyzed with themes and categories. The study indicated the major types of disciplinary problems and their causes. Independent samples t-test revealed statistically significant differences across students and teachers on determinant factors of disciplinary problems. The mean in the t-test indicated students' disciplinary problems was highly affected more boys than those girls. The qualitative analysis indicated that economic condition of the family, students' high involvement in domestic activities and involvement of peer pressure can be the major causes of students' indiscipline in these schools. Based on the findings, recommendations were forwarded.Item Students Disciplinary Problems and Its Impact on Their Achievement in Bole Subcity High Schools(Addis Ababa University, 2013-06) Tekeste, Daniel; Chalchisa, Desalegne (PhD)This study examined impacts of students' disciplinary problems on their achievement in Bole High schools. It employed descriptive survey research method. Data were collected from students and teachers using questionnaire and interview. One hundred forty students and also thilty teachers were participated in this study. Students were selected using available sampling technique whereas teachers are selected using stratified and systematic random sampling. Quantitative data were analyzed using percentage, mean and t-test whereas qualitative data were analyzed with themes and categories. The study indicated the major types of disciplinary problems and their causes. Independent samples t-test revealed statistically significant differences across students and teachers on determinant factors of disciplinary problems. The mean in the t-test indicated students' disciplinary problems was highly affected more boys than those girls. The qualitative analysis indicated that economic condition of the family, students' high involvement in domestic activities and involvement of peer pressure can be the major causes of students' indiscipline in these schools. Based on the findings, recommendations were forwardedItem Workplace Conflict Management Styles Among Employees of Debre Berhan Blanket Factory(Addis Ababa University, 2007-06) Arasaw, Setegn; Chalchisa, Desalegne (PhD)In this study awareness of functions of conflict at work and the link between demographic variables and conflict management styles were investigated. For this investigation, 315 employees were randomly selected from the 748 employees of Debre Berhan Blanket Factory (DBBF). A self report questionnaire and a semi-structured interview were employed to collect data. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were employed to analyze the data. Results of the descriptive analyses showed that generally employees ' awareness of functions of conflict at work was not quite sufficient. In the inferential analysis, men were found to be avoiders and more competitive than their female counterparts. Males were also found to be more compromising than females. Females on the other hand were found to be more accommodative than their male counterparts. It was also found out that as the employees' age and work experience increase, they tend to shift from competitiveness to accommodativeness and more collaborative styles of conflict management styles. Though gender-based differences in conflict management are reported in many studies, the gap between male and female employees of Debre Berhan Blanket FactolY is quite wide. The insufficient awareness of functions of conflict at work of employees is also a phenomenon repeatedly reported in many studies. Thus, the factOlY management and workers association should collaboratively do whatever they can to narrow down the wider gap between men and women across the three conflict management styles (avoiding, competing, and accommodating). They also should design continuous trainings to inform employees with the positive values of conflict.