The Relationship between Test Anxieties, Study Habit, Parental Involvement and Academic Achievement of Grade Ten Government Secondary School Students in Addis Ababa.
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Addis Ababa University
Thi s stu dy attempted to examll1 e the relations hip amo ng test a nxiety, s tu dy hab it a nd
pa r enta l invo lvement in re lati on to acade mic ac hi evem e nt s . To in vesti ga te these
re la ti ons hips 333 second ary schoo l st ud ents ( 167 m a le a nd 166 fe m a le) we re taken as
pa r tic ipa nt s of the stud y u s in g st ratified sampling methods. Ave rage academi c
ac hi evem e nt score of three consec uti ve se m este rs an d stud ent se lf repot q uest ionnair es
was used to gath er pelti ne nt infor mat ion. The d ata a na lyzed by us ing stat isti cal
techn iq ues of mea n , sta nda rd d ev iation , Pe arso n and biseri a l corre la ti o n coe ffi c ie nt, a nd
multipl e regressio ns. Results o f the st udy showed tes t a n x iety had negative re lati o n w ith
st ud ent s' academic achi evem e nt s, a nd study hab it a nd pare nt a l invo lve me nt posi ti ve
re lat ion w ith stud ent s' acade mi c ac hi evement. The multip le regress io n ana lysis d ispl ayed
th at test anx iety, study ha bit a nd parenta l in vo lve me nt h ad s tat ist ica ll y s ign ifi cant
con tributi on to s tud ents ' academi c ac hi evement , ex pl a ining 29 .2% of the differe nce in
academ ic ac hi evement. Of t he var ia bl es treated in th e s tud y, st udy habit was t he best
pred icto r variable to the st udents academ ic ach ievemen t. T he researc he r reco mmends that
i n ter vent io n need to reduce test a nx ie ty and im prov ing study hab it, increas ing pare n ta l
in vo l ve me nt a nd studen ts ' academ ic pe rfo rma nce. Moreover, a fu rt her re search IS
recom mended a verifying whe th e r t he observed di ffe re n ce between m a le a nd fe ma le IS
th e result of va ri at io n in th e ir acade mic perfo rm ance.
Relationship between Test Anxieties