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Item Epidemiological Investigation of Mechanically Transmitted Trypanosomosis (Trypanosoma Vivax) of Domestic Animals in three Districts Bordering Lake Tana ,Ethiopia.(Addis Ababa University Faculty Of Veterinary Medicine, 2004-06) Sinshaw, Alekaw; Abebe, Prof. GetachewAn epidemiological invc~[igatjon o f mechanic ali) transmitted trypanosomosis \\as unde rtaken at the three districts (l3ahir Dar Zuria. Delllbia and Foge ra) bordering tal..e Tana that arc located in Amharct :.Jilliona! Regional Stall'. I-.thiapia. The SlUd} \\ a'i conductcu \\ llh the objecli\es o f determining the prc\alencc of [r~ranosomosis in calth:. ,mall ruminants and equines. idelllif)ing biting Oil'S and irl\cstigating the presence of drug resistance 10 Isomcthamidiulll chloride and Diminazinc .:lcc!Uratc in the stu dy are as. rhe mcthodolog) follo\H..'d \\as tha t a total or 1509 cank. 798 small ruminan ts and 749 equines \\ere considered for the prevalence 'IUJ) u<,ing parasitolo£icat method .. (buf)~ -coal method) and the PC\ ofc Il1casllr~d using hematocrit h:chniqllc", t\ 101a1 of86 Iraps (66 ~Gl and ~() \ ·Ionoconica l) \\crt.: (kplll) cd for Ihe purpo"l' o f 11) .... ur\t.:~, ;\1 Ihe Fogera districi -IS canle (in Ihe late rain) "cason) and 19 callic (in Ihe earl~ dr) season) positi\c lor 7hpw/(J\olIw I'/I'CH ancr Ireatmcnl wilh Iso lll clharniJiwl1 chloride and Dil11inalinc aCl!lUralt.' respecliH:I) \\ere folkl\\~'d for -; Jllonlhs and 24 da~ .... , rl!<;pec ti\l'l) rhe r('~lIll'i indi caled Ihal Ihl' o \eral1 pre\ akn..::e o f tr~ panoSom O:-.l .... 11l callie "as 6.1 ° ° (92/1509). Pn.!\ akncc "as significanlly (I ·3.~. ]><0.0 0 I.) higher during th,,- late rain) season 9.6°'0 (57 '591) lliJn Ihe e:lrl~ dr) sea .... on I.11 U n(22609) .\1 roger ,>ignilicanll~ (ppt.':cie-'> and none of thl' l'quin~s \\ ere positive. A1Ithl' tr~ panosomc!. cncountcreJ in cank belong to iI single Ill' I \ 'IHLr IlLmcH~r thl! li'l//{//WI(III/U ~pco.:ks in 'ihet.:p ,H1d go.lI ... th ough il "t:emed T l"/I"/Lt fr om the 1ll0lClllClib of bun~\ -cmU ~JllC3r. il lIas not po,,,ibh.· to gel \\ itl! in the Ihin ... rnear prep.Hallon madc from Ihe bun~·co'lI \\hich ma~ Iw dUl' to Ihl.! Icr) 101\ number of para::.ill'" in tht.: blood (single par'l ... itl''' per preparation for eat.:h ... pecic ... al tht.': buH) coal). The PCV for cach species of animal \1:lS \\i lh in the normal range 3\ailabk in lilernll1re HI(: PC\' or Trim.\' inliXIt.:d c;U1k ( PCV~~1.6. 95°0('1 1().9·~2.3) 11<1" ,\ s ignific:mt l~ (VO.OO I) 100~ e r th an the m:ga t i\C'~ ( pe V '.1504 . 95~'QC I <~ 5. 2-2 5.5 ) and PCV va lue~ \\'en..: al so signifi cantly and pos it ;\ e l~ 3ssoc ia ted \\ II h bod) co ndi tio n sco re (pll1iw.: d lllechanil';!ll~ mediated b~ bi til1g tl ie-,>_ r l'il'lL\' inli:.::lioll in .::auic of thc <,tlld~ di,tm:t<, i ... "Clh;t;\C (0 "·,lh hlllllcthamidiulll .::hll)ridl.' (,II 1 XI mglkg BW dosc ratc) and Diminazine aceturate {3.5 mglkg BW) as a prophylac t ic and normal curative doscs respective ly. Therefore, a particular attention towards T. v;vax infection in catt le is essential to contro l the impact of the disease on productivity, Development of control options that could minim ize bi ting nies especially in seasons of high vec to r pop ul ation is another task. Treatment of T. vil'at positive cattle with Diminazine acetu ra te would he effC(;tive and economical till problems of drug resistance might arise due to Diminazine acelurate. Finall y, further studies on biting flies (species behaviors, breeding habitat, host preference, control alternatives, relative importance with regard to T. viva'C transmissio n and other relevant aspects) are recommended.