The performance and challenges of the current Agricultural Extension appr-oach in food crop packages-a case study in Assosa and Bambasi Woredas of the Benishangul Gumuz National Regional State
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Addis Ababauniversity
Curre ntl y, agric ultural ex tension acti vity has been wide ly implemented indi fferent parts of the
world. Agri cul tural extension is both a science and an art, which aims at improving the over all
productiv ity of the rural ' fa rmers. It usually introduces new techno logies or innovations fo r
ta rgeted groups of the society. In short, agricultural extension can be considered as a bridge that
links and faci litates a kind of hori zontal relationship among researchers, policy makers and
fi ll"lners.
The l11ai n obj ccti vc of this study is to see overall performance of th e current ex tension approach
in food crop packages- in the case of Assosa and Bambasi woredas of the Beni shangul Gumuz
Natio nal Regio nal State (BGNRS). These two woredas are relati vely access ible and pioneers to
introducc the current ex tension approach. Due to such and other similar reasons, they were
purpos ively sclccted fo r this particular study. Cross sectional survey method was employed to
gath cr data fro m the selected sample househo lds of the areas. Each sample household was
ra ndom ly se lccted from the stratifi ed groups (parti cipants and non-participants) of the sampling
frame. In processes of data coll ection; constraints of money and time, scattered type of
scttlements, unfavorabl e cli mate and lack of road transportation were maj or prob lems.
Descripti ve stat isti cs, measures of stati stical significance and logistic regression model were used
to analyze the data. In add ition to that, group di scuss ion was administered wi th representati ves of
agricultural o f'fi ces ofthe two woredas, development agents of the areas, Woreda administrators
'lI1d d iffe rent cxperts o f the regional agricultural bureau.
As the over al l results of the study clearl y shows, each sample households knows at least about
the existence o f' the current extension program . On the other hand, average yield ; gross benefits
and net benefits of cx tension plots are found better th an non-extension plots. The program is al so
found contribu tin g a s ignifi cant change on food intake of the sample participants. But, on
actiV ities likc demonstrations, fi eld vi sits, and group discu ssions; supports given to fann ers of
the areas arc not much sati sfa ctory. Besides to th at, the role of farmers is not also well
consi dered in the over all planning and implementation process of the program. Among
hypothesized vari ables; number of oxen, access to credit services, and dummy variabl es for
scttle rs are foun d signifi cantly affect extension parti cipation.
In thc study areas; high illiteracy rates, language, marginali zation of women, declining in crop
prices, fin ancia l probl ems, lack o f access to credit services, absence of input delivering agencies,
poor tra nsportat ion, and absence of research in stitu tion are identi fl ed to be the main problems
(chal lenges) o f th e current extension program . Pl ann ers, policy makers, researchers,
adm in istrators, extension agents, and others stakeho lders need to work coll aboratively to tackle
these prob leJ11s. As l11uch as possible, early l11easures are hi ghly recoJ11J11ended. Other WIse,
lilrJ11 erS will not be willing for continuing to participate in the program
Assosa and Bambasi Woredas of the Benishangul Gumuz National Regional State