Self-Concept of War Affected Adolescents - The Case of Dinkas of Southern Sudan
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Addis Ababa University
The study tried to in vest igate whether th ere were differences between the self-concept of
Dinka ado lescent refugees and those who live in th eir home areas . Two general
hypotheses were tested . There were stati sti ca ll y signifi cant differences between selfconcepts
of refugees and non-refugees and between accompanied and unaccompanied
adolescents. Addit ional steps were taken to determi ne specific areas of differences by
grouping related items into categories.
The pi cture that emerged after the in vestigat ion of the situation of the adolescents is the
complexitiy of the set of factors that affect the ind ividual adolescent in the struggle to
survive, develop and engage in meaningful activity in relatio n to himself and the
community. On the other hand, the pressures on adolescents in ensuring the continuity of
traditional modes of responsibility and interaction among its partners.
[n the opin ion of the author of this paper, the generation of adolescents is at a crossroads
- a point where self-concept may ha ve to be defined largely according to the long
estab lished values of the community or where neccessities for survival and coping in war
overrid es the demands of the traditiona l, conmmunity oriented life. How th is generation
will develop in the future could be of interest to know.
Self-Concept of War Affected Adolescents