Urbanism and living conditions in Debre Markos town

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Addis Ababa University


Urbanization has become a major global phenomenon and rhe de~'liny of our planet. This process is highly facilitated by population growlh. technological and injrastrucillral progress. I, has a strong potential to bring profound changes in the entire living condition of residents both posillvely and negatively although the former by far Ollt ways the later. This paper analyzes 'he stale of urbanism and living condition of residents in Dcbre Markos /oll'n; the capillJ/ of Eastern Cojjom Zone of Amhara regional sla/e. The general objective of fhis study is /0 assess fhe socio economic and housing siluOlion of residents oj Debre Markos tOWI1. A cross-sectiollal srudy design was used. 71lc stlldy employed both quantitative and quolillllive research methods, flamely household survey, in-depth interviews, key informant interview and observation. A 10tal of 38./ sample household heads were se/ected through systematic random sampling for Ihe sun'ey. On lOp of this in deplh inlerview was employed with 8 resideflls and one key informam from town adminislratiOlf office. The findings revealed thai in Ihe past few years the town has wilnessed a tremendous spalial expansion as a result of the hOI/sing demand created by the growing populalion. 11 has also shown a significant improvement in terms of infrastructure and small and micro enterprise developments. Service providers are mushrooming and the cons/ruction seClOr is in progress. The town is characterized by significant homogeneity in terms of language and religion indicating the fact that it isfarfrom being a cosmopolitan center. Local social organizations are negatively influenced by the urbanization process. Regarding 011111101 income 11I0S/ of the respondents are found 10 be 101l'-income urban households. 11 also revealed that the mojorily of households had access to an improved source of drinking water. /n terms of quality, the large majority of houses are of substandard class thai is mainly buill out of wood and mud maleria/s. Unemployment, absence of publiC places and inappropriale sonitalion and waste mwwgemenl are identified as challenges for the de\'elopmenl of the town as a growing urban cemer. The silldy recommended the need to imprm'e the environmemo! and physical conditions of the area through public participation and further strengthening of Ihe role of micro sand small scale enterprises to create employment opportunities.



Urbanism and Living Conditions

