Biographical and Philological Analysis of Ga.Dla. Qa.Wstos
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Addis Ababa Universiy
This thesis focuses on the la te medieval 14th c. Mss. of GadHi Qaws\os. The
reason why the researcher chose this giidl as his research subject those targets
on this gadl, and also it is not well known comparing with the Ms. of Gadla
Takla Haymanot and also it had not been deeply studied by the scholars. The
researcher introduces the Mss. of Gadla Qaws\os and assesses the activities of
the saint towards the expansion of Christianity and monasticism.
The researcher mainly describes the textual tradition of five Mss. of Gadla
Qaws\os that are found from Garr Qddddst Sdllase monastery, Bayyo Abuna
Qaws\os church, N ~ bge St. Mary and Abuna Qaws\os monastery, and from the
National Archives and Library Agency and classify the stemma codicum of the
Mss. depend on their internal evidences or they had shared conjunctive errors.
Finally, the researcher analyzes the biography of Abuna Qaws\os depend on the
gadl and philological analysis of the text.
Biographical and Philological Analysis