Targetting in Productive Safety Net Programme: A Case Study in Ibnat woreda, in South Gonder Zone, Amahra Region.

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Addis Ababa University


For the purpose of attaining objecti ves of the research and answering research quest ions, this study employed both quantitative and qualitative data. The data for the study were collected both from primary and secondary sources. The primary data collection method involved the generation of both quali tative and quantitative data. The necessary information was coll ected using di ffe rent instruments such as household survey questionnaires, interview with key informants and focus group discussions. The secondary data collection method involved the review of documents and related literatures issued by the Ethiopian Government, implementing/partner donors and from other Sources. The reserach found that Productive Safety Net Programme targeting in Ibnat woreda combined admini strati ve and community targets approaches. In principle combining the two approaches creates complimentarity and thereby enhances targeting effi ciency. However, in practice the effic iency of targeting was impeded by a number of factors and problems such as: quota system, targeting methods practiced, the criteria used to screen participants, and low payment rates. The targeti ng criteria to allocate diffe rent amounts of resources to different kebeles in the woreda was based on past relief recipients and total production in the recent harvest season. With in the kebeles, the Community Food Security Task Force used oxen ownership as the vulnerability indicator. The present research has used combining ind icato rs for determ in ing targeting effi ciency by comparison of the local selection cri teria and across the targeting guideline criteria to identify those who are benefici ary and non-beneficiary for Productive Safety Net Programme. To achieve the PSNP objectives increasing the proportion of poor households those who are not included in the program should be the greatest priori ty. So the researcher from subject ive judgment accepts 10 percent error (5 % inclusion and 5 % exclusion erro r).The findings on targeting efficiency shows that the local selection factor 'oxen ownership ' with 26% exclusion errors but when combining two indicators the exclusion errors were 7 %, 4.3% and 4.3% for ' oxen and land', 'oxen and food aid ' ,and ' land and food aid' respectively. To achieve the Productive Safety Net Programe objectives increasing the proportion of poor households those who are not included in the program should be the greatest priority. So use of combining two indicators is associated with improved targeting by reducing exclusion error from 26% in 'oxen ownership' to 4.3% in 'oxen ownership and food aid 'and ' land ownership and food aid ' . The recommendations of the study to enhance the efficiency of targeting in Productive Safety Net Programme are community targeting process should be transparent, participatory and well managed; and selection criteria should be based on combination of at least two criterions in order to reduce errors of inclusion and exclusion.



Productive Safety Net Programme
