An Assessment of Teachers' Performances in Curriculum Implementation Illubabor Senior Secondary Schools in Focus
dc.contributor.advisor | Desta, Azeb(PhD) | | | Dinka, Hailu | | | 2018-08-10T06:56:01Z | | | 2023-11-18T09:24:43Z | | | 2018-08-10T06:56:01Z | | | 2023-11-18T09:24:43Z | | | 1991-06 | |
dc.description.abstract | h MaNA/June 1990, a stu4 was carrie. out U I1ltl~a~.r Seaior Sece •• ~ Scaools to assess tae perror~saees .r teacaers .r tae acadeJlic subjects u curricula illple.e.tati •• ;· Tae ~asie questions whica tae s~ atteaptea to 8llSWer were: _ (i) Do teacaers select, structure, a. reorc8Jlis. tao c.o.teats .r tae suijects tae7 teaca t. rac1litate tae pla.p1. c aat enclisio •• r illstructio.? (ll) Do all teacaers ' eQl~ &Jpropriate aetao.s, teckaiques, an. proeeures i. teacAUc? (iii) Do teacaers saow sa atte~t to overcometae saortace or teac~.le8rPiac .aterials? (iv) Do teacaers use coa.uait,y res. uri es t. 'ta. aaveatace .or iastructio.? aU. (v) D. teacaers prenb rer I coaeeras .r tae learRers~ ORe auaare. thri~ tour teacaers rro. a saaple or tAree scaools participatea 1a tae study. Tllrougll tao use .r questioaaire, oiservations, ana l.terviews, .ata were collect .. rroa teacaers. Directors · and stu.eats were also i.temew .... Tae .ata collecte4 were anal7zea usiae peree.taces, avera&es, Clrl-S~uare Ustribution, and iDterpretatiollS ia relatio. t. li terature in the field of curriculua and. instrueti... h particular, II J oAnson 's model or eurriculua taeeq· was takea as a treae or reference. . . . - Major findings of the stuq were (i) Teacaers elllla~e. (selecte., structured, and reorc8Jlize.) tae co.te.ts .r tae SUBjects tae7 teach to facilitate tae planai~ an. execusion of instructio., (ii) Too many teacaers were unconceraea aiout tae sllortSf)e of illstructional lIIaterials i. the suijects tae7 teaca, (iii) Teacaers tended to demonstrate a less frequent use of appropriate procedures ani teclmiques in teacllinc sat .0 significaat Ufference was observe .. letween all teacaers ia tns regart, (iv) ~ew teachers used tae coaauni~ tor auea ot tileir teacnllg, ant (v) Teachers assiste" tae learaers oaly tllrougll inforaal uvice and encourageaents. On tae lasis of the findin,s it was reco_eDdea to (i) Orgaaize workshops and seminars for teacaers to aelr the •• aster the methods and tecAniques of teaclliwc, (ii) Atnse teacaers to produce their own teachin~ aids, (iii) Encourage teachers to use community resoruces, ,iv) Moiilize tae scaool aad tae surrounding cOlllllunity tor tae upkeepiac ut aaintenaace of tae scaool, and (v) Make coatiaious tollow ups ot teacaers | en_US |
dc.identifier.uri | | |
dc.language.iso | en | en_US |
dc.publisher | Addis Ababa University | en_US |
dc.subject | Curriculum Implementation | en_US |
dc.title | An Assessment of Teachers' Performances in Curriculum Implementation Illubabor Senior Secondary Schools in Focus | en_US |
dc.type | Thesis | en_US |