The Accommodation of Minority Rights in Oromia National Regional State: A Case Study of Girar Jarso Woreda

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This thesis aspires to investigate as to how the rights of Amhara minorities in Girar larso Woreda within Oromia National Regional State, particularly in North Shewa Zone resonate with the constitutional framework that installed an ethno-regional federal set-up since 1991. In the processes of investigation, secondary and primary sources were used. Accordingly, the researcher employed to show facts even during the Hailessellassie and the Derg regime of the nation-building policy, Amharic language was a national language and the members of Amhara nation had settled (occupied) in the boarder of Amhara and Oromia of some corners, and urban centers of Oromia. When we come to see and compare the laws governing the Ethiopia as a federal, contrasting the FDRE Constitution, the ONRS Constitution has not a room for non-Oromo nations found in the region. Unlike Oromia Regional States, some Regional States of federal Ethiopia, embraced and gave recognition for some minority groups in their regional governments. This causes dissimilarity among the regional states within the Ethiopian federation. The Amhara minorities of seven rural Kebeles, found in Girar larso Woreda, in Northern Zone of Oromia, that full fill the terms set by the FDRE constitution; as they are an ethnic group, territorially defined, known with their own language and unique culture is the case. Nevertheless, they have not been the beneficiaries of sovereign power and have not been entitled to the right to self-rule in their area, and shared the power with its regional states. In effect, this thesis found out that, as this minority group cannot be judged and get served fully in their own language, Amharic, and almost all literates of the group cannot be employed to serve in their public sectors of Woreda, Zonal, and Regional States of Oromia for often they fail to speak the working language of the region, Afaan Oromo. Now this discourages their literates and caused them to migrate far from their birthplace to search job where Amharic language is used. The up growing child students in primary schools are also decreasing in their schooling enrollments participation. Some enrolled students in the school are also resulted in dropouts. Therefore, these need solutions in considering the problems with the pillar gateways of the federal system self-rule and shared-rule.



Accommodation of Minority Rights, Oromia National Regional State

