The Causes and Consequences of Conflicts among the Nuer Clans in Gambella

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This thesis is an initiative to explain the nuer violent intra clans' conflicts in Gambella. The core objectives have been put forward as to locate the main causes of prevailed Conflicts among Jeanie never in Gambella. Correspondingly, under this thesis seeking Imposed consequences and ways to resolve conflicts in relation to Nuer way of life were being made use of. In never land, such conflicts acutely shocked the life of those innocent Minorities like women and children; disabled and physically impaired persons and other Related victims. Moreover, the circumstances of intra-clans' group conflicts among the Nuer became a Drawback for efficient provision of government services in these particular localities. Those localities were over whelmed by the state of conflicts in Nuer land. Similarly, the Never intra-clans' conflicts involved major influential factors. And therefore, the thesis Primarily aimed at assessing the main causes and consequences of intra-Never conflicts Equally with those factors sought to have increased the state of hostilities among the Nuer Ethnic group in Gambella.



Conflicts, Consequences
