Major Themes in the Works Of Four Ethiopian Women Writers

dc.contributor.advisorKifle, Yimer (PhD)
dc.contributor.authorKifle, Napoleone
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this paper is to examine themes women poets convey in their work. The four women writers who are considered under these study are Aregash Seifu, Firmaye Alemu, Mekedes .J emberu, and Senayt Aberra. Their poems are found in the anthology of poem entitled. The four women writers have written their poems depending on their individual experience, temperament, and their view of life. The majority of their poem subj ects are drawn ti'om the ord inary social life of the Ethiopian people. The four writers have commonly touched the subject of love. They have great reverence fo r the issue of love. As each of them have di fferent social background and experience, they seem to lack common frame of reference to expl ain it. As regard the moral question, they have clearl y stated the deteri orating moral condi tion and the general abj ect poverty th at prevail in the country. It seems the four writers are not generally happy with th e way things are in the country at present. As a result, they have voiced their concern and blatantly pointed out their bitter and critica l social comment. The Ibur women accept the uni versa l law of life th at upholds contradi ction to be an inherent fea ture of all phenomena in the uni verse. Their attitude toward Ii fe is based on the principle of to lerance and optimism taking hope as a beckoning li ght.In their individua l work, the theme of woman subjugation is reflected in the works of Aregash and Mekedes have touched on the pos ition of women in the society and how they suffer due to the traditional and cu ltural practice. Firmay elaborated on the lack of se lf- respect and personal integrity the society shows by displaying unnatural behavior primari ly to be on good terms in the day-to-day social relations at home and in public. Senayt stresses on the necessity of moderate li ving. To conclude, in male dominated literary tradition of the country the four women writers have shown their intellectual competence.en_US
dc.publisherAddis Ababa Universityen_US
dc.subjectEthiopian Women Writersen_US
dc.titleMajor Themes in the Works Of Four Ethiopian Women Writersen_US


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