Infidelity: Its Causes, Forms and impacts on Married Partners: A Case of Four Married Partners With Adultery Ground Pending Divorce Cases in Addis Ababa
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Addis Ababa University
This study has made an effort to determine the causes and forms of infidelity and
it.s impact~ on ma rried partne rs.
To this efTec t data were coll ected from four unfaithful married persons and their
partners Llsing interview guide a nd prope rly a nalyzed qua litatiyely.
CO l1 sequen tlv, sexual dissatisfaction, emotional dissati s faction, higher n egative
communicat ion patterns. premarital scxu;.li l~xpcricncc . IO \\'cr rc li g io s iL\ level and
considera ble age differences were found to be the major causes of infidelity. The
study also identified sexual a nd a combi.nation of sexual and emotional forms of
infidelity . Moreo'Jer, the study showed no definite sex difference regarding the
causes and forms of practicing infidelity. Finally, findings showed many
psYchologicaL social. health and re ligious problems ,1:" majo," con seq uences of
infide lity on both partne rs and termination of the ir rela tionships as a ,"esult. of
infidelity. Possible preventive and intervention actions are s uggested