A Cataloging of Some Manuscripts in Dabra Brhan Sllase Church
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Addis Ababa University
This thesis portrays, investigate and study primarily 16 Manuscripts which are
found in Diibrii B;Jrhan S;Jllase Church
The historical and philological significance of the Manuscripts examined in terms
of cataloging. The cataloging has been made in order to list ancient Manuscripts
using scientific method.
The research encloses manuscripts which are not previously done by other
Researchers. The study employed through critical identification by the help of
observing the published mate rials, microfilms and inventory documents of Dabri
B;Jrhan S;Jllase Church. The primary materials, the researcher uses are
Interviews, digital photographs of the 16 manuscripts which are found in Dabri
B;Jrhan S;Jllase Church, Microfilms from IES and Ethiopia National Museum
Library. After gathering data to the work of catalogue, analysis of Colophon and
Marginal notes has conducted.
The study is significant for further studies. It answers the question related to the
major importance of cataloging manuscripts with references to Diibri B;Jrhan
S;Jllase. In this regard it is important to perform s cientific cataloging of Ethiopian
church manuscripts.
Based on the major findings suggestion were forwarded to improve the observed
by the researcher.