Warehouse Receipt System in Ethiopia: Its Legal and Practical Significance with Emphasis on Its Role in Securing Transactions
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Addis Ababa University
Agriculture constitutes the backbone of the Ethiopian economy; not only it attracts 90% of the
Counu-y's export earnings but it also employs 85% of the Counu-y's labor force. In spite of its
promising potential, the agricultural marketing system is underdeveloped and it is still in its
u-aditional rudimentary order. Lack of rural access to finance is the fundamental problem
hampering production, productivity and income of rural farm household. Financial
institutions consider lending to small farmers risky (due to farmers' lack of adequate
collaterals) and costly (due to high u-ansaction costs). In this Thesis, WHR system is
suggested as an innovative mechanism that can rectify the marketing and finan cial problems
of the agricultural sector by facilitating the conversion of inventories of agriculture into a
readily u-adable Device, commonly known as WHRs. The receipts ca n be used either as
collateral to access credit or as channel for dealing with the underlying conunodities.
Generally, a well functioning system of WHRs provides higher prices, accurate weights and
measures and credit to agricultural producers including smallholder farmers. I t is also
advantageous for lending institutions as it provides them secure & easily liquidated form of
Despite its half a century old legal rules governing the sys tem, Ethiopia has never been able
to establish an effective WHR system and reap its benefit s. Among the various legal and
institutional bottlenecks capping the implementation of the system in E thiopia, lack of active
supervisory/regulatory body, absence of secondary legislation supplementing the WHR
System Proclamation and the National Bank of Ethiopia'S Bills Market Directives (which has
influenced banks to divert to long term loans) are the major ones. There are also challenges
associated with the legal framework of the ECX warehousing business. In this Thesis, it is
argued that besides creating conducive policy environment to the expansion of the
warehousing indusu-y, building a uniform legal framework of WHRs system that is en forced
by a national regulatory body is crucial to tackle the existing challenges. Moreover, the core
activities that should be performed by the government, lending institutions and other
stakeholders towards realizing the implementation of effective WHR system are outlined.
Finally to highlight on the SU-ucture of the Thesis: the first chapter focuses on methodology
and the second chapter provides general background of WHR system in the world and in
Ethiopia. In the third Chapter the legal framework of Ethiopian WHR system is closely
analyzed. The forth chapter is devoted to legal and practical aspects of collateralization of
WHRs. Finally, concluding remarks of the writer are presented together with some
Warehouse Receipt System in Ethiopia