Energy Auditing And Conservation In Textile Factories (Case study: Quiha Maa- Garment and Textile Factory)

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Addis Ababa University


Sufficient and reliable supply of energy is needed to develop any country in the world. But there is a problem in conversion and usage of these energy sources that is they causes high energy wastage, high cost of energy to convert and use and high carbon emission to the environment. This is most of the time occur in developing countries like Ethiopia which has low knowledge on energy conservations and usage, this make to these developing counties to generate higher energy instead of using the existing energy effectively [1]. Industries like textile, sugar and cement factories consume a large amount of energy but do not use effectively which results in paying of extra money that affects to the factory and to the country in general. In this study we have used, software like Micro soft Visio and Microsoft excel to design diagrams and Motor Master Software which is used to select/choose the best and efficient motors based on their efficiency, cost effectiveness and energy savings. We have also used measuring devices such as portable flue gas analyzer, energy meter, thermograph, temperature probe, different reading gauges to get appropriate data of the equipment’s. Therefore, this thesis focuses on energy auditing and conservation in Quiha Maa-Garment and Textile Factory and its goal is to improve the energy efficiency of the industry by proposing energy efficiency increasing techniques. These techniques include replacing high energy consuming materials like changing of T12 lighting tubes by T8 lighting tubes, boiler air ratio control, implementing boiler flue gas waste heat recovery system, thermo boiler air ratio control, implementing thermo boiler waste heat recovery system, heat transport facility reinsulating, dyeing machine waste water heat recovery system, dyeing machine adiabatic paint coating, air compressor intake temperature improvement, using of energy efficient electric motors, changing damaged materials and by best rewinding of motors. It is found that by adopting the suggested energy conservation techniques, the total electrical energy saving is 90.3Mwh/yr and the thermal energy saving is 129.304 kl/yr. Thus, the total energy saving converted into the same unit (i.e., toe/yr) is 137.13toe/yr. Further, it is observed that carbon emission reduction due to electrical energy saving is 11.151 tc/yr and the reduction on account of thermal energy saving is 98.525tc/yr. Thus, the total carbon emission reduces to 109.676tc/yr. Furthermore, it is found that the saving in cost on account of electrical energy is 52,061.5 birr/yr (or $ 1735.4), due to saving in thermal energy is 2,197,699.15birr/yr($73256.64) and total cost is 2249760birr/yr Key Words: Maa-Garment and Textile Factory, energy efficiency improvement techniques, Microsoft Visio, portable flue gas analyzer, thermograph, Motor Master + international software.



Textile Factories, Quiha Maa- Garment and Textile Factory, Energy Auditing
