Power Engineering

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    Investigation on Unexplained Faults in Transmission Lines: A Comprehensive Study on Pollution-Induced Outdoor Insulation Problems on Ethiopian Transmission System, and GIS-based Pollution Severity Mapping
    (Addis Ababa University, 2025-01) Berhanu Zelalem; Mengesha Mamo (PhD); Gubanski, Stanislaw M. (Prof.); Windmar, Dan (PhD)
    Excessive unexplained outages on transmission lines significantly impact Ethiopian power system and, consequently, the national economy. Resolving these issues requires accurately identifying the root causes of outages and adopting appropriate mitigation strategies as a proactive approach. Such an approach, incorporating improved design and maintenance practices, is more cost-effective in the long term and ensures that critical issues are prioritized. Therefore, in line with addressing the challenges resulting from excessive unexplained outages on transmission lines, this dissertation presents the investigation of pollution-induced outdoor insulation problems in Ethiopian transmission system and develops a GIS-based pollution severity map for the whole country, including the estimation of site pollution severity parameters on carefully selected locations. Statistical analysis of the unexplained faults on power transmission lines operating at 132 kV, 230 kV, and 400 kV was the first focus area of this research. Long-term fault records, from 2015 to 2022, were analyzed for identifying the main probable root causes of these outages by combining fault time stamp data with known fault characteristics as well as with information on local climatic and environmental conditions. Out of the total number of 8,891 registered fault records, 4,231 (47%) were unexplained. Among these unexplained outages the analysis attributed 19% of them to lightning, 27% to pollution events, 11% to fires, and 43% to external interferences. Furthermore, this research places a particular emphasis on pollution-induced flashover of insulators, a major factor contributing to unexplained outages in the Ethiopian power transmission network. A detailed and refined methodology was developed to identify faults caused by insulation pollution flashover, that associated fault characteristics with local meteorological and environmental conditions. Results reveal that 24.7% of the previously unexplained faults were likely caused by pollution-induced flashovers. The analysis showed that porcelain insulators exhibit the highest pollution-induced flashover intensity. Silicone rubber insulators also have performed unsatisfactorily in Ethiopian conditions, indicating the need for improved insulator selection and sizing practices that consider the local climatic and environmental conditions. The analysis allowed us to assess the outdoor insulation design practices. It highlights the lack of systematic use of service experience, site pollution measurements, and laboratory tests in the practices used for insulator selection. Recommendations to the Ethiopian Electric Power (EEP) are formulated that aim at improving this process and request paying more attention when addressing the pollution related challenges. The study further evaluated the site pollution severity of selected sites in Ethiopia and developed a GIS-based pollution severity map for the country. It was conducted at 364 selected sites along existing overhead transmission lines and substations, and other key locations for future grid expansion. Two site pollution severity evaluation methods were used: analysis of climatic and environmental conditions, and analysis of operational service experiences of existing transmission lines alongside of local meteorological parameters. The map incorporates local pollution sources and requires validation through ground-based measurements. As part of estimating the severity of environmental pollution, the study focused on assessing the ambient particulate matter (PM2.5) levels. It analyzed annual mean satellite-based PM2.5 density for Ethiopia from 1998 to 2022 using ArcGIS for spatial data processing and Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) interpolation to create a concentration surface map. The analysis revealed an increasing trend in Ethiopia's average annual mean PM2.5 density. The North- East grid region had the highest annual mean PM2.5 density (34.13 μg/m³), while the Southeast and South regions had the lowest. A strong correlation was found between high PM2.5 density areas and frequent pollution-induced flashovers. This is the first standardized pollution severity map for the Ethiopian power grid, serving as a baseline for future updates.
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    Developing a bidirectional smart charging station for the benefit of Electric utility and electric vehicle owners in Addis Ababa
    (Addis Ababa University, 2024-10) Habtamu Beyene; Dawit Habtu (PhD)
    Bidirectional electric vehicle charging systems have emerged as a revolutionary technology. This innovative solution allows two-way power flow. Currently, the use of electric vehicles has been increasing daily in Addis Ababa. This popularity of electric vehicles in Addis Ababa is expected to have a negative impact on existing electricity networks due to the increased energy demand from these vehicles on the the utility of the city. Moreover, there is a shortage of fast electric vehicles charging stations for electric vehicles owners in Addis Ababa. Consequently, this thesis aims to create a two-way smart charging station in Addis Ababa to provide advantages for both the electric utility company and owners of electric vehicles. The quadratic programming optimization technique is the method adopted to develop an intelligent charging plan in order to lower the cost of charging for both, electric utility and electric vehicles users. With this method, the utility load can be significantly leveled all day, because the electric vehicle owners can charge the electric vehicle at scheduled least loaded hours and the utility can obtain power from electric vehicle batteries for highest load balancing during smartly scheduled peak load hours. An algorithm is developed to regulate the energy flow between vehicle-to-grid and grid-to-vehicle operational modes. The validity of the proposed bidirectional charging station model and design was verified by MATLAB/Simulink. From the simulation result, it has been observed that electric vehicle can be charged at off-peak hours during the grid-to-vehicle scenario and also electric vehicles can provide active and reactive power support to the utility at peak load hours during the vehicle to grid scenario. As a result, with these two scenarios, load leveling can be realized. The purpose of reducing charging costs is realized by the adopted optimization techniques. With this optimization technique, electric vehicle users can benefit from supporting the grid during peak load hours and can charge the battery at a minimum of 15 minutes. The utility of a city can reduce about 50 MW of power in a day and can reduce large investment costs for upgrading the existing distribution network to meet new power demand due to the addition of electric vehicles to the grid system.
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    Development of Voltage Security Assessment and Reactive Power Management Schemes for Online Application
    (Addis Ababa University, 2024-09) Ahadu Hilawie; Fekadu Shewarega (Asso. Professor)
    Voltage security issues continue to be the concerns of power systems as the stress on power systems increases due to increasing energy demand. To manage this stress and prevent voltage security problems, online voltage security assessment (VSA) and reactive power management (RPM) strategies are coming to play crucial role. However, selecting suitable approach and developing one’s own method requires rigorous assessment of the gaps in existing approaches and devising a strategy to fill the gaps. In this regard, this dissertation work aims at developing VSA and RPM schemes for online application to help the efforts made to mitigate the increasing voltage security problems.The dissertation has two major components, voltage security assessment (VSA) scheme development and reactive power management (RPM) scheme development, as separate entities and as complementary entities. The work focuses on designing the components of the schemes by devising new and improved contents of each scheme. The developed VSA scheme performs three major tasks; estimating the network Thevenin equivalent impedances, determining the voltage stability indices and interpreting the results of voltage stability indices. Computational efficiency improving strategies, which are necessary for online application, are adopted at different levels of the VSA scheme. This begins from selecting the method of voltage security assessment, i.e. Thevenin equivalent based approach. Then, to address the limitation of previous Thevenin equivalent determination techniques this work comes up with a new Thevenin impedance determination technique. The developed Thevenin impedance determination technique requires two power flow computations in offline analysis case and only one power flow analysis in the case of online estimation. For the voltage stability assessment task of the VSA scheme two types of voltage stability indices are formulated, which measure proximity to voltage instability, one directly using the power margin and the other indirectly as a simple closeness indicator. The third capability of the VSA scheme is PV and QV curve plotting capability for interpreting the process of development of voltage security problems. The Thevenin equivalent determination capability, greatly, simplifies the maximum power transfer capacity estimation and PV or QV curve determination, which was previously a computationally intensive task.The capabilities of the VSA scheme are tested using simple four bus test system, IEEE 14 bus and IEEE 30 bus test systems. The tests produced results meeting the objectives of producing high accuracy Thevenin parameters, tracking system loading changes, identifying weakest buses, showing the impact of reactive power compensation and showing impact of load increments. Then the scheme is applied to existing Ethiopian Electric Power (EEP) system to examine the performance on large power systems. The application of VSA scheme to EEP system revealed a number of important features of the EEP system pertinent to voltage security, including weakest areas, weakest buses and voltage instability contributing lines. The other scheme, the reactive power management scheme, depends on the results of VSA process. In this case, two approaches are devised for reactive power management purpose. The first is fast reactive power management (FRPM) approach and the second is continuous reactive power management (CRPM) approach. FRPM is proposed considering contingent operating conditions. In this approach the voltage stability indices are used as an indicator of voltage security improvement, while reactive power provisions are made. Reactive power provisions cease when the weakest load buses get far enough from voltage instability. On the CRPM side the objective is to adress the optimization needs of reactive power provisions. In this approach, an improved multi objective particle swarm optimization (IMOPSO) algorithm is proposed. Together with voltage deviation objective function, the algorithm uses the indices developed on the VSA scheme for the multi objective function formulation. In this algorithm, the common multi objective particle swarm optimization (MOPSO) is improved by introducing an adapted binary crossover (ABX) to the new positions obtained by the basic PSO algorithm. Additionally, diversity maintenance strategy is added to the algorithm by employing crowding distance (CD) computation. The developed algorithm is, then, tested and compared with standard MOPSO and NSGA II algorithms. The comparison is made based on the degree of closeness to the true pareto front, as measured by the inverted generational distance (IGD), and based on diversity, as measured by the CDs. The test is made using ZDT1, ZDT2, and ZDT3 common test functions. The IMOPSO showed improved performance over MOPSO and NSGA II algorithms in terms of convergence to the true pareto front and in terms of the speed of convergence as well as in maintaining diversity. The algorithm is then implemented to reactive power optimization of IEEE 14 bus test system and the EEP system. This implementation has resulted diverse options of optimal settings of reactive power controlling parameters. The optimal settings proved to produce an improved voltage security as measured in terms of voltage deviation and voltage stability
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    Hydropower Generation and Operation Planning For Ethiopia
    (Addis Ababa University, 2021-12) Firehiwot Girma; Getachew Bekele (PhD); Mikael Ameline (Prof.)
    The Ethiopian power system is highly dominated by hydropower plants. Almost 90% of the generation is covered by hydropower. Although the total generation capacity in the power system is sufficient enough to cover the peak demand, it is common to see load shedding and power rationing in the country, especially in the dry seasons of the year. The absence of a suitable and appropriate generation planning tool makes the current planning dependent on historical generation patterns. Recent literature has shown different models for hydropower planning for long-term and short-term operation in a deterministic, stochastic, stochastic dynamic, etc., with different levels of details and mathematical formulations. However, most of the models are concerned with profit maximization and cost minimization in a competitive electricity market. In addition, no previous studies have been conducted, and no models have been developed for the planning of the unique Ethiopian power system. The Ethiopian power system is a system dominated by hydropower generation, which is dependent on seasonal rainfall. The electricity market is a vertically integrated market where the government determines the electricity price. Therefore, there is no price uncertainty and less concern about cost or profit. The primary concern for the planning of the Ethiopian power system will be the proper scheduling of the power plants to use the stored water in the rainy season through the dry season with minimum load shedding to increase system reliability while keeping the balance between load shedding now and in the future. In principle, load shedding can be avoided by using all the water available right now, but then, if there is a poor rainy season with low inflow the following year, the power system may get into a massive problem supplying the demand for that year. Before the market deregulation, the electricity market in developed European countries was almost similar to what is practiced in Ethiopia now. The difference is they have much more details of measurements and statistics about inflows, run time between reservoirs, etc. This thesis develops different hydropower planning tools, including deterministic and stochastic, risk-neutral, and risk-averse models for the Ethiopian power system based on the limited available data, intending to utilize the water stored in the rainy season throughout the year with minimum load shedding. It further studies and tests the models in a rolling horizon framework for long-term operation.The Methodology used to develop the hydropower planning tool is, first, all the necessary data for the planning is collected from Ethiopian Electric Power (EEP), inflow is scaled from the mean annual energy (MAE) of each reservoir using the publicly available precipitation data from NASA. Then, the deterministic model is developed and compared with the historical generation data. In hydropower generation, inflow is an uncertain stochastic process. To consider the uncertainties in the inflow, the deterministic model is further developed into a two-stage stochastic model. To run the stochastic model, we formulate a method to prepare a synthetic historical inflow series from the available data on hand and derive a method to estimate the stochastic process that mimics the synthetic historical series. We use Monte Carlo simulation to generate random inflow scenarios from the estimated stochastic process. The stochastic planning model is then tested both in a risk-neutral and a risk-averse version. We use Conditional Value-at-Risk (CVaR) risk measure to develop the risk-averse model. Finally, the performance of the models developed is compared using a rolling horizon framework for a one-year planning period. The results show that the Ethiopian power system has a great deal of flexibility to be operated more efficiently to minimize load shedding. The results also show that by using stochastic models, we can better manage the water in the reservoirs in the form of slightly lower load shedding without compromising the energy we reserve for the next planning period. We could also avoid large load shedding events so that the load shedding is evenly distributed throughout the year instead of having massive load shedding in a short period, which could be very valuable when we have higher load demand in Ethiopia. When testing the hydropower planning tools for current load demand, there is a very good generation capacity to supply the demanded load. However, there was significant load shedding in the actual operation, even though the planning model suggested no need for load shedding. It is concluded that it will be an improvement if the planning is supported by stochastic planning tools instead of using the method depending on historical data.
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    Study Into Grid Integration of Variable Renewable Energy In Ethiopian Power System
    (Addis Ababa University, 2024-06) Kena Likassa; Mengesha Mamo (PhD); Soder Lennart (Prof.)
    Energy has been a crucial factor for the survival of mankind since early primitive societies began to make fire from timber wood. Since then, there have been significant revolutions in using energy sources from fossil fuels such as coal and gasoline and the development of energy conversion technologies such as electric energy generators up to the more recent use of renewable energy sources (REs). The uneven distribution of fossil fuels in the world, the growing economic and social need for energy, the difficulty of tackling climate change, advances in energy technology, rising oil prices and the emergence of low-carbon societies have all contributed to the recent revolution towards renewable energy sources. However, REs especially variable renewable energies (VREs) such as wind and solar energy, pose an additional challenge for electric grid operators due to their inherent variability and unpredictability nature. Because of these characteristics of VREs, the grid integration of VREs can potentially jeopardize the reliability of the power grid. Countries need to conduct grid integration studies to overcome the challenges of integrating VREs. In this regard, utilities are increasingly relying on the traditional grid integration model, which ignores the various operational characteristics of VREs. Accordingly, it is important for the grid integration study to either develop new models or modify existing models to study the characteristics of VREs in the power sector. In developing countries, especially in Ethiopia, there is currently little research of this kind due to the slow development of VREs. Thus, this dissertation deals with the study of grid integration of VREs into the power system of Ethiopia according to local as well as global needs. The specific objectives are to assess the variability of existing VREs, simulate wind energy production for grid integration studies, estimate the maximum integration of VREs, and assess the difficulty of integrating them into the grid. To achieve these goals, the following four specific objectives are defined and briefed: To assess the variability of existing wind power in the grid of Ethiopia. This objective is pursued to evaluate and assess the magnitude and frequency of variability of individual and aggregate wind power in the Ethiopian power grid. A step-change and correlation are used to examine the variability of wind power generation. The results indicates that variability of Ethiopian wind power is significant. This huge variability is due to the small installed capacity. However, this variability does not have much influence on system operation because of the smaller magnitude of the wind compared with system size. Modeling Ethiopian wind power production for grid integration study using ERA5 reanalysis data is the second specific objective. The objective of this particular purpose is to produce wind power time series considering the various factors affecting wind power production including wake effect, diurnal and seasonal bias, and the loss in upcoming wind speed. The modeling was performed using wind speed data from ERA5 of the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) and wind farm data from Ethiopian Electric Power (EEP). Moreover, the model has used spatial statistical down-scaling and interpolation to obtain the required result. The outcomes show that the model result and the measurements agree well, with a low root mean square error. This means that this model can be extended to other regions of the country to predict future wind power generation and to show the potential areas for simulating wind power generation for planning and operating wind turbines using ERA5 data. The third specific aim is to estimate a maximum variable renewable energy integration with a goal of 100% renewable energy and a high share of hydropower under different scenarios . This particular objective aims to determine the maximum integration of wind and solar PV into the power grid of Ethiopia. The current national VRE integration plan for the year 2030 is analyzed using the model along with eight alternative scenarios that consider dry years and annual variations in VRE for minimum load shedding and VRE curtailment. GenX, a modified version of capacity expansion planning, has been used for this work. The findings showed that Ethiopia could integrate more VRE into the grid than EEP had anticipated. The fourth specific objective is to study the challenges of system balancing and curtailment of wind power in Ethiopia grid under different scenarios. In addition to analyzing the challenge of system operation with wind, developing an hourly dispatch model and simulation of the Ethiopia power grid is the specific aim of this work. This model will be useful in analyzing future wind power curtailment and system balancing issues. The developed model was used to analyze the grid for the year 2030 under different scenarios and verified using historical data. With an annual wind energy share of 14.5%, 17.8%, and 25.2%, the study analyzed the impact of transmission capacity, regulation reserve needed, and daily minimum hydropower production. The result showed that the curtailment was less than 0.2%, 1.1%, and 9.8% for each wind share respectively. The cost of wind energy is also directly related to the extent of curtailment and the capacity of transmission lines. A better balance between production and consumption and fewer wind power curtailments is the result of a reduction in the minimum electricity production from hydropower and full utilization of transmission lines to neighboring countries.
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    Digital Control for Switched Mode Converters Input Power Factor Correction
    (Addis Ababa University, 2011-07) Anthony Alemayehu; Mengesha Mamo (PhD)
    Input power factor of static power converters is generally low due to angular displacement between input voltage and current plus due to current distortion. On the other hand, static power converters usage is increasing continuously with the increase in use of power supply units to commercial, industrial and residential complex automation and communication systems. This increase in application of power converters has increased the reactive power demand from the utility grid resulting in inefficiency and overloading of the transmission and distribution network. In this thesis, a digitally controlled switched mode PFC (power factor correction) converter has been designed, modeled and simulated. The three major control modes which are used for switched mode converter control are the voltage mode control, current mode control and the PFC mode control. These three control modes have been simulated using the MATLAB Simulink for 100%, 75%, 50%, 25% and 10% power loading. For the 100% load (full load) it has been found that the PFC mode controller achieves a near unity input power factor with power factor of 0.99975. At full load, the voltage mode and current mode controller have a lower power factor of 0.943 and 0.945 respectively. For the other loadings, the PFC mode controller has a near unity power factor which is greater than 0.99, whereas the voltage mode and current mode controller have a lower power factor. The PFC mode controller performs well even if there is variation in input voltage and load. In addition, the lowest total harmonic distortion (THD) and reactive power, and the highest power factor (PF) are obtained using the PFC mode control. From the results obtained, it can be concluded that the PFC mode controller is the best control scheme to be used for such control applications. Digital control for power factor correction is an important field of study since it can be used to reduce the harmonics in the line current, increase the efficiency of power systems, and reduce customers’ utility bills. The results of this study are useful for many applications such as an uninterrupted power supply (UPS), telecom power supply, motor drive inverter, personal computers, battery charging, DC motor drive, welding machine and other power supplies for electronic equipment.
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    Long-Term Modeling and Analysis of Optimal Pathways and Scenario Alternatives for The Ethiopian Power Sector
    (Addis Ababa University, 2023-05) Dawit Habtu; Getachew Bekele (PhD); Erik O. Ahlgren (Prof.)
    The United Nations launched a new set of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to guide the world during the next fifteen-year period from 2015 to 2030. With the “Goal 7-Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all”, the agenda 2030 recognizes the importance of sustainability, security, and affordability of energy supply to all countries but in particular for developing countries. And the greatest increase in demand for energy is envisaged to come from developing countries where, with rapid urbanization, largescale electricity generation with a reliable and optimum supply will be required. To achieve the SDG7 and ensure energy security, countries are required to develop sustainable and appropriate approaches to electricity planning. In this regard, policymakers increasingly rely on techno-economic assessments both to inform policy development and to help set the right national targets. Accordingly, the modeling and investigation of different optimal pathways and possible future scenarios has become a critical planning tool in the power sector. This type of assessment is currently lacking in developing countries, specifically in Ethiopia. Consequently, in line with the global and local needs, this dissertation deals with strategies and practices for sustainable energy system development in Ethiopia. It focuses on long-term electric power security to make timely investments on various energy resources and supply energy matched with the economic developments and environmental needs of the country. In this framework, the goal is pursued by setting the following three specific objectives: (1) To review and evaluate energy development, power sector reforms, policies and resource adequacy in Ethiopia. This objective is pursued to assess and evaluate the effectiveness of existing reforms and policies in Ethiopia in terms of meeting the country’s rising demand for energy by breaking the “business-as-usual” trajectory of the past. An analytical method to calculate resource planning indices such as reserve margin and expected unserved energy is used. The results indicate that the near-future generation reserve is not adequate to supply the increasing demand resulting mainly from expansion of electricity access, development of industrial parks, extensive expansion of railway network, extensive agriculture irrigation schemes, new sugar factories and export plan to East African Power Pool (EAPP) countries. The second specific objective is (2) To assess the fundamental dynamics, variables and policies that characterize the energy development and determine the evolution of electricity demand. The scientific literature reveals a weak understanding of the inherent characteristics and specific features of energy systems in developing countries. As a result, this specific objective is pursued by knowing the trend and capturing the relationship between demand and other independent socio-economic and technological variables. Comparative overview of various existing modeling frameworks is done in terms of several criteria, particularly their applicability to developing countries. Appropriate modelling frameworks are identified for assessing and projecting the long-term energy use in a systematic manner within the context of developing countries. A better system representation and applicable alternative policy scenarios are also developed by considering the unique characteristics of energy systems in developing countries (unsustainable use of traditional energy sources, high population growth, modernization and urbanization, low electricity access, supply shortage, high system losses, informal economy, etc.). Extensive and detailed dataset is used to simulate the alternative policy scenarios. The pathways represented by the scenarios can show the maximum expected rise in demand under different drivers and the best-case energy saving opportunities. The current methodologies employed for long-term energy demand projection are then evaluated, particularly focusing on the electricity demand. The result of the policy scenarios shows that while the application of energy efficiency policies and measures would only have a minor impact on the energy demand, their impact on the electricity demand is large, and that the application of such policies is a very important measure to combat supply-demand mismatch causing power shortages and black-outs. The projection results are compared with previous studies and reasons for the deviations and strength of the followed approaches are discussed. The last objective is (3) To identify the best power generation and capacity mixes to meet future electricity demands subject to various technical, economic, and environmental constraints. This is pursued by developing a soft-linked OSeMOSYS and LEAP model to determine the lowest cost electricity generation and capacity mixes to meet long-term electricity demands subject to certain policy scenarios that may impose technical constraints, economic realities and environmental targets. The model has various data requirement that describe the current and historical installed capacities, efficiencies, costs (capital, operating and maintenance, fuel costs), capacity factors, losses, expansion plans, etc. From the literature survey, it is observed that there is a gap in providing independent assessments of alternative technologies and policy choices that can be essential for developing countries in a way that addresses their particular needs and constraints. Thereby, the model explores the feasibility of including new technologies to the existing system. This includes assessments of centralized and decentralized methods of electricity supply. Novelties are introduced in terms of better system representation on reference energy system diagram, development of appropriate model and identification of relevant scenarios considering the context of the country and applicability to developing nations. Moreover, sensitivity analysis is carried out to study the effect of critical assumptions and varying parameters on the results. Five policy scenarios are employed (reference-ref, grid extension-grx, multiple resource mixmix, renewable and intermittent resource target-vRE, improved efficiency-Eff) to explore different possible futures and balance the long-term electricity needs and resources. The improved efficiency scenario is the most desirable compared to the other scenarios because of lower installed capacity requirements and economic benefits. Attributed to lower investment costs and abundant resource availability, the results show that renewable technologies are more competitive and favorable in the context of Ethiopia. Hydropower will continue to play a key role in the future electricity supply with the addition of alternative resources like wind, natural gas, geothermal, solar PV and CSP.
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    Performance Assessment of PV mini-grids for effective replacement of diesel based mini-grids at selected sites in Ethiopia
    (Addis Ababa University, 2023-09) Kalkidan Getachew; Getachew Biru
    This study highlights the necessity of transforming diesel generator-only mini-grids into solar mini-grids due to their limited run time, high cost, and environmental impact. To achieve this, it is important to evaluate the operational performance of other nearby solar mini-grids in the same geographical area before designing and replacing the diesel generator-only mini-grid with a solar mini-grid at a specific location. The findings of the evaluation can help determine the operational performance of the newly designed solar mini-grid. Out of the 12-pilot solar mini-grids in Ethiopia, two were selected as benchmarks for designing and replacing the diesel-only mini-grid in Dolo Odo town with a solar, battery, and diesel generator hybrid mini-grid. Omorate town solar mini grid, which exhibited good performance, and Qorile town solar mini grid, which exhibited poor performance, are chosen for evaluation. Homer Pro software is used for optimizing the PV system, while PVsyst software is used for evaluating the performance of the PV system. The results indicate that Omorate system experienced 1027.7 kWh/day unutilized solar potential and had an average yearly PV efficiency of 10.28%, while the Qorile system had unutilized solar potential of 1405.8 kWh/day and average six months PV efficiency of 4.32%. Additionally, total system losses in the Qorile system were found to contribute to 6.84 kWh/kWp/day, which is much higher than the corresponding value of 2.9 kWh/kWp/day in Omorate system. Therefore, the performance analysis of both solar mini-grids showed that they are operating with poor performance, indicating that they are not meeting the expected energy output levels. From the benchmarking, it was found that determining and forecasting the energy requirement and sizing the PV system while considering all derating factors for the system equipment’s is necessary for efficient and optimal performance. The first optimized system for the Dolo Odo hybrid solar mini-grid system consists of a 2 MW PV module, an 8.06 MW battery pack, 2 MW grid inverter, 1.05 MW power conditioning system, and 0.6 MW diesel generator. This system provides 91% of the electricity demand from solar and Battery and the remaining from the diesel generator. The proposed hybrid mini-grid system not only uses less fuel and emits less CO2 than the base system but also has a lower levelized cost of energy of 0.211 USD/kWh and a reasonable net present cost of 16.5 million USD.
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    Studies on Voltage Profile Improvement and Power Flow Control in Ethiopian Transmission Networks using FACTS Devices
    (Addis Ababa University, 2022-07) Dagnachew Solomon; N. P. Singh (Prof.)
    At present Ethiopian transmission network is operating at its full capacity due to increased demand resulting in unbalances in power flows and voltage profile violations. Control of power and voltage through appropriate allocation of active and reactive power suppliers increases system efficiency without the need to expand and build new power generation and transmission facilities. Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) controllers employ the latest technology in the design of power electronic switching devices for electric power transmission systems to control voltage and power flow and improve voltage regulation. This study investigated the control ability of employed Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitors (TCSCs) in the alleviation of line congestion, loss minimization, and Static Var compensators (SVCs) in enhancing system voltage profiles in Ethiopian high voltage transmission networks. Modeling and simulation of the transmission network with the incorporation of the FACTS devices have been performed using PSAT/MATLAB toolbox. The sensitivity analysis technique was performed on base case power flow results for optimal placement of the controllers. It is shown how the system behaves and performance is improved with comparative case studies without and with the devices. The final power flow solution result with four FACTS (two TCSC and two SVC) show the improvements and reduction of system maximum line loading, total real power loss, and voltage regulations from 91.16%, 4.46% (115.1 MW), and  15.6% base case to 81.47%, 3.68% (94 MW), and  7.3% respectively by the FACTS.
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    Optimization of Security Constrained Economic Dispatch for Integrated Renewable Energy Systems
    (Addis Ababa University, 2021-06) Shewit Tsegaye; Getachew Bekele (PhD)
    One way of noticing the importance of electricity in our daily lives is when sudden interruption or blackout occurs. Considering a power system with Integrated Renewable Energy Systems (IRES) in which power supply interrupts every time it rains, such power system can cause serious damage to different types of loads connected, service centers and production plants. The main cause is the sudden increase or decrease in power output. According to Ethiopian electric power-network blackout report (2013-2016), 15 major blackouts were reported in three years’ time. Production plants and service centers were down for an average of four months a year. Natural incidents, equipment failure, and supply-demand mismatch collectively called contingencies cause most of these blackouts. The first challenging aspect of power system operation is that electrical energy, unlike other commodities; is difficult to store in significant amounts. Implying that electrical power must be consumed at same time it is generated. For a reliable supply of power, it is therefore essential to maintain the balance between generation and demand. This aspect requires an accurate method of balancing generation and demand considering generation limits, transmission security constraints, contingencies, and uncertainties. The other challenging aspect is the intermittency and variability of renewable energy sources. With increasing emphasis on improving efficiency and utilizing more renewable energy to mitigate climate change effects, power industry is confronted with such generation–demand mismatch challenges. These challenges are related to intermittency and non-dispatch ability of IRES. One of the daily power-system operation tasks that coins these challenges is Security-Constrained Economic Dispatch (SCED). SCED is a process of allocating generation levels to generating units to entirely and economically supply the load while satisfying security constraints. Practical power system economic dispatch is multi objective, constrained, and stochastic, as it has to consider the aforementioned challenges. Practically a solution method that can cope up with the varying generation is needed. This Ph.D. dissertation presents hybrid Genetic Algorithm-Hopfield Neural Network (GA-HNN) based optimization of SCED for IRES that address power mismatch problems of the Ethiopian power grid. Hopfield neural network can learn the stochastic behavior of varying generation and genetic algorithm can improve the convergence of global maxima by both reproducing and mutation the top solutions.This dissertation encompasses four main contributions. First, a review on recent trends and state of the art of SCED applied for renewable energy sources and hybrid systems is articulated. Second, development of global search algorithms that provide approximate solutions for SCED problem, and mathematical modelling of the objective functions of IRES is carried out. Third, study and assessments of security parameters with credible contingencies and uncertainty involving determination of the effect of contingencies and security constraints corresponding to renewable energy sources is made. Finally, optimal generation dispatch of modified IEEE 118 bus system and Ethiopian renewable energy system using hybrid GA-HNN is presented. According to the results obtained, hybrid GA-HNN helps to determine SCED global optimum solution of integrated, intermittent renewable energy systems. The obtained results include saving 0.519 million $/MW within 24 hours of operation at power loss of only 35.23 MW. This makes the proposed approach a strong financial solution in renewable energy markets. Utilizing hybrid GA-HNN resulted in the reduction of power mismatch by 23%. This mismatch enables power system operator deal with the unserved customers and unserved energy produce. Moreover, number of recursive blackouts were reduced by 12.36 % and execution time of the solution method by 56.89 %.
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    Comparative Studies of FACTS Devices for Power Loss Reduction and Voltage Profile Improvement in Radial Distribution Systems (Case Study: Sebbata-I Substation Outgoing Feeder)
    (Addis Ababa University, 2023-07) Tamene Adugna; Singh N.P. (Prof.)
    The power quality of any radial distribution system is determined in terms of voltage profile and power loss level of the system. The FACTS controllers can improve the performance of power transfer capability through controlling of the parameters of the distribution system. This thesis carries out comparative studies and performance analysis of DSTATCOM, SVC and UPQC devices in improving the performance of a radial distribution system. Sabbata-I substation 15 kV outgoing feeder-12 radial distribution network is considered to be a test system to evaluate the effectiveness of these devices. The location for placement of DSTATCOM, SVC and UPQC devices is determined by selecting the buses with higher values of loss sensitivity index which is calculated using MATLAB software. The size of these FACTS devices for each of the candidate buses are decided by using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) method. The effectiveness of each of these devices in improving the voltage profile and reducing the power loss under 75%, 100% and 125% of full load condition is evaluated through simulation studies. From the load flow analysis under normal operating conditions bus numbers 83, 36, 33, 81 and 54 are identified as weak buses for the integration of FACTS controllers. The simulation output reveal with installation of DSTATCOM device, the distribution system voltage profile enhanced by 1.86%, 2.97% and 4.18% under the respective loading conditions as compared to those of the system without installation of these devices. It is further observed that installation of SVC device improves the voltage profile by 1.65%, 1.75% and 1.86% while installation of UPQC device results in voltage profile improvement by 2.86%, 4.15% and 5.54% under the same loading conditions. It is also found that with installation of DSTATCOM device, reduction of the real power loss is 48.06%, 49.49% & 50.92% while installation of SVC device results in active power loss reduction by 34.45%, 33.51% and 31.02% under respective loading conditions. It is further observed that with installation of UPQC device, the real line loss is reduced by 64.85%, 65.72% and 66.61% under the same loading conditions. It is also found that with installation of DSTACOM device, the reactive power loss is reduced by 46.22%, 47.70% and 49.19% respective loading conditions. The simulation results further reveal that installation of SVC device results in reduction of reactive power loss by 35.91%, 34.45% and 31.70% while by using UPQC device the corresponding reactive power loss reduction is 64.13%, 65.02% and 65.93% under the respective loading conditions. The cost-benefit analysis reveals that installation of DSTATCOM, SVC and UPQC devices result in saving of 4,349,766.76 ETB, 2,945,561.84 ETB and 5,776,106.31 ETB respectively per annum under full load condition on account of power loss reduction. It is also found that the investment cost on account of installation of DSTATCOM, SVC and UPQC devices requires 8,780,813.64 ETB, 15,074,587.21 ETB and 11,728,658.22 ETB respectively under full load condition. It is concluded that effectiveness of UPQC device is better than those of DSTATCOM and SVC devices in regard to reducing the loss and enhancing the voltage profile of outgoing feeders under reduced, normal as well as overloaded operating conditions. Moreover, UPQC device is cost effective as compared to DSTATCOM and SVC devices. Therefore, use of UPQC device is recommended for power loss reduction and voltage profile improvement of distribution systems rather than using DSTATCOM and SVC devices.
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    Performance Evaluation of Transmission Lines for Power Loss Minimization and Voltage Profile Enhancement Using FACTS Devices (Case Study: 400kV-230kV Transmission Lines in the Ethiopian Power
    (Addis Ababa University, 2022-01) Tokuma, Zeleke; Getachew, Biru
    The transmission system is responsible for transporting the electric power generated at the generation station to the distribution system. When a power transmission system works with severely loaded lines, it suffers from power losses and larger voltage deviations, which can cause the system to malfunction and eventually collapse. Capacitor banks and STATCOM are used in this thesis in order to reduce line loss and enhance the voltage of the considered system. The power flow analysis using the Newton-Raphson algorithm in MATLAB software and particle swarm optimization techniques are utilized to determine the optimal devices sizing and position. The result shows that, with proper placement of the Capacitor banks and STATCOM on the identified candidate buses (68, 65, 27, 20) with their optimal sizes, the active power losses of the system gets improved by 10.78%, 20.57%, 35.84%, 6.602% and 10.76%, 22.29%, 37.79% , 7.76% in the scenarios of base load, 25% overload, 50% overload and 75% underload respectively. In scenarios of base load, 25% overload, 50% overload and 75% underload the voltage magnitudes of weak buses are also improved by 12.5%, 19.41%, 31.15%, 3.23% and 17.5%, 22.8%, 31.4%, 9.84% after the incorporation of Capacitor banks and STATCOM respectively. The improvements made by the placements of Capacitor banks and STATCOM in the 75% underload case are not so much significant as the network is almost in a desirable operating condition under this scenario. Thus, the placement of those FACTS devices for underload (75% of base load) is not recommended. The amount of energy cost saved after installing Capacitor bank is 1,825,856.88726 USD, 2,282,320.79712 USD, 2,518,262.57088 USD with Payback periods of 0.516 years, 0.186 years and 0.0579 years in the scenarios of base load, 25% overload and 50% overload respectively. And after installing STATCOM, the amount of energy cost saved is 15,339,987.264 USD, 31,399,157.216 USD, 33,744,416.832 USD with Payback periods of 4.344 years, 2.369 years and 0.485 years in the scenarios of base load, 25% overload and 50% overload respectively. In general, for power loss minimization and voltage profile enhancements, STATCOM is proposed for the system due to its better performance during overload as observed from the simulation results, manages over voltage at under load case and its dynamic capability to inject reactive power based on the required reactive load.
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    GIS Based Modeling and Performance Improvement of Distribution Network (Case Study: Adama Town 15 kV Distribution Network)
    (Addis Ababa University, 2021-12) Tefera, Derbe; Kiros, Tesfaye (PhD)
    Different Studies show that power distribution systems in Ethiopia is the weakest area compared to generation and transmission. In this thesis work, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) based modeling and performance improvement of Adama town 15kV distribution network was done that can enable operation and planning offices to take measurements based on the proposed methods. The attribute and electrical data are obtained from the already available data base and also additional data was collected on field visit. Then database was created and the network was mapped using Geographic Information Systems (GIS). By integrating the GIS database with the Electrical Transient Analyzer Program (ETAP), modeling and power flow analysis were done by ETAP Software for all ten (10) 15kV feeders under the study. Line 1 was selected as it is experienced significance power loss and voltage drop compare to the others. This thesis was mainly concerned with the power losses and voltage drop of the distribution network. Optimal Capacitor Placement (OCP), Conductor Upgrading (CU), and the combined solution of OCP and CU techniques were used to reduce power loss and improve voltage profile for both the normal and design scenarios for distribution network. The result shows that the combined solution of OCP and CU gives the maximum active power loss reduction (57.6%), followed by CU (42.9%) and OCP (32. 9%). It also shows the highest bus voltage prof ile (≥ 0.971pu), f ollowed by OCP (≥ 0.942pu) and CU (≥ 0.91pu). However, the combined solution of OCP and CU needs higher initial capital investment cost of Birr 8,652,573.61 with return of investment of 1.40 years, whereas CU and OCP needs initial capital investment cost of Birr 5,607,309.85 and Birr 3,045,263.76 with return of investment of 1.21 year and 0.86 year, respectively. Thus, among the three cases, OCP is selected f or the current scenario due to its best active power loss minimization and minimum voltage drop with best return of investment. On the other hand, the result for the design scenario (10 years forecast) shows that the combined solution of OCP and CU gives the highest active power loss reduction (57.7%), followed by CU (46.3%) and OCP (22.3%). It also shows the highest bus voltage profile (≥ 0.894pu), while the maximum bus voltage for CU and OCP were 0.840pu and 0.835pu, respectively. Hence, among the three cases, the combined solution of OCP and CU is selected for the design scenario (10 years load forecast) due to its best power loss minimization and minimum voltage drop. In general, the results of this study revealed that for short term solution, optimal capacitor placement (OCP) method is proposed, whereas for long term solution, the combined solution of optimal capacitor placement and replacement of overloaded conductor with optimal conductor size is proposed, to be implemented to improve the performance of distribution network on the bases of loss reduction and voltage profile improvement.
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    Study On the Power Loss Reduction and Voltage Profile Improvement of Kotebe Distribution System By Optimal Placement of D-Statcom Using a Hybrid Of Genetic Algorithm and Particle Swarm Optimization Method
    (Addis Ababa University, 2022-04) Biniyam, Abayneh; Fekadu, Shewarega (PhD)
    This research presents the way of improving the performance of the distribution network by improving the voltage profile and reduces the power loss by integrating D-STATCOM to Kotebe K3 distribution feeder. Kotebe distribution substation is one of the distribution substations found in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia feeding areas around Kotebe, Wesen, CMC, Figa and Gurdshola. Among those feeders, Kotebe K3 has been selected as test system due to its longest rout length, large loads and high permanent power interruption rate. The selected feeder has been modeled in MATLAB computational tool and load flow analysis has been simulated using Newton-Raphson method. It has been observed that the Newton-Raphson load flow simulation of Kotebe K3 gives a power loss of 1.7351 MW and 0.7080 MVAR respectively and 41 buses below the expected voltage range. This research uses a hybrid of Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) for optimal placement and sizing of D-STATCOM for power loss reduction and improvement of voltage profile. The GA-PSO optimization technique considers both real and reactive power losses. The combined sensitivity factor uses both real and reactive sensitivity factors to identifying the candidate buses for D-STATCOM allocation. The combined sensitivity factor identifies bus 22,23,24,25 and 26 as the most five sensitive buses, which are used for placement of D-STATCOM. The GA-PSO optimized result shows that bus 22 is the most effective bus for placing D-STATCOM in terms of reducing the power loss at relatively small size and keeps the bus voltage under the acceptable range. The simulation result of the integrated D-STATCOM on bus 22 reduces the real power loss from 1.7351 MW to 1.0948 MW, which is by 36.90%, and the reactive power loss from 0.7080 MVAR to 0.4453 MVAR, which is by 37.11%, while maintaining all bus voltages in the range between 0.95 and 1.05pu. Furthermore, a comparison analysis shows that GA-PSO method gives the greatest reduction in both real and reactive power loss compared to GA and PSO methodologies.
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    Power Distribution System Failure and Vulnerability Analysis in Ethiopia Case Study : Kotebe Distribution System
    (Addis Ababa University, 2021-11) Ayalsew, Tariku; Getachew, Bekele (PhD)
    Distribution systems are usually the main areas where power outages occur. Electric power interruptions in the capital city of Ethiopia,i.e. Addis Ababa, are usual problems. Even there are situations that electric power interruption occurs several times a day. This thesis tries to identify the causes of power interruptions for the Kotebe distribution system and the vulnerability of the existing components. It is a componentbased failure analysis on a selected feeder of the distribution system. It is selected considering the total annual frequency of interruptions for each feeder of the distribution system. Feeder 6 of the Kotebe substation is the most frequently interrupted line. The existing conditions of the components on the feeder are inspected. Distribution poles, conductors, insulators, transformers, protection and other auxiliary devices are the inspected components. The probable effect of the most frequent causes of interruptions identified in the distribution on the poor distribution components is studied. Interruption during operation and maintenance is the common cause identified in the distribution. But this is through the order of the maintenance workers of the utility. Sudden faults are usually due to weather influences. It accounts for 48.66% of the total known faults excluding interruption due to operation. The vulnerability to failure of the existing distribution poles is identified through modelling the distribution poles, gravitational force of tilted poles and weather influence by COMSOL software. Decay depth of wooden poles considering the selected area weather condition is studied using TimberLife software, and its effect for failure is simulated using COMSOL. Poles will deflect upto 3.050 and 1.7490 with and without considering decay depth at the worst condition of a certain weather influence, respectively. Poles resilience condition is also identified by analyzing deflection and stress on their surface. Many of the existing distribution transformers are working overloaded. The loss of life of distribution transformers and their vulnerability is studied using the IEEE standard (C57.19-1995) guidelines. The hot spot temperature, ageing acceleration factor, and percent loss of life of each transformer are calculated. 83 of 157 transformers are expected to sustain below the IEEE standard expected life (i.e., 20.55 years). The effect of lightning considering soil resistivity of the area is also studied by modelling the feeder 6 of Kotebe distribution system using Matlab/Simulink. Metal Oxide Varistor(MOV) Surge arresters with grounding resistance above 25Ω would have higher surge magnitude that could damage the transformers and surge arresters.
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    Study and Analysis of Geomagnetic Induced Current in Ethiopian Electric Power System
    (Addis Ababa University, 2021-07) Habib, Abdurahman; Mengesha, Mamo (PhD)
    In this master thesis the effect of GIC on Ethiopian electric power system is investigated using the power world simulator software and python coding. GIC flowing in the transformers core lead to a higher magnetizing peak current, which produce a higher flux, that also contains a lot of harmonics. This leads to a large increase of eddy and circulating current in both windings and structural parts of the transformers, causing unnecessary heat generation. Such unnecessary heat generation causes tripping of transformers components like relays, SVC, capacitor bank controllers and burning of transformer sheet cores. GIC not only affect transformers but also affect transmission lines. The effect of GIC on power transmission lines is a high voltage drops at the receiving end due to the varied geo-magnetic and geo-electric field value. The equatorial electro-jet magnetic field ( GIC Max-H and GIC Max-L) undergoes variability in the high latitude region of Ethiopia and low latitude region of Ethiopia. The equatorial electro-jet magnetic field value for high latitude region of Ethiopia is 192 nT and the equatorial electro-jet magnetic field value for low latitude region of Ethiopia is 100 nT. The GIC is propagated from 45 degree to 315 degree eastward in the high latitude region of Ethiopia and from 135 degree to 225 degree westward in the low latitude region of Ethiopia. It is also found that the percentage of GIC flowing in the transformers core is approximately 1000 percent greater than the rated peak magnetizing current of the transformers. And finally, a GIC value of 34kA is measured in the high latitude region of ethiopia. For this GIC value of 34kA, an 80 MVAR of reactive power is absorbed by a transformers located in high latitude region of Ethiopia. The result showed that the Impact of GIC on transformers and transmission lines is severe in High latitude region of Ethiopia compared to the low latitude region of Ethiopia. The reactive power consumptions of transformers located in high latitude region of Ethiopia is high compared to low latitude region of Ethiopia. One of the primary reasons for such difference in reactive power consumption is that, the differences in the geomagnetic fields of the two region which is 360 T in high latitude region compared to 150 T for low latitude region. Therefore, it is recommended that EEP should re-arrange the position of the transmission lines and transformers with respect to GIC propagation to minimize the effect caused by GIC.
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    Assessment and Improvement of Reliability of Electrical Power Distribution System Case Study: - Sheno 15 Kv Distribution Feeder, Debre Berhan
    (Addis Ababa University, 2019-10) Meron, Alebachew; Singh, N.P. (Prof.)
    Distribution feeders are to deliver energy consistently to customers as electric power distribution systems reliability is a foremost concern to any electric power utility company. Power utility companies are working to provide reliable power through many systems. This thesis assesses the reliability of an electric power distribution feeder named Sheno 15 kV distribution feeder among the feeders that supplies an electric power to Debre Berhan city, an old city in Ethiopia. Power interruption data on daily basis for a period of two years on the feeder was collected and analyzed for the main causes of interruptions along with other two feeders namely Enewary and Aliyu Amba. Based on the data collected, system reliability indices (SAIFI, SAIDI, CAIDI, ASAI, EENS and ECOST) of the feeder were calculated using both mathematical and simulation methods andthe obtained results are 103.1271 f/customer.yr, 289.7872 hr/ customer.yr, 2.81 hr/customer interruption, 0.9669 Pu, 1361.01 MWhr/yr and 5,820,054 $/yr respectively. These values indicate poor reliability of the feeder when the results obtained are compared with averages of some countries. Currently, power utilities are trying to provide reliable electric power to their customers through many possible ways. Studying these methods; the method of adding a distributed wind power seems better option for our case study. Predictive reliability assessment of the feeder under study with the added distributed wind power along with possible locations of connection is performed and the results showed much improvement in system reliability indices of the feeder at bas bar 34(B34). These are 36.9719 f/customer.yr, 107.6154 hr/ customer.yr, 2.911 hr/ customer interruption ,0.9877 Pu , 579.565 MWhr/yr and 2,758,927 $/yr. Afterwards, the cost of realizing this method of reliability improvement for the distribution feeder has been performed. The cost analysis showed that reliability improvement with the help of distributed wind power can be realized economically.
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    Studies on Ethiopian High Voltage Grid Security Enhancement Using UPFC
    (Addis Ababa University, 2021-07) Gezahegn, Shituneh; Getachew, Biru (PhD)
    Nowadays, more attention is given for electrical energy transportation system security. Securing electrical energy transportation system in such a way that it can deliver the demanded energy both under normal steady state operation (NSSO) and contingency conditions is very important in a power system. Ethiopian Electric Power (EEP) manages and operates national power system centrally which consists of geographically dispersed generation stations and long-interconnected transportation system. In this study, existing national grid is modeled and the model under study has network elements of 106 buses, 146 transmission or sub-transmission lines, 51 transformers, 17 power plants, 23 lumped shunts and 69 merged loads. The grid is simulated using Power System Analysis Toolbox (PSAT) in MATLAB so that 30 top ranked MVA line flows of transmission lines (TLs) and 11 top ranked installed capacity of power plants (PPs) are selected for further outage case studies. The criticality of the selected contingent elements are ranked by using Overall Composite Severity Index (OCSI). Moreover, feasible locations for the UPFC deployment are identified using OCSI and Individual Severity Indice (ISI). Then, grid model with unified power flow controller (UPFC) is simulated both under normal steady state operation (NSSO) and contingency conditions. After all, the results obtained without and with UPFC deployment is compared in terms of TL loading and bus voltage of NSSO condition and in terms of Line Stability Index (LSI), Real Power Performance Index (PPI), Individual Composite Severity Index (ICSI) and OCSI for all outage case studies. At NSSO condition, 37 bus voltage limit violations (far below acceptable minimum voltage) without UPFC but 27 bus voltage limit violations with UPFC deployment yet appreciably improved. In addition, 400 kV TL from Gilgel Gibe II to Wolyta Sodo , 11_GG-II PP to 7_Wolyta, is overloaded without UPFC deployment hence, its line flow determined is 12.217675 pu apparently where its thermal limit is 12.17 pu but solved after UPFC is deployed i.e., the line flow changed from 12.217675 pu to 3.796130 pu. It is investigated from the simulations of the grid before UPFC deployment that 140 statically instable TLs when evaluated in terms of LSI, 5 overloaded TLs when evaluated in terms of PPI and 27 TLs’ limit violated when evaluated in terms of ICSI. Following the same procedures but with UPFC devices deployed on the grid: 90 TLs are statically stabilized, 41 TLs improved, and 9 TLs negatively impacted when evaluated in terms of LSI; overloading status of 2 TLs solved, and 3 TLs are a little bit negatively impacted when evaluated in terms of PPI and 17 limit violated TLs solved, 1 TL improved, and 9 TLs are negatively impacted when evaluated in terms of ICSI. Finally, the security of grid with UPFC deployed is enhanced for 38 contingency case simulations whereas for 2 contingency cases, it is negatively impacted as evaluated in terms of OCSI. As per the grid security enhancement evaluation carried out by using UPFC, the existing grid security is weak, and implementation of this study is highly recommended.
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    Energy Auditing and Conservation in Cement Plant (Case Study: Diredawa National Cement Plc)
    (Addis Ababa University, 2021-03) Gebregziabher, Gebremeskel; Getachew, Bekele (PhD)
    The cement production method has been extremely energy and price-intensive. To attain an actual and well-organized energy handling system, electrical and thermal energy review investigation was active on the cement plant. The cement plant requires 4,473.06 hours per year of the total operating hours to produce 587,375.67 tons of clinker. The factories have the problem of proper utilization of energy, due to lack of proper replacement, regular maintenance, and control efficiency of most industrial equipment and processing is lower than the expected. This study focuses on energy audit and conservations in an exceedingly national cement plant that has been victimization knowledge collected from the cement plant, an in-depth assessment has been taken on energy using and loss. Due to these losses, Energy efficacy evaluations of the most energy-intensive equipment such as electrical motors and drives, lamps have been done. Additionally establish technological opportunities to decrease the energy consumption of the plant, increase productivity, and improve the assembly method. Specializing in energy consumption reduction efforts through method improvement, production management, and introducing new technologies achieved vital results. By replacing the more efficient lamps (from T-12 to T-8 lamps) 92.52 MWh/year energy is conserved and saves 1713.33 Dollars/year. Motor Master international is used to choice good electric motor in form of efficacy, price-efficacy & energy conserving possible. Consequently, Motor Master + international software, 240.222 MWh/year energy is conserved and saves 13,223 Dollars/year. The Energy-efficient cement factory were nominated as a standard to compare their difference in electrical and fuel energy intensity (19.5 kWh/t and 779.4 KJ/Kg) and pays additional payments of 1, 1042,314.0974 Dollars per year.
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    Hybrid Active Power Filter Technique to Enhance Power Quality of Electric Railway Traction Substation (Case Study: Minilik Square Traction Substation NS27)
    (Addis Ababa University, 2020-11) Kibru, Zewdie; Mengesha, Mamo (PhD)
    Addis Ababa Light Rail Transit (AALRT) is an electrified railway traction system with large amount of harmonic currents being generated due to the nonlinear characteristics of rectifiers and inverters devices and inject the harmonics back into the grid. This has caused serious impact on the power supply network and resulted in power quality problems within the traction substation that has led to multifunction of some system components. For the overall quality of railway service, there should be reliable, efficient and safe power distribution systems by improving the power quality. The power quality enhancement has been proposed by using hybrid active power filter harmonic current compensation technique. This study presents theoretical and practical aspects in improving the power quality of Minilik Square NS27 railway traction substation network by reducing 11th and 13th harmonic currents using hybrid active power filter (HAPF). Simulation studies of the Minilik Square NS27 railway traction substation network is carried out using MATLAB Simulink in a discrete mode, variable step size with ode45 (Dormand-Prince) solver. The simulation results show that 11th order current harmonics is reduced from 26.99% to 3.75% while 13th order current harmonics is reduced from 11.05% to 4.38% at the point of common coupling (PCC). Consequently, the total harmonic distortion (THD) of currents at PCC is reduced from 88.19% to 80.55%. It is further noted that at primary side of the transformer 11th order current harmonics is reduced from 17.99% to 1.55% while 13th order current harmonics is reduced from 13.43% to 0.89%. Thus, the overall total harmonic distortion (THD) of currents is reduced from 26.46% to 6.88% on the primary side of the transformer. Furthermore, it is observed that the distortion power factor is also improved from 0.955 to 0.995 due to the reduction of 11th and 13th order harmonic currents. Therefore, the effective value of fundamental current has been improved due to the reduction of 11th and 13th order harmonic currents and consequently the corresponding active power in the traction network is also improved. Thus, the simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed HAPF technique for selective harmonic currents reduction and thereby power quality enhancement of Minilik Square NS27 railway traction substation network of AALRT.