Gender Disparity In Higher Education In Ethiopia: The Case of Addis Ababa and Haramaya Universities

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The purpose of this study was to identify some forms and basis of gender disparity in higher education in Ethiopia by taking AAU and HU as case study areas. The study was a cross-sectional investigation which involves quantitative inquires through archival research and an investigation through qualitative study me thods using interviews, focus group discussions and observations conducted on the universities' community (students and staff members in both sexes). The data are organized and analyzed using basic qualitative methods such as tabulations showing percentages and quoting field narrations. The result indicated that f emales as regular students we re very under-represented in both study areas. Such under-representation goes from bad to worse as the le ve l of education proceeds up the ladde r. The study has shown that f emale students suffer from deprived academic base, gender-specific problems, sexual harassment and affirmative action policy which are acting against females as university students. To amelioratei;he existing situation the study suggested in a way of conclusion that both males and f emales should fairly involve in the cumbersome domestic chores, anti-sex:ual harassment policy s hould be adopted and strictly implemented in the universities and the affirmative action policy in use ought to be implemented appropriately so that the existing gender disparity in university education could be alleviated .



