The State of Newspaper Readership in Addis Ababa: Capital and Addis Fortune Newspapers in Focus
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Addis Ababa University
The purpose oft his study was to find out the state of pri vate newspapers readership with
empha sis on two newspapers: Capital and Addis FOltune. It majorly identified the readers of the
two newspapers and tried to sing le out their respective reasons for read ing the newspapers and
ti.J11ctions that motivated readers to read frequent ly. In formed by Uses and Gratification theory as
a theoretical fi'ame work, the study employed both qual itative and quantitati ve approaches
through target respondents identi fied by probableand quota sampling with data collection tools or
techniques involving questionnaire and interviews. More than 212 readers and nonreaders were
selected as participant of the study. Surpri sing find ing obtained from this research is that there
arc high tendencies of readership for female married educated readers than male married
educated readers and diploma holding ladies ha vc high readership than male with the same
educational status. More overeonsi steney is seen with women who have interest in reading the
newspaper than male even in a change of Ii res tyle of singleness to marriage. Thestudyalso
indicates that majority of people reading pri vate newspapers of Capital and Addis Fortune is
you nger aged, employed, single and degree hold er also showed that the ma in reasons to
) read both newspapers includesearching new jobs, getti ng information of important things,
broadening horizon of general knowledge and looking for ways of improving self The
conclusion to this study shows readers have high frequency of readership but low readership in
terms of spending time and pages covered.
Newspaper Readership