Identification of Determinant Factors for Contract Administration in Ethiopian Roads Administration Gambella Area Projects Management Office
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Addis Ababa University
The objective of the study is to identify the Determinant Factors for Contract Administration
in Ethiopian Roads Administration Gambella Area Projects Management Office. The study
prepared five scale based questionnaires and distributed to 141 sample populations and was
analyzed using descriptive statistics, correlation and regression analysis. The descriptive and
frequency analysis, interview response, meta-analysis and case study showed that
documentation, resources, claim and dispute management, risk management, project process
management, communication, project closure and stake holders are important in contract
administration. The correlation analysis also showed that at significance level of 0.000
contract administration has high positive correlation with claim and dispute management
(.769), moderate positive correlation with documentation (.651), project closure (.622), Risk
Management (0.616) and project process management (.543) and low positive correlation
with communication (.488), resource (.398) and stakeholder management (0.052). The
regression analysis on the other hand showed that documentation, project closure, claim and
dispute management and project process management have significant effects on Contract
Administration with significance value of 0.001, 0.000, 0.000 and 0.006 respectively and, the
coefficient significance value of communication (.134), resource (.147) and stake holders
(.101) are significant at above 10% significant level and that of Risk Management (0.416) at
41.60% in which the variables have a significant relation with contract administration. In
addition the foregoing; meta-analysis has been carried out to identify the best suit study
among the similar perspective studies. Finally, the study recommends that recently launched
ERA‘s various Manuals, Guidelines and Reports shall be properly implemented by the parties
in the contract, better Communication scheme shall be devised among the parties, timely
certification of Payments, assignment of qualified personnel for the works, establishment of
strong Workshop, deployment of proper machineries both in number and quality, proper
Stakeholder Management, Proper Risk Management, due consideration shall be given for the
road at the Design Stage notably Design shall be done in due consideration of the actual site
scenario, and last Security issue shall be resolved in the project vicinities.