Statistical Methods in Estimating the Demand for and Supply of in Ethiopia
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Addis Abeba university
Durinq the past foux O.oca<'1es, a bo<'1y of econometric
techniquE"; (l.esigneCl to deal \'li th the problem of single
equation estimation as well as sil'mltaneous-c'1uations bias
has been develoned and applied to a variety oE economic
relationships. Such methods had \·lide application in
present day develope~ countries. HOI'lever, there has been
very little attempt to apply these techniqu~s to empirical
relationshir>s describina the roonotarv "octor of oHveloninq
countries in qeneral ani:! :Rthiopia in particular.
The maj or purpose of tho study 113, th8 re fore,
1. to for);'ulatc a mathematical f'lodel descrihing the various
sectors of the economy with more emnhasis on the
role of money supply,
2. to apply various econometric methods and compare the1r
relative efficiency in explaining the emnirical relations;
3. to identify the significant explanatory variables
that are important in explaining variations in supply
of mon8Y and <'leman"!. for money in Eth1opia1
4. to test a structural model of the monetary sector by
first specifyina demand for and sumly of money and
the interrelation Lilith other economic variables 0
The relevant t1me series data is collect9d from the
Quarterly Bulletin published by the Nat10nal Bank of Ethiopia
Demand For and Supply of in Ethiopia