The state of volunteerism in Ethiopia

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Addis Ababa University


This research is carried out under the title of" A State of Volunteeri sm in Ethiopia". The research aimed at investigating the lega l, in stitutional, socio-cultural context in which volunteerism is being practiced and in addition, development programs of VI Os is assessed to see the level of alignment with that of the government development priority areas. Knowledge transfers from volunteers to local counterparts in host organizations is also one of the objectives of the research. In order to address the above li sted objectives, primary and secondary data were collected through employing different data collection methods. Focus group di scussions with volunteers and also in-depth interviews with six different VlOs and two host organizations were carri ed out. In Addition, publi shed and unpublish ed materials including books, researches, laws, policy and development plans, organizations' reports have been intensive ly reviewed and made use of them. It is found that voluntary specific law is nonexistent 111 Ethiopia. What exists is the draft legislation on youth volunteerism which is required to be presented to the Parliament for ratification. In relation to the legal framework, organizations specific Charters and bi-Iateral and multilateral agreements have been found to be a binding legal documents for some of the voluntary involving organizations. It has been also identified that there are very few VIOs operating in Ethiopia as compared to the total number of civil society organizations in the Country. Moreover, volunteerism is also identified to be incorporated in only some of the government sectoral and national plan. On the other hand, it is found that there is a good level of alignment of VIOs development programs with that of the government development priority areas. Focus is identified to be given to capacity building and skill transfer from international volunteers to national counterparts in host organizations.



