Assessment of the magnitude of violence against women among female evening students working as domestic workers and its associated factors in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
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Addis Ababa Universty
Background: Violence free environment is the one that everyone cherishes, while millions of women
worldwide suffer from violence against women. In most communities in Ethiopia, violence against
women is very common and considered as a private matter though it has a serious consequences for girls
and women. Its magnitude and impact is even worse at domestic set up especially on domestic workers,
which is not studied well.
Objective: The objective of the study is to measure the magnitude of violence against women among
female evening students working as domestic worker and its associated factors in Addis Ababa Ethiopia.
Methods: A school based quantitative cross sectional study sequentially complimented with qualitative
in-depth interview was used. A total of 545 randomly selected female evening students working as
domestic worker and aged 15 years and above were interviewed in May 2017. Data were entered in Epidata
version 3.1 and analyzed using SPSS version 22. Crude and adjusted odds ratio along with 95%
confidence interval in binary logistic regression were used to ascertain association. Individual depth
interview was done among 10 victims of violence. The audio information was transcribed and translated.
The qualitative data were coded and categorized. Thematic content analysis was then employed.
Result: About 58.8% of evening female students experienced violence in their working lifetime, of those
54.4% experienced it in the past 12 months. Besides, 53.6%, 33.6% and 29.6% of evening female
students encountered emotional, physical and sexual violence respectively in their working life while it
was 47.1%, 28.8% and 21.8% respectively in the past 12 months. Evening female students who signed
monthly contract (AOR=4.23; 95% CI 1.38-12.96), working more than three years (AOR= 3.36; 95%
CI:2.03-5.56) and employer (male partner) who drink alcohol (AOR=10.86; 95% CI: 5.6-21.3) were
more likely to encounter violence compared with counterparts. Those with higher education level (AOR=
0.43; 95% CI :0.27-0.71), emoloyed by female employers with higher educational level(AOR=0.51;
95%CI: 0.31-0.83) were less likely to be violted. About 87.6% of domestic workers were silent despite of
being violeted. In-Depth interview finding also demonstrated the maids lived experience of without
dignity and with frequent violation of their basic human right.
Conclusion and recommendation: the prevalence of violence against women among domestic worker
was high. Educational status of employers and domestic workers, alcohol drinking practice of employers,
work experience and type of work agreement by domestic worker were the associated factors of violence
against evening female students. To overcome this violence the government should ratify the international
labour organization convention C-189. Ministry of women, children and youth affairs must enforce the
laws to be fully implemented. Educating the community and strengthening and integrating the school
Gender club program is highly recommended.
violence against women