News Content Analysis; The Case of ETV Prime Time (Arat Ma'ezen) News

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Addis Ababa University


This paper takes a critical analysis of news content; The case of ETV prime time (Arat Ma’ezen) news. It focuses on how a variety of news sources, geographical scenarios, heterogeneous content or diverse ideas are entertained in Ethiopia Television news channels and how balanced and unbalanced it is also analyzed. EBC has a core role to reflect diverse views, contents and sources without any geographical bias in balanced and fair principles. This is the valuable distinguishing feature for whether ETV Arat Ma’ezen news is promoting heterogeneous news content or not. The thesis topic is equipped with salient literature related to the study. Social responsibility and libertarian theory are used as litmus for the theoretical framework of the study. So, mixed research method was used to investigate the content diversity of 100 news that are selected with the Systematic Random Sampling technique. Content and document analysis were used as an instrument of the study. Content analysis of data utilized descriptive tables. The study finding revealed that ETV Arat Ma’ezen reports mainly political news & entertain news content diversity in an uneven way. Additionally, ETV Arat M’ezen news used government officials over people as the main source of news diversity. Moreover, the study illustrated an imbalance in geographical news coverage throughout the country.



The Case of ETV Prime Time (Arat Ma'ezen) News
