A Content Analysis on Private Newspapers’ Framing of the Growth and Transformation Plan

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Addis Ababa University


As it is known, Ethiopia is the l:oQl-est and least developed country in I he world, This poverty stands as the primary manifestation of the situati()n, Considering this siluation, tre current government has issued lh'e Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP), to overcome the problem lh,; country faced, This study primcuily intended to examine how Ethiopian private newspapers framed GTF if'sues in terms of themes employed, a:ld source quoted , Moreover, it also pfoposed to study what roles private newspapers played in addreso,ing issues of GTP, For the current research, framing theory was u~ ed as a conceptual framework. The research was conducted by using quantitative and qualitative reseafch methods, Tile three sample newspapers (Fortune, Acldi" Adma,ss, and Reporter) wefe j::u;,posefully selected in ol"der to enSl'!'I! higher number of circulation among private newspapers, A contl:'n, analysis was used as a major re ,earch method. Two frames coders co(i ";d 22 articles whic,h llleL the criteJ ':a set by the researcher. In addition, In depth inte!'vi~ws were conductt'd with key infCJrmants who workecl hI' these newspapers. The results of the study indicakc'. the newspaper\' focused on informative themes of the addressing the iSSLl(; of GTP, They employed a much higher use of responsibility and econoJlIic frames compared to conflict, hlILl.:~r interest and o[hcr frames. They aiso largely attributed the resro!1sibiL~)' to government and expcns as he vmg the abiiity lO take action. The newspapers \Vcr,~ also foun I to be dominantly engaged in selecti, ,n and salienc(: of agl'iculIUral and ndustrial aspects of GTP over olhers.



Content Analysis, Private Newspapers
