Study on Material Wastage of 40/60 Condominium Construction

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Addis Ababa University


Most of the times, the actual percentage of waste generation is much higher than initially assumed, causing the additional cost of the project. Therefore, minimizing materials waste in the construction projects could yield great cost savings and profit increment. A Literature review was carried out to identify major construction materials waste causes and minimization measures being used in the construction industry. Consequently, a structured questionnaire survey was conducted to identify the effect of client material supplying in the generation of waste, causes of waste, levels of contribution of measures to waste minimization and to what extent the same measures are practiced on 40/60 condominium construction sites. Beside, an effort has been made to estimate the amount of materials waste analytically and site observations were undertaken to understand the problem very well. The survey focused on the four most dominant materials in terms of influencing the project costs which are concrete, mortar, reinforcement bar and hollow concrete block. The variables were then ranked in their order of importance based on the response of the consultants and contractors. Finally, based on the findings of this research, possible solutions are recommended to improve the generation of excessive material wastes in 40/60 condominium projects. Keywords: 40/60 condominium sites, Causes of materials waste, Construction materials waste, Waste minimization measures



40/60 condominium sites, Causes of materials waste, Construction materials waste, Waste minimization measures
