Plastic Bag Waste Management in Addis Ababa

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Addis Ababa University


Plastic bags are largely used for shopping because they are light weight, cheap, water and moisture resistant. They are also convenient for quick services at supermarkets, kiosks and Groceries. The plastic bags manufacturing and trading industries have created employment opportunity. On the other hand, unl ess managed in an environment friendly way, the adverse environmental, social and economic impacts emanating from plastics bags waste are serious and could outweigh their benefits. The Federal Government of Ethiopia has issued policy, proclamations and regulations in order to foster sound waste management practice throughout the country. The Addis Ababa City Government has, based on the measures taken at the Federal level, issued regulations and establ ished the necessary institu tions. One of these measures is the issuance of the Addis Ababa City Government Regulation No.1 3/2004 regarding waste management, collection and di sposal. To date, the implementation of the regulations, in particular provisions on plastic bag waste management in Addis Ababa is not researched. The objective of this study is, thus, to assess as to whether the on going practice pertaining to plastic bags waste management in Addis Ababa is done in accordance with the internationally accepted sound sol id waste management principles and requirements as contained under the relevant policy and regulatory instruments. Accordingly, implementation and effectiveness of the policy, proclamation and regulations, and their impact in promoting sound management of plastic waste in Addis Ababa is evaluated based on analysis of documents, interviews, questionnai res and observations. The study reveals that currently pl astic bags waste in particular and solid wastes in general are not managed in an environmentally sound way. According to this study, the prohibitions, prescriptions and incentives contained under the regul ations are not adequately implemented. The mechanism to ensure their enforcement is weak. Various factors are identified for this weak performance. First of all, measures to prevent the generation of waste are inadequate. Second, waste recovery is not encouraged through reuse and recycl ing. Third, the current practice regarding collection, sorting and transpol1ation are not done timely and properly. Finally, there is no adequate facility for the final disposal of wastes. The one that is assigned for waste di sposal, which is called Repi (Koshaie) , is not a landfil l. It is rather an open disposal site which is neither properly constructed nor well protected. Thus, recommendations are given to improve situations.



Waste Management
