Collaboration in the Provision of Education: The Case of the Collaboration Between Oromly A Education Bureau and Japan International Cooperation Agency

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Collaboration in the Provision of Education: The Case of the Collaboration Between Oromly A Education Bureau and Japan International Cooperation Agency


This study examines the contribution of the project known as the ManaBu towards the attainment of education al targets of the nation. The declared aim of the Project is "improvi ng access to qual ity basic education for school age children and constructing and managing community-based basic education centers". It is jointly implemented by the Oromiya Education Bureau (OEB) and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). The study utilizes both qualitative and quantitative research approach to gather information on the attainments and shortcomings of the Project. The sample schools for study are the three schools in Chiro and Kunni Woredas of West Hararghe zone. The study found out that thcse schools have expanded access to education as they have enrolled 11 32 students in the first two yea rs of their operation. But the schools have become crowded in 1999 E.C. because they have to accommodate students in grade I and 2. The schoo ls have managed to provide textbook for all their students in almost all of the subj ects they teach. The pupil-section ratio is found to be large and the pupil-teacher ratio also high. Contrary to the policy of automatic promotion through continuous assessment in the lower first cycle primary schools, repetition stil l lingers in two of the schools. The dropout rate is also high compared to the national and regional primary school dropout rate. The teachers in these schools are all qualified but, even the teachers who have long ycars of experience, are not given long term in-service training. They have heavy workload and are supposed to teach large number of students. All these factors render the quality of education that is being offered in the schoo ls questionable. The community pal"ticipates in the se lection of site for the schools; contributes money, labor and local construction materials for building the schools, pal"t icipates in the management of the schoo ls. But the participation is not as seen in other communitybased school; that is, it does not have a say in the curriculum that its chi ldren arelearning, it is not consulted when the timetable for the schools are set, it is not consulted when teachers are employed. This is because the schools strictly fol low the conventional school curri culum, work in acco rdance with the tim etab le prepared for the conve ntional school system, and teachers are employed by OEB. Thus, it is diffi cult to compare them with community-based school in other countries. Measured again st educational qua lity parameters, it is also hard to say that the schools are capable of produci ng children that have acquired knowledge expected from th em. The schools are headi ng towards more problems as no constructio n is underway to create space for new entrants in the coming academ ic year. As a res ult, the Proj ect is expected to devote more time and resource to be able to contribute its share to the regional and national endeavor of attain ing UPE by 20 15.



Provision of Education
