Local Level Assessment of Farmers Vulnerability to Climate Change and Variability: a Case Study In Choke Mountain East Gojja'vi

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Addis Abeba university


Ethiopia's econamy is dominanlly rain-fed agriculillre accounling for 47% of GDP and 80% of jobs. However, this dominant seclor has been challenged by climate change and variability. Besides, iWljJerature and rain fa ll variation, the diverse economic, social, cultural and ecological condition made differences on the vulnerability level of farmers in the countly. Taking Ihis situation into account, Ihe sludy was aimed at examining Ihe vulnerabilily level of farmers in Choke Mountain ecosystem based on an inlegrated vulnerability assessmenl approach using its indicator variables. These i,:,dicator variables consist of various socia economic and biophysical attributes of local communities. To this end, four kebeles ji-om Ihe watershed were chosen based on their traditional agro-ecology, Dangulie (upper highland), Gedamawit (highland), Dendegeb (midland), and Kurar (lowland). The principal component slatistical analysis (PCA) was employed 10 determine Ihe weighl of selected variables in construcling Ihe vulnerability index. Vulnerability indices were constructed using the systematic combination of indicators of adaptive capacily, exposure and sensilivity. Data thai collecled ji-om the Kis, FGD and SecondOlY source of data were Iriangulated with qllalitative resulls. The vulnerability index of Kebeles' with different agro-ecology revealed an index ranges between-1.46 and 0.04; Based on Ihe value of the index Dangulie representing the upper highland was found as the mosl vulnerable district (-1.46) and Dendegeb represenling the midland was found less vulnerable kebele (0.55). Whereas, Gedamawil representing high land wilh VIr 0.04) and Kurar represenling lowland agro-ecology wilh VI (0. 48) were found as vulnerable in relative terms. Based on Ihe resull, Ihe vulnerability level of fanners in Ihe watershed explained thai greater exposure to climate extremes as well as low level of economic status, inji-astrllcillre development, and absence of inslillltions. Indicalors that exacerbale the vulnerability level of farmers in the walershed were also identified farm land size, Slop of Ihe farm land, Ihe absence of instilutions such as VeterinOlY Service, Credil and Saving Inslillliion, low agricullural lechnology provision and non-farm income, access 10 market and poor transporlalion were Ihe delerminanls. Hence, to enhance Ihe adaplive capacily of farm ers and to creale a resilienl ecosystem; Ihe governmenl shoulei creale job opporlunily to absorb landless youngslers. Furlhermore, all farmers should equally be accessed with credil provisions, good governance of nalural resource, establishmenl of crop insurance logelher with Provision of relevant informal ion aboulthe change and variabilily Ihereby farmers would have Ihe privilege 10 take Ihe leading role in allesting the intended gaol. Key words: climate change, vulnerability, adaptive capacity, exposure and sensitivity



Climate Change;, Vulnerability;, Adaptive Capacity;, Exposure and Sensitivity
