Livelihood Diversification and Livelihood Sustainability in The Pastoral Lands of Ethiopia: The Case of Karrayu Agropastoralists In Gola and Galcha Kebeles of Fantalle Woreda
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Addis Abeba university
The mam purpose of this study was to explore the contribution of livelihood
diversification in constructing sustainable livelihood. The focus was to investigate
the motivating factors of livelihood diversification, to identify the groups that are
engaged in diversification and to examine the groups that achieved success.
Thus, in conducting the study the researcher selected Gola and Galcha kabeles
of Fentale Woreda as a study area. Seventy-one households w~re selected as the
subject of the study. Questionnaires were administered to the seventy one
households, interview were conducted with eight key informants who have been
selected based on their background knowledge about the issue. Focus Group
Discussion was held with four groups of male and female participants. In
addition to that, personal observations were undertaken in the study. Percentage
and descriptive analysis were used to analyze the data . The findings indicated
that, in the study area livelihood diversification is undertaken as a risk
minimizing strategy. Though, households in the poor, middle, and rich wealth
group were found to be engaged in cultivation as livelihood diversification, they
are those households in the rich wealth group that could generate additional
income from cultivation and build the capacity to deal with 'and recover from
stress and shocks. Natural resources degradation associated with Population
explosion and the expansion of farming are found to be major threats for the
sustainability of cultivation as a livelihood in the study area . Thus, in order to
ensure the survival of the people and avert the degradation of natural resources,
environmental relieving mechanisms have to be designed. Building the human
and physical capital of the study area can contribute a lot in this regarded
The Pastoral Lands of Ethiopia