Assessing Resilience in Domestic Workers With Hostiles of Sexual Abuse: Cases in Addis Ababa
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Addis Ababa University
This study assessed the res ili cnce in sex ual ly abused female domestic workers in Addis
Ababa. The study explored risk exposing factors and factors that faci:ilate resil iGncc alkr
sex ual abuse. The study followed ex plora tory quali tative method, using in-depth ami kcy
informant in terviews as data col lect ion instrumen ts. The participanls who were selected
purposively comprised of eight dOI!lcstie workers, one broker and one key informant
from TTTM. The study partic ipants were migrated young, single ,\iOIl'en who have;,
poor economi cal alld family background. Among the eight study participants, lo ur lVere
actu ally expc:·:cpeed rape, one was faced attempt of rape and the rest three were fln cC·.' '0
touch the private body parts of their host or reversely the ir priva te body pa rts IVlOP;
touched without Ihe;r r;QllScn1. The main risk exposing fac tors was mentioned to be
drinking, absenc p. or w,ves from home, lack weli der. ned bound ary to t h ~ ser.tQr ~ n d
cheating by fa lse promises. As a res uit of the abuse, the s t~:dv parti cipants faced
emotional disturbance, distrusting, hopelessnes:;, job insecurity. unsafe abortion,
unwantcd prc'.!nullcy d !llJ I-IIVlAIDS. The main res ili cnce factors whi ch helped themtn
function well ~ne r sex ual abuse comprised of normali zing the pro blem, di sc lo sing,
re iigious affiliation, personal value and selli ng positive life goal. The siudy has
inlplica tions which cal l for social work professionals, policy makers ,,,,d ot her eoncern ell
bodies to recognize domestic workers whu arc vu lner"ble to sex uai abuse, as a [i.:nik
land for research all d practice.
Key worusDolncstic workers, !{cs il ;encc, Sex ual abuse.
Dolncstic workers, RESILIencc, Sexual abuse