Exploring the Chalenges of Visually Impaired Employees in Addis Ababa the Case of Arada, Kolfe Keranio and Gulele Sub Cities
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Addis Ababa University
This study explored the challenges faced by visually impaired employees in the Arada, Kolfe
Keranio, and Gulele sub-cities of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The research aimed to gain a deeper
understanding of the challenges of visual impaired employees in their respective work place. The
research utilized a qualitative approach, by using in-depth interviews with 15 purposely selected
visually impaired employees, as well as 10 key informant interviewees who represented
government offices, human resource departments, and disability organizations, as well as 24
FGDs participants. The collected data was analyzed using thematic analysis. The result of the
study showed that visual impaired employees face unfair treatment in the workplace, employers
often failed to provide necessary materials on time, lack of assistants and appropriate
transportation and access to different facilities within the organizations. There are also some
negative attitudes from other employees that affected their social participation. The participants
also reported low salaries compared to non-visual employees. The research findings suggest that
employers should adhere to the responsibilities outlined in Article 6 of Proclamation 568/2008,
including promoting employment opportunities and removing barriers for persons with
disabilities and others as stated by the Ministry of Innovation and Technology: attention must be
given to assistive devices to support the visually impaired individuals to be more efficient and
active in their job performance.
Keywords: Visual impairment, employment, workplace challenges, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Visual impairment, employment, workplace challenges, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia