The Intra and Inter Sectoral Integration of Urban Services planning, with particular emphasis of Road, Water and Sewerage, Telecommunication and Power Supply: The case of Inner city, Addis Ababa

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Addis Ababa University


Rapid population growth as well as dense and plan less structuring lead to an increase in demand for utilities Services. Consequently, increase the resources use for the construction and maintenance of utilities. Moreover, damages to roads and sidewalks during the construction and maintenance of utilities cause problems in daily life create financial burden etc. The rapid population growth in collaboration to haphazard planning of urban sectors may cause for devastating urban structure and inevitable physical disruption. Since the inner city is old and place of dynamism Fequent construction and excavation is common phenomena. Frequent utility excavations in roads, non-standard filling and compressing in patch Works impair quality of asphaltpaved roads and sidewalk and decrease their economic life. This situation leads to use of scarce resources for double construction of asphalt-paved roads and sidewalks as well as economic losses, and vehicle and pedestrian traffic is adversely affected. "Excavation could be said an evil necessity" however, it is possible to minimize its effect. The primary objective of coordination is to retain or minimize this excavation and implement the potentially conflicting works in an efficient and effective manner moreover, eliminates unexpected conflicts with utilities, avoids un necessary utility relocations, reduce delaying of works and repetition, minimize social and economic costs and the like are the major benefits. The objective of this research is to assess both the intra and inter sectoral integration of urban service planning's in the inner city of Addis Ababa, the study focus on the four institutions that have direct relation with this study. Moreover, four departments that have direct relation with the issue drown pwposely. Out of the total workers 68 respondents randomly selected to represent the whole group. BeSide, in-depth interview made Fom the virtual committee and uther offiCials. Personal observation, TV talk show and secondary data have served for collecting data. The research(ound that though the people are aware about integration the current status rated as poor but, still considerable number of people rated as medium the intra level integration. As shown in the analysis different elements have been mentioned as major factors for the low level of integration namely institutional arrangement, lack of strong controlling body, good governance, lack of finance, property issuance, and short plan year and.frequent plan changes are listed. Moreover, this has considerable effect on the peljormance of all sectors as individual and as a group. The research found that the effort made by utility providers and road authority is very less even the regulatory gave lesser emphasis for the issue though the effect is significant. Utilities are not registered yet, short plan period, roads neglected for considerable period of time un maintained. Finally to conclude the area though integration is very important it has been neglected in academics discourse and practical issues, the absence of policy coupled with the haphazard planning and other similar factors exacerbate the situation in the inner city than the periphery. Recommendation on multiple trench less technology and registration of utilities, institutional arrangement and the involvement of private sectors have been forwarded. Areas the involvement of private sectors and the policy and related issues including the effect of the city master plan on these utility provision and performance of the forwarder further investigation.



Inter Sectoral Integration
