Service quality in Addis Ababa restaurants Vis-a-vis Price (Cases from Arada, Gulelle.and Kirkos Sub- Cities)
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Perceived service quality as measured by five dimensions of service
quality and price IS the central point of discu ssion in- this study. The
mqUlry was to scrutinize a gap between customers' service quality
expectation s and cu stomers' service quality perceptions (experience).
Customer survey was conducted by administering a questionna ire
designed by incorporating the five dimensions of SERVQUAL and price.
The five dimensions of service qua lity are accepted by Customers . The
most favored dimension of the five is tangibles. Responsiveness and
empathy are the second favored dimensions by cu stomers. Reliability
and assurance follow being the third and fourth . However, resta u rants
are not performing well with respect to empathy, tangibles, reliability. A
slightly equal proportion of respondents stood in opposite directions with
respect to price as an indicator of service quality
Restaurants, Service