Domestic Violance against Women from Cultural Perspective: A Study the Rural Part of Mennarsa and Keblele 07 of Adama Town

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Addis Ababa University


Ther are three age of violence again t w mcn 111 thi pap r. A woman c uld b abduct d (kidnapped) 111 I ublic fo r marriag thi one fo rm of violence cOl11mitt d aga in t th em. Within th marital li fe ther is. al vi lence, what we ca ll domestic violence. Even aft r th death f her hu 'band a rural wom n in Mermarsa area will face a lot of haras ment , if h ch 0 her n w partn er to enter in her own hous for li ving together wi th out the p rml I n of Foiles. So, women face di ffe rent violence act be fore, thr ugh and after Man'iag . That mean th ese violenc act are b erva bl when w m n ar single (unmarri ed), marri ed and widow. Dome ti c vi I nce i nc f' I'm of vi lenc within the h me; it c uld be seen among childr n, children on parents or par nt n children. In thi the i it i attempt Ito ee only the violence of men on wom n (husband on wiv ), whi ch i r vo lved around marital relati onship, and the two publi cly committed vi lence ' again t wom n i.e. abduction and , eegaba. It is known that dome tic violence i a word, which is widely used at present time in academic world , to explain the violence situati on in marri age



Domestic Violance Against Women from Cultural
