Assessment of the marketing practice designed to create, build and maintain beneficial exchanges ,vith fire and lightning insurance policy's customers
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The main purpose of this research is to throw I ight on a very challenging and
perhaps less 1I1vestigated issue of the marketing practice of insurance company's with
respect to fire and lightning insurance polic\ customers. The study is conducted throu g.h
evaluatlOn and analysis of Ethiopian In su ran ce Corporation's marketing practice for the
subject matter under the study The study uncovers the marketing practice of ErC for fIfe
and lightning insurance policy's customers in line with its marketing mix- i.e. product,
price, placement and promotion- in order to create, build and maintain beneficial
exchange Hence; to realize these objective, questionnaires coupled by relevant interview
has been administered to figure out EICS marketing practice for fire and lightning
insurance policy On the other hand in order to complement the \al idity of the research
findings, hou se holds awareness together with their purchasing practice has been studied
by taking a sample size of 50 respondents in bole-sub city adml11istration. The stu ch·
come up with the pre\·ailing awareness of house hold, improved method of product
development and placement Besides; altern ative as well as scientific method of setting
premium and conducting promotional campaign has been uncovered . In summary, the out
come of the research is expected to draw pOll1ted attention to Ere'S managers, insurance
companies in general, government ,customers and the community at large in devising
co mpetiti ve, healthy and rapidly growing busllless environment for the insurance industr~;
In the country
A research paper prepared in partial fulfillment of the requirement of
Masters of Business Administration (MBA)
Assessment of the marketing practice