Comparative Study on the Proximate Composition, Mineral Content, Antinutritional Factors and Sensory Acceptability of Raw and Boiled Three Yam Species Grown in Garno Gofa Zone, Southern Ethiopia

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Addis Ababa University


A comparalive study on the nutritional value, mineral contenl, antinutrilional factors and sellSOlY acceptability of yam species (Dioscorea spp.) grown ill Kucha districi Garno Gofa Zone, SNNPR were carried out. Three species of yam, lIamely D. cayellensis (hatiye), D. praehensilis (wadala) and D. bulbi/era (bunde-buchi) were analyzed for Iheir moisture, crude protein, crude fat, fibe r, total ash, carbohydrate, gross energy. minerals (K, Ca, Na, Fe and Zn) as well as alltillutritional facto rs, lIamely phytate, tanllin, and oxalate. Raw Wadala contailled significalltly high amount of moisture ill bOlh raw (74.20%) alld boiled (77.64%) tuber forms and also Ihe highest protein (10. 13g11 ~Og), ash (3. 07g11 ~Og) and carbohydrate (86g1100g) contents were obtained for raw wadala. Bunde-buchi in its boiled form contained higher fat (1.0gI100g) and fiber (4.20gI100g) call ten Is Ihan other species. The highest calorific value was recorded f or raw hatiye (385.42 Kcal) alld was followed by raw wadala tubers (385.33 Kcal). Raw tubers of wadala had significantly high content of potassium (1029. 62mgll ~Og) alld Zinc (1. 70mgll00g). Raw haliye was relalively a good source of sodium (32.88mgI I00g) and iron (2.02mgII00g). On the olher hand, boiled tubers of bUllde-buchi (81. 95mgll ~Og) contained high amoullt of calcium than haliye (55.04mgl I ~Og). Generally. the anli-nutrienls contenls Ilf the ynm species were vel)) low «0. 5mgll00gfor phylale, <1. 7mgll00gfor oxalate, and <3.5mgllOOgfor tan/lin) and were reduced during boiling. Bunde-buchi had high level of oxalate (1. 06mgll 00g) and tannin (3.49mgII00g) whereas hatiye (0.44mgll00g) was high in phytate. [n this sludy, boiling resulled ill sigllificant decrease in proteill (by up to 20.78%), ash (by up to 39.4%), and gross ellergy values (by up to 1.08%). In contrasl, bailing significanlly increased Ihefal (by up to 26.8%) and fiber (by up 10 164.4%) conlenl of the three yam species. However, boiling didn'l significallily reduce Ihe onli-nutrienls contenl of the three species. When compared wilh olher 1'001 and tuber crops such as laro, cassava, and anchole, yam lubers had beller nulrient conlelll, bul low olllilluiriliollal faclors. The sellsolY analysis of Ihe yam lubers indicated Ihat hatiye was Ihe mosl preferred species in most of Ihe sellSOlY al/ribules. 111 conclusion, the good nulrienl COlllenl alld low all/i-nuirieni cOlllenl Ilf Ihe Ihree yam Ilibers mighl make Ihem pOlenlial food for Ihe rural people ill Ihe counlly. Key words: Yam, Haliye, lVadala, bunde-buchi, and anlillutrients



Yam, Haliye, Wadala, bunde-buchi, anlillutrients
