Indigenous Land Management Practices in Konso: South Ethiopia
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Addis Ababa University
The overall aim of the study was to document indigenous practices at the grassroot, level to analyze the function of the practices and to evaluate influencing factors for different land management techniques as a method Konso selected due to its deep-rooted practice of indigenous land management. Accordingly the selection of the study Kebele is based on accessibility, average elevation, and different indigenous land management technique. Moreover different wealthrank groups were considered using random sampling and their fragmented plots have also been considered. Generally, the major finding of the study shows Konsocommunity use wide range of indigenous land management technologies including agronomic, biological and physical attributing to food security and sustainable resource management. Moreover, the different indigenous SWC technologies have a function of adapting to climate change. Moreover, the influencing factors for the practice are both environmental and socio-economic factors. It is concluded that the deep rooted indigenous conservation need to be integrated with modern technologies to assure the winwin in food security and sustain resource use
Geography and Environmental Studies