The Contrlbution of Vocational Training to Employment
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Addis Ababa University
11 is olien stated that a nation's young people represent its future, !t should naturally follow
then the countries which provide their youth with appropriate knowledge and skills as well as
productive work experience are laying or renewing the foundation for future economic and
social well heing.
fluman resources constitute the ultimate basis for wealth of nation. Capital and natural
resources are passive factors of production; human beings are the active agents who
( capital, exploit natural resources and carlY forward natural developrnent. Clearly
({ counlly which is unable to develop the skills and knowledge of its people and to utilize them
efficiently will be unable to develop anything else (Haribson 1964:3).
Like any other poor countries, Ethiopia faces with multi faceted problems. The problem of
educated unemployment reached at its climax. In 1994, the rate of "'!employment ill the urban
areas was about 22 percent. Unemployment rate stood at 38 and 39 percent within the age
groups of 1 5-19 and 20-24 respectively in urban Ethiopia.
This endelllic problem alfects each Administrative /legion . The ANRS is the one that
unelllployment pervades chronically. Unemployment, in the region, is the leading threat in
every endeavour to Illitigate poverty andfasten growth and development.
According to 1994 census, 78599 (1.02%) of the region's population were unemployed. 98
percent of the total unemployed masses found in the urban and 27 percent have completed
grade 12.
This dilelllma has spurred much investigation into the role oitraining in improving productivity
and the employability of the school lea vel's. The need to help promote economic recovery and
new long terlll developlllent, to reduce unemployment and to help specific groups in the labour
fo rce obtain access to emploYlllent has brought vocational education and training to the
fo refiont of political discussion and significant increase in public funds have been committed to
it.III view of th e lilllited absorptive capacity of the modem sector ill developing COUll tries and the
resultallt high ullelllploYlllellt rate, it has been recomm ended technical and vocational training
should ellcourage selfelllployment, initiatives and cooperation.
Desp it e its illlportallce, some argue that training cannot be a solution and alleviate the existing
high level of IIl1employmellt particularly in develop ing coulltries. The task of reducillg
ullemploYlllelltlies primarily with general eco nomic policies.
Vocatiollal trailling call be effective in preparing school-Ieavers for jobs if the delivery is
competitive "lid the ecollomy is attractive. Therefore, the central theille of this study is that
vocatiolla l trailling is II Ot all end ill itself to reduce un employment but can serve as a mea ns if
provided effectively.
Contrlbution of Vocational Training