Population Estimate, Feeding Ecology and Habitat Competition Use of White – Eared Kob (Kobus Kob Leucotis, Lichtenstein and Peters, 1854) and Their Interaction With Livestock in Gambella National Park, Southwestern Ethiopia

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Addis Ababa University


Ethiopia is a land of great natural abundance. However, human activities are causing severe adverse impacts in this country. Pastoral system is one of the traditional land use systems practiced in the rural sides of the country. Ethiopia is known among the East African countries hosting one of the few remaining sites in Africa where significant seasonal migration still occurs at Boma–Gambella Transboundary Park for white – eared kob (Kobus kob leucotis). This study was conducted in Gambella National Park, from 2016 to 2018. It is located at latitude of 80N and longitude of 34015’E of the Southwestern Ethiopia. Distance sampling survey using line transect methods were carried out during the dry season (February – April) and wet season (May). Data were collected for eight seasons. Assessment of selected specific food and cover resource from the patches used by the individual within its home range was conducted and numbers of animals were recorded. The plant species samples were collected. A total of GNP 6423 white eared kob (CI = 217.8 – 317.4) during wet season (N = 446, CI = 26.3–121.7) and dry season (N = 5977, CI = 82.59–581.41). This study revealed wetland meadows were the most important utilized habitats of all in habitat types. The dietary proportions indicated Paspalum scrobiculatum (9.4%), Pennisetum setaceeum (9.1%), Eragrostis multiplosa (11.7%), Penniseteum purpurum (13.4%), and Sacciolepis africana (df = 11, F = 115.6) p < 0.001 (n = 8408, mean = 349.78, SD = 258.367, CI = 344.25–355.30) as a major components. A Due consideration should be given to hosting communities and eco–friendly policy from governmental institutions and others important stakeholders in order not to affect the seasonal migration of kob. In this case, both Ethiopia and South Sudan should work in collaboration to conserve this important subspecies.



Gambella National Park, Livestock, Migration, Park, Wetland, White – Eared Kob
