Movie Piracy: Communication Perspective

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Addis Ababa University


Lack of communication among the stakeholders in the cinema industry has slowed down development of the sector. Even though effects of lack of communication among stakeholders in the cinema industry are multifaceted, one of the major effects is expansion of movie piracy. Movie piracy has crippled the otherwise booming cinema. The illegal practice has made the industry a very dreadful business to venture in. this has thus resulted in decreasing cash flow and hence less production quality. The fact that the stakeholders do not work together towards alleviating the problem has added salt to the injury. Whenever an association starts bringing stakeholders together and discusses about it, members tend to be trapped by the inefficiencies of the previous discussions and drop out of the process. The communication strategy they have assumed has not been designed to help them capitalize on their previous achievements. Instead it made them dwell on their previous inefficiencies and thus believe that the next discussion would only be a replication of the previous discussions instead of progressive extension of them. Furthermore, there has been a rolling trend of influence the bigger producers have on the rest of the members. Hirokawa and Gouran recognize this problem as undue influence by powerful members. These historical and institutional factors have affected the communication process which in turn made the industry's immunity weaker. Functional Perspective on Group Decision Making Theory along with Historical . and Institutional functions added by critics Stohl and Holmes provides an unrivalled solution for communications in such a state.



Movie Piracy
