The Federal Governance of Multiethnic Cities in Ethiopia: Urban Policy and Conflict in Addis Ababa & Dire Dawa
dc.contributor.advisor | Fischa, Assefa (Associate Professor) | | | Midega, Milkessa | | | 2021-07-30T08:43:26Z | | | 2023-11-08T11:45:05Z | | | 2021-07-30T08:43:26Z | | | 2023-11-08T11:45:05Z | | | 2017-06 | |
dc.description.abstract | Thi:\ clissc rt;llioll is a comparati,'c Urb;1l1 policy re sca rc!l ill co nl e sled IllUI LicLlillic ciLies. II I additioll to li H.: lI ille regio llal-states, Eliliopia also has two lCdcrall y gu vcrll cd COlllcstcd ll1ullicLhllic ei ti cs- Addis A haba alld Dire Dawa. By focLlsilig 0 11 Ihese cilies, this study illvestigates the C;IIJSCS alld d Yliamics or urba n cOllllicts, the exLcllts or cClllralizatioll and urban local auto llo mies, and urban poiicies/illsLiluLi0I1S of rcgulaLillg clllllo-llaliOilal di ve rsities. '1'0 lilis CllCi , combillaLiol ls of rcs earcll strat.egies includillg comparative, Ili5\.orica1 , illstituLio llal/slructu ral, tlilci lTIulti-ctllllic/muILicullural approaches have beell e mployed . An illtegrated anal ytical IClls, through which both primary and secoudary data are qualitaLi vely analyzed and inte rpreted, was constructed from three inte rwove n variables: group cOililicts, local political institutiOiIS <uld cultllral policies. 'T'llcoretically, urban semi- cOllsociatio llalism and multicultural policies of ITIultie tlmic cities in develo ped and emergi ng fe de ratiOils were helpful for comparative con<:lusioll . '"I'he findings corroborate that the causes and dynamics of the e thno-nationalist conflicts to Ihc cilics o r Addis Ababa alld Dirc DalYa arc lillkcd 10, among oth crs, (I) historically established urban cultural dominations, political marginalization and idclItity mallipuiations-in olle phrase 'eUmo-territoriality ractor', (2) the current political institutiolls/ cultural policies imposed li'om the cente r perpetuating the same dominations and marginalizaLion, and (3) boundal)' issues . Secondly, there was no evidence indicating that the residents o f Dire Dawa ;Uld Addis Ababa are exercising local autonomy or self-gove rnment rights. Various data have instead shown formal centralization of both city admillistrations largely red ucing Ulcm to local agencies or the JCdcral governmcnt due mainly to thcir respective geopolitical signilicances, Thirdly, it is su bstantiated Ulat combinatiolls or urban policies of regulating eumo -nationai diversity ranging from cul tural assimilation to parLial accommodation have been practiced in Ule cities. In terms of urban power sharing, the ruling party o f Ethiopia devised whaL appears semi-consociational arrangelnent largely as instrument of hegemonic conlrol in Ule cities es pecially in the post-2005 elcction-the e lcction Ulal it lost in boul cilies, Accordingly, inu'a-rul ing party e thnic-based grand coalitio n rormulas, kn own as ' 25:25:25:25 ' equal-quota in Addis Ababa and' 4ยท0:40:20' qu ota ill Dire Dawa, have been implemented; and since 2006, the mayo rs of Lhe former have been O romo by eUlIIic, while Ule same post jn the laLter has beell ro tating between O ro mo <llld Somali. | en_US |
dc.identifier.uri | | |
dc.language.iso | en | en_US |
dc.publisher | Addis Ababa | en_US |
dc.title | The Federal Governance of Multiethnic Cities in Ethiopia: Urban Policy and Conflict in Addis Ababa & Dire Dawa | en_US |
dc.type | Thesis | en_US |