Cleaner Production Options for Solid Waste Management in the Leather Industry
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Addis Ababa University
The leather industry is characterized as an industry that uses moderately large types and
quantities of chemicals and water. The wastes generated in tannery processes include wastewater
effluent, solid waste, and hazardous waste. These wastes create pollution problems in the
Most leather industries in Ethiopia discharge wastes into the environment prior to any proper
treatment. An alternative approach to this is to eliminate or reduce the problem at the source
using Cleaner Production (CP) approach. In this paper, a study is performed at Addis Ababa
Tannery Sh.Co.(AAT) by implementing CP Methodologies. The solid waste inventory of the
factory has been carried out. The major problems have been identified. The possible CP
options for the existing problems are also suggested. Technical and economic aspects of the
best three CP options have been evaluated. Result of the study indicates that the
implementation of the suggested CP options gives significant benefit for the factory.
Process Engineering