Challenges of Tourism Helated Education al Trainings: Th.e Case of Six Selectcd Institutions

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Addis Ababa University


Elhiopia is endowed wilh givers al/ractions that enabled the countly to be one 0/ the top 10urisll1 destinations in A(i'ica. To utilize these/iilltourism potential ~/rorts has 10 be mude in developing deslinalions. atlracling lourisls, and providing high qualily services 10 lOurisl S. To this end, Ihe availability a/well educated, qualified and experienced hUll1an resource capital is o/paramount importance. In recognition o/the situation Ethiopian Federal Democralic Republic (EFDR) government is expanding tourism edllcalion and IraininR Of diffe rent levels, in dif(e rent parI of the country. Despite the e/fiJrts made and Ihe intended objeclive oj'quality per(ormance, the problems oIthe sector seem to endure. Thus, this study sought to examine the challenges exhibited on lourism education and training by investigating the educational institutions, service providers, slakeholders. and service receivers. Given Ihe descriptive nature oIthe stud)) bOlh quanlilalive and qualitative analysis are applied. Questionnaire. inlerview, fo cus group discussion, key inforlllant interviews, and observation were the main mechanisms oj'inquilY ulilized inlhe slud)l. The study analysis was carried out using primm)' data (lcljuir edfi-olll silllple I'CImlolll/ jl selecled educalional inslilutions, lourism service providers. louris/s, and stockholders. Statistical analysis oIassociation, chi-square test (,("lest), and binary logistic regression and description were used 10 illustrate and test .I'lali.l'/ical.l'igl1i(ical1ce o( variables that generale Ihe challenges or Ilick o/qualilY on lourism educalion as lI lIIain(ilclis and perj'ormance a/tourism service providers allogether. The result has .I'h01l1l1 educational administrCllive issues, capacity building approach. ski" I mining loom, ,!(Icili lies o('t he insl it liles, curriculum 0(' tourisl1l, ethicaland al/iludina/ profile a/all Ihe inslnlclors ', fortner graduales. one/lor Ihe inslilules have maior/y di.\p/ayed problems thai could couse poor perjiJrmance of the human resource developm enr/i'Ot11Ihe eciucalion.lyslcm 10 Ihe seclor. The implicalion o/Ihis 10 policy makers is Ihar II,c approach oj'lOurism educalion policy making should inlegrale wilh Ihe experienced tourism professionals and experts both.fiom the county and abroad. and the existing tourism education experience should be revised to incorporate approaches of highly advanced 101lrism lraining and educational inslitUlions again bOlh in Ihe country and abroad.



Tourism Related Educational Trainings
